Chapter 11

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With an aggravated huff I powered on forward and grabbed the floating blasted flag from where it was hovering through the path as if it were Raska on a mission to kill someone.

Raska had imbued the darn flags with her energy!

She knew that if anyone caught a whiff of her essence in the area or saw a glimpse of her doppelgangers, they would be trying everything in their power to stay as far away from her and her energy as possible.

Blast her to Tartarus and back!

With my flag now in hand I felt like I was finally well on my way to beating this insane maze! I was going to earn my spot! I was going to go to the final test!

That was, until I was swept right off of my feet.


Giving a shriek of indignation I stabbed at one of the terror Bat's feet that had curled around my shoulders. It gave one of its own angered shrieks and dug its nails deeper in through my clothing until it pierced my skin and scratched me. It gave a jerk that made me lose my grip on the blades. It slipped from my fingers and I watched it plummet to the earth far beneath in dismay.

Hissing I flailed around, trying to somehow loosen its grip on me, but when I looked down again I stopped flailing a little bit, and rethought my strategy for a second.

Right now I was being hauled over the maze several feet above the ground. If the Bat were to drop me now, I was sure that it would hurt once I hit the bottom. Sure, I had control over the elements, but that control was still being nurtured. I could cushion my fall, but it would still hurt. And if I didn't do it right, it could just kill me.

I gave a huff of surrender and could swear that the bat creature grunted in amusement at my expense. I just gripped my shimmering black flag tightly to my chest and waited to see where my next hell would be. There was no way that I was letting go of this flag now. Not after all the torture that Raska had just put me through!

"Raska!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. "I HATE YOUUUU!" I shouted with all my might while being hauled through the air.

I dimly wondered if the wind completely snatched away my words or if I might have spurred on some more terror down there. That was, until the bat started diving back towards the ground that was completely covered with mist. I couldn't see how far the ground was from where we were plummeting, panic spiked through me with the thought of imminent impact.

In a long drawn out pitch I cursed Raska in every language they taught me, and I was just in the middle of calling her a few choice names that I had picked up along the way, when the bat suddenly drew up short and let go of my shoulders so suddenly that I didn't have time to think about putting a cushion around myself.

I hit the ground with an 'Oemf' and groaned while I rolled onto my back. I lifted my right hand off my chest slightly and was glad to see that I had not accidentally let my starry flag fall to its demise.

"Not bad demon spawn." I heard a familiar gruff voice say from above my head.

The mist cleared around Noch and I glared daggers at him. He held his hands up in surrender. "What? I did nothing. And besides, congratulations, you passed." He said while walking over to my side and holding out a hand to me so he could pull me up.

I blinked up at him and took his hand.

"What do you mean by 'you passed'?" I asked him incredulously with my brows furrowed in confusion. I couldn't be hearing right. I didn't even make it to the end of the maze.

Witches (The Order)RevisedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora