Hoseok shook his head in amusement at the odd scene.

"The King - sniffles - is waiting in the dining room." Jimin informed as he took off Taehyung's outer robes.

Taehyung cards his fingers through Jimin's hair soothingly. "Okay, okay. We will let him wait until you feel better alright?"

Jimin nodded as he smoothed out the wrinkles on the last layer of clothing on Taehyung.

"I-I'm okay now," Jimin said.

Then Hoseok and Taehyung watched as Jimin scrunched up his face in concentration and effort. Jimin's eyes closed tightly into a line and his cheeks puffed out. He tried his hardest but he could not stop himself and then, "hic."



Jimin bit his teeth down hard onto his lips and tears started brimming in his eyes again. He is such a mess. How can he face the King like this? What would people say of Taehyung if he has a crybaby hiccupping head attendant?


"It's okay Chim," Taehyung is quick to soothe the boy as he gives him a kiss on his crown. "I can do this alone. The King would not do anything to me. You will rest here, okay?"

"Hic." Jimin has no choice but to nod. Taehyung detaches himself from Jimin and he pulled Hoseok to the spot he was occupying earlier.

Taehyung informed Hoseok, "Jimin likes to cuddle when he is crying."


Hoseok resigns himself to his fate and lets Jimin cling to him and wipe his snot on his clothes. Eewww, the wet and icky feeling quickly diminishes Hoseok's guilt for making Jimin cry. How long is this going to last?

Taehyung closed the doors and he headed to the King.

Jungkook was staring at a cup of cold tea in his hands when Taehyung arrived alone.

"Greetings, your majesty."

Jungkook's head shoots up and Taehyung saw Jungkook's eyes shifting slightly. Is that... embarrassment? Why?

Jungkook cleared his throat and he said, "come and sit beside me, my love."

Taehyung complied and Jungkook found he was unprepared for this moment. It was a rash decision to come here, really, and he tried to come up with something to say.

"How is the preparation for the celebration coming along?"

"It is coming along well, my King." Taehyung replied as he eyed the porcelain cup Jungkook is playing with. The cup is too full and it is too near to Taehyung.

"Many royals and nobles will be attending but I believe you will do an excellent job arranging it as usual," Jungkook continued as his hand inched towards Taehyung.

"Thank you, your majesty." Taehyung is not sure why Jungkook would come to his chambers when the sun has not risen to check on the progress of the upcoming celebration. Jungkook rarely does so for previous events as Taehyung never fails to impress.

Taehyung subtly tried to shift his arm away but before he could do so, the cup slipped from Jungkook's fingers and the tea splashed onto his sleeve.

Taehyung froze.

Jungkook froze. He succeeded!

Jungkook stood up quickly and reached over. He asked while pulling up Taehyung's sleeve, "are you burnt, my love?"

Taehyung blinked slowly as he watches the King. That was on purpose, wasn't it? How could he be burnt when the tea was already cold?

Jungkook finally found what he was searching for and he looked at the moles on Taehyung's arm. The exact same number of moles at the exact same spots. He swallowed, throat suddenly dry, and the vision of Taehyung moaning his name flashed through his mind, as clear as day.

"The Lee kingdom sent us their most expensive silks yesterday. I will send some over after Court." Jungkook said hurriedly as he pulled Taehyung's sleeve back down.

"I'm going to Court now," Jungkook said as he made his escape, leaving Taehyung to stare at his fleeing back.

"Really? Attending Court two hours early? This little piece of shit!" Taehyung cursed as he made his way to his bedroom to change out of his drenched clothes.

- a/n -

Hi friends, I... don't feel proud of this chapter :/ the storyline is progressing (slowly) but idk, I'm losing momentum? interest? Passion? Usually the characters lead my writing and the story just flows but I feel everything is still fuzzy in my mind (and we are a third along the story already) and I'm not sure what I can do to show more of the characters and their motives.

Updates may be slower as I think things through.

Thank you for reading this chapter and you have a good day ❤️

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