''Ohh, so you're into real estate,'' I conclude.

''What?? No...seriously. Actually my boss wants to buy that building. He is thinking of opening an office here in Toronto. I have sent him a few pictures of other buildings too. But I'm 100% sure he will go for this one.''

''Ohhh I see. But like seriously the whole building? Isn't it a bit too much. What about other companies that already have their offices there?''

''Ohhh no no no...we are not going to be throwing people out. Besides, he is only interested in the 17th floor and upwards.''

''So, he could have rented out the floors he wanted right? What is he a billionaire?'' I ask.

''Ohh yes he is,'' Charles replies with a smirk. His phone pings, indicating an incoming message. He reads it as a smile lights up his face. ''I knew it! I knew he would go for this one.''

I raise my eyebrows at him in a questioning manner. ''Wow, you really know him don't you. What's so special about that building?''

''Well there is something that he really loves and that building is the closest he can get to it. So of course he went for that one in particular,'' Charles replies and I notice his eyes sparking with mischief.

''Ooookkkaayyy. So billionaire dude loves something so much that he decides to buy a building so he can be closer to it right? Because that's a very normal thing to do, of course,''

''Way to be sarcastic Athena,'' he rolls his eyes at me and I chuckle. ''Though you still haven't told me why you're here, in my office.''

''Ohh I just thought of passing by you know, '' he stands up and walks to the wide window facing the 25 storey building, a victorious smile forming on his face, ''check out where my new neighbor works, drop in to say hi and of course give you these,'' he fishes out a box from a bag I hadn't even noticed he was carrying.

''Uhh what is that?''

''I got them from the bakery nearby, I know you'll like them, they're freshly baked,'' he says and hands me the box of cookies.

''You seem to know a lot of things don't you Charles?''

''You have no idea of the things I know Athena. Now come on open that box, I brought them so we could share. Not all of them are for you duh!''

''Seriously Charles, like seriously?''

''Yes, seriously. Now come on, open it up. Let's eat.''

I shake my head in mirth at his antics and give him a cookie. I take one too and put the box down.

''I hope it's good,'' I say and take a bite out of it. Charles looks at me intently, like he was expecting for me to react in some sort of way. I swallow my bite and see his face drop in disappointment.

''what happened, is everything okay?'' I ask him. ''Yeah, everything's cool, totally cool. Did you like the cookie?''

''Honestly, it's not all that. it's okay, nothing great,'' I reply and he nods.

''You must think I'm weird comparing cookies, I mean they are just cookies. But It's like I have this...how do I put it.... this umm expectation. It's like whenever I eat a cookie I expect it to have this certain taste, certain texture but I'm always disappointed. Not that I'm offending you, the cookies are good really. Thank you,'' I tell him.

A huge smile breaks out on his face, ''I'm not offended at all Athena, not at all.''

''Okay then I'm just going to assume you like smiling a lot,'' I reply skeptically when he suddenly gets up. ''I need to make a call, so I'm gonna take your leave, I'll see you soon okay?'' and he starts to walk out.

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