''Okay...yeah sure see you,'' I reply and wave at him when he stops on the threshold. ''Ohh by the way you have that date tonight don't you?''

''Yeah I do, why ask?''

''Ohh nothing. Just confirming, that's it. Bye,'' he says and walks towards the elevator.

I continue with my work and soon Nancy delivers the documents to me. It's now 04:00pm and I leave the office building to go home. First thing on my list is a power nap and then I can start getting ready.

Freshly showered, I'm now standing in front of my wardrobe looking for something to wear. My eyes land on a spaghetti strap, low cut bottle green dress. ''Huh, this will do, now what shall I pair it with?'' I tap a finger on my chin.

I put on the dress and walk to my jewelry cabinet, ''hmmmm...'' I go through it when my eyes land on a pair of gorgeous diamond earrings. ''Weird, I don't remember getting these.''

I remove the tear drop earrings from their casing for a closer look, ''and yet they feel so familiar.''

I try to rack my brain for any memory when a pain shoots through my skull. ''ohhh no no no no...not again. Come on man, I've been good, arghh...shit,'' I clutch my head in pain.

''Go away.... go away...,'' I murmur to myself as I rock back and forth. I feel my wolf threatening to come out, ''please...please...go back, go...GO!!'' I scream at the top of my voice.

''Athena!!!! Athena! Are you okay? where are you? Athena?!'' I hear a voice as someone barges into my apartment.

''Argghh...it hurts...goddess it hurts! Please go away,'' I'm now crouched down on the floor leaning against the wall. I feel a pair of arms grab me by the shoulders, '' Athena, cookie...look at me, look at me. Are you okay? hey, hey.'' My sense pick up a muffled voice.

I try to look up but my head feels heavy and it rolls back. He grabs it before I could hit the wall and lifts me up, placing me on the bed. ''Athena, you need to answer me please.''

I take in deep breathes and make an attempt to open my eyes but the light hits me hard,'' ugh so bright,'' I grumble as I feel the pain receding.

''Hey, you can open your eyes now. The light won't hurt you,'' I now recognize the voice as Charles'.

I attempt to open my eyes again and sure enough the light doesn't reach me since Charles has successfully blocked it by hovering over me. ''Hii,'' I manage to croak out.

''Hey you, care to tell me what happened here?'' he says. I lift myself up and rest against the headboard. ''Trust me, you don't want to know.''

''But I do Athena. I heard you scream bloody murder. You were in agony. So what the heck happened?''

''it's nothing serious Charles, just a migraine. Everyone gets those,'' I reply trying to get him to back off. But damn is he stubborn.

''Everybody else may get them, but we don't. Not our kind. So you tell me what is going on or so help me God!''

''Look, as much as I'd love to sit and chat, I need to get ready. Leo will be here soon. So I'd rather you.....you know...like leave, but thank you really, '' I tell him.

''You can't ignore this forever Athena. I'm on to you like a leech,'' he says and walks out the room.

I contemplate on whether to follow him or not. ''ughh damn you Charles,'' I grumble and go after him.

''Wait!!'' I shout and he stops mid-way. ''Look, I'm sorry for being rude and um.... thank you for coming over and helping me, although you do owe me a new lock,'' he chuckles at this but quickly replaces his smile with a frown.

The Re- ClaimOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora