"Before we get to that, I'm sure you know that Brooklyn is in a new relationship." Brooklyn smirked after hearing those words. She was hoping to see hurt fall all over his face, but she was disappointed when she wasn't met with that.

"I'm aware." He spoke and Brooklyn raised an eyebrow at his behavior. He acted out and embarrassed both of them to the world, but he's acting like nothing happened today.

"I've seen that you and Brooklyn had a heated back and forth over social media a couple days ago. Can you explain why they happened?" Chris sighed and Brooklyn mimicked his actions.

"I was hurt, I'm not gon lie. I never expected her to go find a new man honestly." Brooklyn couldn't help herself, she had to laugh at that statement. Both Valarie and Chris looked over at her confused, but she kept laughing.

"That's so crazy to me. I don't know why you would expect for me not to go out and find someone else. Someone who would show me that they actually give a fuck because quite frankly, you didn't." Valarie was going to intervene, but she wanted to hear this discussion. Hearing the way they talk to each other would be a great start on how to help them.

"Cut the bullshit Brooklyn, I've been nothing but good to you. Yeah we've had our moments but other than that, I treated your ass like a fucking queen. So don't sit up here and act like I was the worst nigga in the world."

"You're fucking sick! You tore me down and broke me not only physically, but also mentally. You abused me physically, verbally, and mentally. You couldn't even fucking commit to me. You treated me like I was a damn trash bag and not your fucking GIRL!" Chris knew that Brooklyn had valid points, but he wasn't going to back down to that argument. He had a point to make and he wasn't going to allow Brooklyn to talk like he was terrible.

"It's crazy how you can say all this now but you stayed with me. Was it to get yourself a bigger name or some shit Brook?" Brooklyn was shocked that he basically accused her of being a clout chaser or a greedy woman. She quickly stood up and walked over to him pointing a finger in his face.

"Don't you ever accuse me of some shit like that again! I've been nothing but good to your sorry ass! You're mad cause I left and found someone new that could actually treat me like I'm somebody. You didn't care Chris and you never did. You kept me around so that we could push this whole ride or die narrative when that wasn't at all the case. Behind closed doors...you know what we didn't show." Her eyes kept an intense hold on his. He wasn't going to back down from her, his jaw only clenched which added fuel to the fire.

Brooklyn raises her hand, ready to hit him. But he caught it and twisted it backwards which made her yelp. Valarie jumped up and rushed to move Brooklyn back. Everything happened so fast and she wasn't ready for any physical interactions.

"That's enough, both of you stay on your sides and keep your damn hands to yourself. Let's start with the night everything came crashing down for the worst. She told me that you put your hands on her. She told me this was the first time but it wasn't the last. Explain to me that incident." Chris took a deep breathe before starting. He never wanted to relive these events because they reminded him of his past. If the world found out about any of this, he would be that monster that everyone pinned him out to be once again.

3 years earlier
"Chris what the fuck is this?!" Brooklyn screamed as soon as he entered the house. He was high off of whatever drug and didn't want to hear his girlfriend yelling in his face.

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