"I missed you too bubba." Thinking about it, Brooklyn really did miss her little brother. They hadn't seen each other in about a month because he was caught up with school and doing his college applications and things such as that. They would still speak on the phone and text each other occasionally.

"Why the hell your stomach feel like that?!" Bryan stepped back and looked at her stomach. He placed his hand on it before quickly pulling it back. His mouth dropped and Brooklyn smirked while closing the front door.

"I am so sorry Bernice. This is my little brother Bryan, Bryan Bernice." Bryan bit down on his bottom lip before clearing his throat and doing a dumb walk towards the grown woman. She straight faced him with raised eyebrow.

"Baby I am over 10 years older than you with 3 kids. I am not popping no pussy for you baby. Nice try though my love." Brooklyn howled in laughter, gripping her stomach in the process. The babies decided they thought the situation was funny to so they started jumping around.

"Y'all are gonna have to calm down for mommy."

"MOMMY?!" Bryan screamed, snapping his neck at his sister. Brooklyn pulled her lips into her mouth and looked off to the side. Bernice sat there with a shocked look on her face. This little family had to have been the most entertaining one that she has ever worked with. She just sat back and folded her arms, not at all in a rush.

"You pregnant and you ain't even tell me?!" He yelled again, wiping some tears that fell. Brooklyn poked out her bottom lip and blinked a couple times trying not to cry herself. Her hormonal ass was always crying or getting angry at something.

"Go upstairs with Ny, we'll talk later." Bryan ran upstairs and Brooklyn turned over to Bernice who was just sitting there.

"I am so sorry, not what were you saying?" Bernice grabbed a pen and paper from out of her purse. She put one leg on the chair and clasped her arms around it.

"So basically Nylah called me and told me that you and Chris are so close to getting back together. But your main issue is that you're scared to give yourself back to him because you think he's just going to hurt you." Brooklyn furrowed her eyebrows. She was about to protest but everything that was being said was surprisingly correct.

"Honestly, I think that is the main issue. I really want to give myself to him but I-I'm scared I'm just gonna be looking stupid in the end. He's done it so many times but I feel like a lot of that was my fault. He treated me like shit, walked all over me, and I allowed that because- I don't know why."

"I think I can take a lucky guess as to why. He was a man baby girl, a man with power. A man who had so much power that manipulation came easy and natural. When did you say you guys met?" Brooklyn sat in a little thought before snapping her fingers. Her pregnancy brain was on another level.

"We met when I was like 19 I'm pretty sure. But when we first started messing around, I wasn't the only female he was messing with and like a dumbass, I also accepted that. That's kind of why some of his fans don't like me."

"Then you all started dating on his time and from then it's been like throughout the whole relationship I'm assuming. A lot of that was moving on his time until you recently called it quits." Brooklyn hesitated before nodding. She never thought about her situation like that until now.

"He had so much power over me that I was blind to."

"How much of yourself did you give to him? Physically and mentally." Bernice crossed her legs together and leaned forward with her hands on her legs. Brooklyn sighed and ran a hand through her hair.

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