Chapter 5

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"We meet again, your highness." Reverend Dekh said.

In Taehyung's study, there is only the Reverend and Taehyung. They were seated on their knees across each other, on a thick cushion, on the floor.

The King respected the Reverend's wish to speak to Taehyung alone. Jimin and Chaeyoung stood guard outside.

"Is Jimin serving you well?" The reverend asked.

"Yes he is. The temple had taught him well," Taehyung respectfully replied.

Jimin's teacher is Reverend Bhaagy, junior of Reverend Dekh. Jimin met Taehyung when they were both five years old, in the temple grounds.

While visiting with his family, young and mischievous Taehyung had ran away from his attendants to an obscure part of the temple where he saw a pair of frantic arms waving about above the swamp.

Jimin had fallen into the lily swamp and was stuck in the mud. Jimin was smaller than most boys his age and the waters covered his stature by an inch. He was close to drowning.

Taehyung had jumped in, but he too could not swim or have the strength to drag Jimin out of the mud. Luckily, he could pull Jimin upwards by inches and that was enough for the young boy to tilt his head back to breathe as Taehyung wailed loudly for help.

Taehyung dared not let go of Jimin's head despite his arms getting more sore by the minute.

Young Jimin had cried out of fear upon feeling Taehyung's arms tremble, "p-please don't -hic- l-let go."

"Hush c-child, I won't-t." Taehyung's teeth chattered from the cold.

Jimin asked, "how o-old are you?"

Taehyung replied, "five."

"You -hic- are also -hic- a child."

By sheer willpower, Taehyung persisted for two hours and help finally came. 

The life and death experience bonded the two. Jimin continued to receive training and serve as a disciple at the temple until he turned twelve, when he left for Taehyung's house and swore his loyalty to the boy. His teacher had said, it was his destiny to meet and serve Taehyung, his only master in this life.

Reverend Dekh rarely left the temple, and he had done so to convey a message to Taehyung.

He said, "I came to warn you, your highness, in gratitude for saving the life of a disciple of our temple.

The Gods had spoken to us last night. A net of death is over your head. Yet within it, you will find the key to survival. Be true to yourself and do not give up on hope; you are more than a trapped bird in a cage.

Your destiny is entwined with all you care for. It will be difficult, but after you pass this tribulation, all that you wish for will follow."

Taehyung bowed his head to the floor in gratitude and respect. He said, "reverend, I was but a child who only knew to hold my friend when he needed my help. I am undeserving of such kindness. Thank you, I will hold your words dear to my heart."

The reverend bowed his head in return, "raise your head, your highness. It is all the will of the Gods."

Taehyung personally sent the Reverend to the door.

Unexpectedly, the King was waiting for Reverend Dekh. Taehyung ordered all attendants to leave and he himself retreated to his chambers to give the King his privacy.

The King only had one question to ask. "Reverend, will I attain what my heart wishes?"

Reverend Dekh answered truthfully, "you will, my King."

The King smiled, as he ordered guards to send the Reverend out of the palace.

The Reverend had a glint in his eyes as he left the palace grounds. My King, you are one of the few who will be granted the chance to see the truth. By then, will your heart desire the same things?

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