Chapter 8 - Battle Trial! - Part II

Start from the beginning

"What the... That wierd grenade thingy isn't just for show?" Questioned Kaito.

"Young Bakugo! Don't do it! You'll kill him!" Shouted All Might.

A mega blast engulfed the corridor in flames, making even the ground in the monitor room tremble.

"What the hell was that?" Objected Kaito.

"Wow! This is nuts!" Kirishima couldn't believe.

"Midoriya! Come in Midoriya!" All Might tried calling on the radio.

"Those gauntlets!" Kaito looked angrily at the monitors. "Work similarly to mine!"

"What are you saying?" Kaminari asked, scared.

"If they really work like mine, they allow him gather his sweat to create even more powerful blasts!"

"Is that how they work?" Kirishima looked worried. "Sir, isn't this getting out of hand? That Bakugo is acting real crazy, he's gonna kill him!"

"Not so..." All Might spoke up. "Bakugo! Use that stored power again and I'll stop this fight! Your team will lose!"

All Might prohibited the use of the gauntlets, saying it would be a poor strategy, even for a villain.
The fight resumed. Bakugo's moves got a few compliments, even from the top dog of the class. He quickly shifted the battle in his favor, Midoriya was getting BODIED LMAO.

"This is hard to watch! All he has to do ia wrap tape around him, not kill him!" Pointed out the pink skinned girl.

"Bakugo is certanly acting like a villain." Added a edgy birb looking guy.

"I thought Midoriya was pretty amazing at the start of the fight. But he's completely outmatched in terms of combat power." Observed Kaminari.

"He's running away!"

"Not very manly, but he doesn't have a choice."

Midoriya created some distance between his opponent, then sudenly stopped. Looked like he yelled something at Bakugo. They charged at each other, both reeling back their right arms to attack.

As they were about to clash Midoriya uppercuted the air sending a powerful gust of wind destroying floor by floor.
Uraraka was ready, and using her quirk on a pillar to make it weightless, she swung the pillar sending a barrage of debris made by Midoriya's uppercut in the direction of Iida, who could just defend himself. Uraraka then used this opening to jump over him, clinging onto the bomb.

"The hero team... WIIIIIINS!" All Might shouted in excitement.

The class looked at the monitors in shock, wordless.

"T-That... Power..." Kaito thought to himself. "You did it!"

"Your indoor training is over!" All Might spoke up.

"What a wierd way for this to end. The losers are pratically untouched, and the winners are both on the ground." Kaminari pointed out.

"Victory is victory. That's what matters." Added Kaito.

"How does the old saying goes? They may have lost the battle, but they won the war." Commented the birb.

"This class is intense." Commented the froggy.

After the battle was over, All Might quickly sent Midoriya to the infirmary. He then called the rest of the class to a new training ground since the last one was a mess.

"Well, despite the results, the MVP of this exercise is young Iida."
The class gasped in confusion.

"Shoundn't be one of the heroes instead, since they are the winners?" Questioned froggy gal.

"Hm, valid question, why didn't I choose one of those two? Who has a guess?"

"Sir, I can tell you why." Yaoyorozu raised her arm. "Iida embraced this challenge. He was the only one who truly adapted to his signed role." She continued. "I'll explain. Bakugo's judgement was clouded by a personal grudge against Midoriya, as you pointed out earlier, launching a large scale attack indoors was foolish, it could have been disastrous. Similarly, Midoriya's plan was also poorly thought out, considering the amounts of damage he recieved. As for Uraraka, she let her guard down mid battle, and her attack was far too reckless, if the weapon were real she never would have risked such an imprecise move. Iida was truly prepared for his opponents arrival, he had strategy and never lost sight of his mission." She concluded her explanation. The class was speechless.

"Damn... That was rough..." Kaito whispered.

After that, All Might called the next teams, team B versus team I. Team B won in a matter of seconds, with a swift and well planned ice attack by Todoroki, quickly freezing the entire building. The class was shivering, even though they were in the monitoring room.

"He incapacitated them without compromizing the weapon or his teammate. Take a close look at his technique students." All Might pointed out.

"Woah! He's so strong!" Kirishima commented.

"Damn this cold... I'm freezing." Kaito groaned. "Oh wait..." He used his steam throughout the body. "Heh, much better.."

After a brief review of the second match, All Might called the next teams, team F versus team J.

"All right, Atsuhito. You ready?" Sato looked up at the building.

"Ready. Let's do this."


𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨! || A BNHA OC Story!Where stories live. Discover now