"For the past week?" Stefan questioned, sounding bored. "Listen, I don't care what happens to her, but Elena and Damon have been whining in my ear all week. Rebekah's home and she told us that Rory was last seen with you. Put me out of my misery and tell me where you have her so my brother and girlfriend can stop their yapping."

Rory let out an irritated sigh, taking the phone out of Klaus' hand. The hybrid gave her an offended glance, which she ignored. "I'm fine, Stefan—tell Elena and Damon to stop worrying. I don't need a babysitter; what I need is a break."

"Glad to know you're still alive. Please tell your boyfriend that his father is dead,"

"He's not my boyfr..." Rory trailed off, eyebrows pulling together. Her gaze flickered to Klaus, who paled at the words that left Stefan's lips. "What did you say?"

"Pass me the phone," Klaus demanded. Rory did as told, handing the cellular device to the blond. "Repeat what you just said, Stefan."

"Oh, my mistake—not your actual father, and not dead. Mikael. Daggered. What do you want me to do with the body?"

"Well, first, I want you to explain to me exactly what happened," Klaus stated.

"We vervained him, and in the process, we found out that he had a dagger. He planned on using it on Rebekah, but we drove it through his heart,"

"I want to see him," Klaus said. "I want to see his rotting body for myself."

"Well, he's here. Come by anytime. By all means, bring Rory,"

"If you're lying to me, Stefan, your compulsion will expose you. So, answer with your life: is what you are saying the truth?"

"It's true. I saw it with my own eyes,"

"I want to talk to Rebekah,"

"That's not a problem. She's right here," there was a shift on the other line, Stefan presumably passing the phone to the younger Original. Rory couldn't help but feel concern for the older male standing in front of her—it was the most surprised and shocked she'd ever seen him look. She was sure that he'd actually shat his pants.

"Hello, Nik."

"Rebekah, love. What's this I hear about Mikael's tragic run in with the dagger?"

"It's true—he's finally out of our lives for good. I miss you; I'm miserable here,"

Klaus' lips upturned into a soft smile. "I'll be home soon,"

"Good, I'll see you then, brother,"

Rebekah promptly ended the call. Klaus did the same, sliding his phone into his pocket. There was a moment of quiet, Rory tilting her head in concern. "Are you okay?" the brunette inquired curiously. Klaus parted his lips as if he wanted to say something, but simply stayed quiet. He ended up looking at his shoes instead. "I... don't know much about your dad, but from what Rebekah's told me, he wasn't the nicest guy. I know what it's like to lose a parent, but judging by how he treated you all, I don't think sadness is what you feel."

"You're right. I don't," Klaus let out a sigh. "See, the thing is... I want to feel relief. But I don't exactly believe Stefan's little story. Mikael is ruthless—he's chased me and my siblings down for centuries. He was the monster that other monsters feared. As brave and reckless as your little friends are, there is simply no way that they could have daggered him without losing a heart."

"What are you saying?" Rory frowned.

Klaus turned his head towards her, a smirk on his lips. "Tyler Lockwood tells me there's a Homecoming tonight,"

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