"Aren't you going to heal him?" Elijah gestured towards the young boy.

"I usually don't," Rory confessed, handing the handkerchief back to Elijah. He took it with a distasteful look on his face. He clearly wasn't a fan of O positive. "But since you're here, I guess I'm going to have to. Who undaggered you?"

"Not Klaus," Elijah responded as Rory bit into her wrist, forcing her blood into the boy's mouth. She pulled him up into a standing position, brushing off the dust and blood on his shirt. "Are you coming to dinner tonight?"

"What dinner?" Rory asked. She turned to face the boy, leaning forward to compel him. "Forget everything that happened. You went to the bar, you got a drink and you left. Also, stop wearing those brown pants—you look like a fucking idiot."

The boy staggered off, taking his ugly pants with him. Elijah hid a small smile of amusement as he looked at the ground, shifting slightly. "Damon and I have scheduled a dinner with Stefan and Niklaus,"

"Ah, coincidentally the two people I would rather not see," Rory tossed her hair over her shoulder, starting to walk out of the alley.

Elijah raised his brow in interest. "Really? What a shame—you're still coming though, aren't you?"

"Why would I?" Rory snorted. "I don't have anything to do with Stefan's Machiavellian plan and honestly, I don't want to get involved. It's like a huge battle of testosterone whenever Klaus and Stefan are in the same room. I would like to keep my gorgeous, elegant self out of that equation."

"Humble as always, I see," Elijah responded conversationally as he placed his hands on his lower back. "What happened whilst I was gone?"

"You mean while you were temporarily dead after your brother shoved a mystical steak knife into your chest after promising to reunite you with your family?" Rory raised an eyebrow. Elijah nodded. "Well, as you can see. I am a vampire. I am also a ripper. You don't look very shocked about that," Rory paused in her tracks. "Can we get some ice cream?"

"Okay," Elijah nodded as Rory bounded towards the ice cream shop in front of her.

"He's paying," Rory jabbed a thumb in Elijah's direction. The Original didn't bat an eyelash, preparing to pull out his wallet. Rory pointed at a flavour. "Chocolate fudge, please. I want rainbow sprinkles."

"Coming right up," the girl behind the counter smiled, scooping Rory's order into a cup.

Elijah handed her the correct amount of payment as Rory took her ice cream, shovelling a few spoonfuls into her mouth. "Anyway," Rory continued. "Yeah, I'm a ripper. Klaus, Stefan and I went on a nation-wide trip, looking for werewolves to turn into hybrids. Found out that killing Elena was your mom's way of fucking with Klaus—he needed a human Petrova doppelganger's blood to complete the transition. Um... obviously, you know that Stefan stole your family. Your dad is dead. Oh, Stefan tried to kill me just a week ago."

"Excuse me?" Elijah's eyebrows furrowed into a frown as he registered her words.

"Which part do you want me to repeat?"

"That last one. What did Stefan Salvatore do?"

"Oh. Well, Elena got me on animal blood a few weeks ago because she thought I needed control. Turns out it severely weakened vampire powers—"

"—Everybody knows that, Rory," Elijah interjected.

"Okay, smart ass. Obviously, I didn't," Rory gave him a baleful look. "Anyways, Stefan got all pissy that Klaus got him to turn his humanity off and grabbed me while I was celebrating Caroline's birthday. He stuck a syringe full of vervain into me and stabbed a branch through my stomach. He threatened to lock me in a safe and drop me in the Quarry... but then he decided he would just stake me if Klaus didn't tell his hybrids to get out of town."

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