"Please!" She almost shouted. "I-if your majesty goes to the First Royal Consort first, his illness may be passed to more people, and even spread to the Royal Consort and your majesty's child. Surely, your majesty and the First Royal Consort wouldn't bear for that to happen."

Jungkook raised his hand, signalling his attendants to stop. Indeed, that would create further troubles.

Alright then, he will grant her wish. "We will head to Royal Consort Bae's palace first."

Seul bowed on her knees with a silent prayer to thank the Gods above. She then clambered to her feet and followed behind the palanquin.

As they entered Royal Consort Bae's chambers, they could hear her sobs of pain.

"What is going on?" Jungkook asked as he walked to Royal Consort Bae's bedside and held her hand.

"Greetings, your majesty," the imperial physicians, attendants, and Royal Consort Bae greeted, her voice sounding weak and strained amongst the rest.

"Ah!" Royal Consort Bae squeezed the King's hand as she placed her other hand on her stomach.

An imperial physician answered Jungkook's question, "the pulse indicates that the foetus is stable and the Royal Consort is in good health. I am afraid such light cramps are common and the Royal Consort will be experiencing more of them."

"But it hurts..." Royal Consort Bae complained, her eyes teary, successfully getting Jungkook to pat her hand in comfort.

This certain imperial physician who spoke was well-known for his medical skills, and as well-known as his inability to read the situation. Sometimes his colleagues wonder how he had survived for so long in the palace.

He advised nonchalantly, "You would have to get used to it as labour is much more painful."

Royal Consort Bae was trying not to throw her hairpin into his eye socket.

His colleague quickly spoke up, "some people do have it tougher than others. Royal Consort Bae, you may soak in a warm bath, try doing the relaxation exercises we will teach your attendants later, and drink enough water. We will take our leave as you would need ample rest."

"How about the exercises?" The other physician asked.

"Hahhaa, sunbaenim, we will come back later, later."

"Why not now?"


"No mine doesn'- ouch! You stepped on my foot!"

The two physicians finally exited Royal Consort Bae's palace.

"Physicians, hello." Jimin nodded at the pair. He then commented, "that is quite a dark footprint on your shoe, Physican Lee."

"Ahahaha yes yes, we should go and wash the stain away. Sunbaenim and I will be leaving now."

Jimin nodded, waiting for the King's attendant who was previously outside the palace doors and had entered to convey Jimin's request to the King.

He could hear the physicians' voices as they walked further away. Physician Lee asked, "oh. Did I do it again?"

"I'm glad you realised this time, Sunbaenim."

Jimin's attention was brought back by Jihoon, the King's young attendant who just returned.

"Attendant Jihoon, what did the King say?"

"He said it's alright and told me to go with you to take the Stone and he said to bring back a jar of wine in the pit. I have never seen it, what is it? Is it a super treasure? Wow you should have been there because Royal Consort Bae's eyes went so round and big and wide when the King said you can borrow it. Do you know what it is? Tell me tell me please!"

Jihoon was the most different out of the King's attendants. He is the youngest, has the most energy, and talks so much, it was slightly overwhelming at times. That was his charm though, and the other attendants serving the King, usually stoic, doted on him.

Jimin told him the story. "The Dragon Stone was first owned by the previous King, then gifted to the current King's mother, Royal Consort Lee.

It was a stone which is ice cold all year round and it maintains that temperature even under the sun. Her highness kept it in a pit in her palace which is now occupied by the First Royal Consort.

Within the pit, she kept a jar of wine she had made herself, which I heard must be kept cold at all times. Once the pit is opened, the wine must be consumed within a year. It is not known what the wine was for, but the King had never taken it out."

"Wow. Didn't her highness have a close relationship with the King before her death? The other attendants always tell me that I can break anything, like really anything, REALLY, except for those given by her highness to the King. And the King is willing to spoil the wine for the First Royal Consort?"

Jimin only shrugged. He didn't expect to get the stone so easily too. He didn't think too much about it and was grateful that the fever could finally be lowered.

They reached the First Royal Consort's palace and located the swing the King had mentioned. Beside it was the pit covered by soil. The two got to work and unsealed the pit, reaching into it and extracted the stone and the wine jar.

"It's beautiful." They both admired the stone. It was black with specks of silver, looking like the night sky enveloping a thousand stars. Jimin wrapped it with a handkerchief.

"I will get going too and bring this wine back to his majesty's quarters," Jihoon said.

Jimin sent him to the door, asking Jihoon to take care, before returning to wash the stone and put it into a bowl of water. The water quickly turned cold and Jimin placed a clean cloth in it.

"It's alright, I will take care of his highness and all of you can rest," Jimin said to the other attendants in Taehyung's chambers who then left quietly, taking care not to wake the sleeping Taehyung. They wished he would get better soon.

Jimin was about to wring the cloth and place it on Taehyung's forehead as he heard the doors opening again, Jungkook stepping inside alone.

- a/n -

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