Book III-Chapter 94, Signs and Wonders, Red Carpet Walk-Los Angeles Part 1

Start from the beginning

Prince woke up just as the sun peeked through the snow filled clouds. A new blanket of white had fallen through the night and the silence that surrounded them as he awakened was incredible. As he lay there, with Bella's head still on his shoulder and his hand still holding hers, it seemed like a second quilt was covering them, this one made of silence and it was a lovely thing to experience. At that moment he felt extremely close to his God. The Universe was whispering to him but only he could hear it. It was saying 'you are my tool to help in the re-creation of the world. You will see many strange things to come...some terrible, some wonderful, but I will be the author of them all and they will be used for My purpose. Therefore no matter what you see, trust Me and My Plans as they are for the benefit of all. Prince heard these things in his mind, but the thoughts were masked. It would be up to him to tell Bella. She stirred and yawned as she awoke. "Good morning Bella". "Good morning Prince. How long have you been awake", Bella asked? "For awhile now", he responded. "It is so quiet, unusually so, even for a Sunday" Bella said almost in a whisper. "That is because, God and the Universe have been speaking", he said. Bella sat up. "Tell me baby". Prince told her what the Universe had whispered. When he told her about seeing 'strange things both terrible and wonderful', she asked him what he thought that meant. He told her that he had no idea, but his body had experienced goosebumps when the Universe had said the word terrible. Prince had sat up and his back was against the headboard of the king size bed. Bella took his hand and prayed, "Father please protect us and those we love, and all those who would do your will. Help us to do what you desire us to do in the coming days and years and to operate without fear but with the knowledge that you are in control. In the name above all names we pray, Jesus, Amen".

Prince got up and opened up the drapes and what he saw was amazing. It was a Snow bow or a Winter Rainbow. He had lived in cold country almost all of his life and had never seen one, but on this morning, there it was. "Bella come look at this". Bella came out of the bathroom and stood at his side as she pulled on her robe. What she saw as they looked out over the land behind her parent's house was both beautiful and mind blowing.

"It is a sign of hope", she said

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"It is a sign of hope", she said. She remembered all those years ago, on the morning after Prince's death, the rainbow that had appeared over Paisley Park. That had been a sign too. This one was even more rare but clearly meant to inspire and comfort them. Prince said, "call Carlos and Elaine and ask them if they want to go to church with us. Whether they do or not, we are going. We have much to pray about and to give thanks for". It was decided that they would go to 12:00 Mass. It was now 8:00 AM. Bella made the call to Elaine and Carlos and Elaine said they would be going with them. Bella shared that with Prince and the two of them went and showered and then went downstairs to make some breakfast. They would eat early as they could not eat for at least one hour before Mass if Bella was going to take communion.

Royal's POV

When they arrived in the kitchen, Kendra and Savannah and Prince's Grams and Granny were already in the kitchen making breakfast. Prince asked if they had looked outside yet. Kendra said they had and then said "Isn't it beautiful"? "It is a sign of things to come" Granny said quietly. As she did, Elaine and Carlos were entering the kitchen. Elaine made the sign of the cross as did Bella. Although none of them knew what it meant, these were some highly intuitive women of Spirit and they knew that the Creator was preparing for something that would involve great power. They prayed to be ready for whatever it was. Bella and Elaine poured and dressed coffee for their men and themselves. Their mother's and the two grands had already had some. They shooed the four out of the kitchen saying they would call them when breakfast was ready. The four went into the family room and Prince opened the drapes. Carlos and Elaine had seen the Snow Bow from the kitchen windows but here in the family room they were able to study it in greater detail. It was really something. The colors were extremely intense and it was truly beautiful. Neither of them had ever seen one before either. Royal and David wandered into the family room with hot mugs of coffee in hand. They saw the Snow Bow for the second time this morning. The first had been through the open drapes in the kitchen. The four performers reiterated how they had never seen one before. Royal and David said that they had. One had appeared in the sky many years before when they were both boys. It had happened after Royal's father had died. His mother had been weeping at the loss of her husband two nights before. She did not know how she was going to provide for her 4 children alone. She had let Royal go with David to Andy's house for an overnight as she had to go to the funeral home the next morning and she did not want the children there. They knew their father had died and that was upsetting enough. Picking out a casket was something she was not looking forward to and thought it would be traumatic for her children. The other three went to her sister's for the night. When she was just about to leave for the funeral home, the phone had rung. It was Royal Jr. He asked her to open the drapes and look outside. She did and then for the first time in her life saw a Snow Bow. Royal said it was his dad telling them that things were going to be alright. If it was him, he had been right. There had been some tough moments in the years ahead but she had managed to take care of all of them. Neither she or her son Royal had seen a Snow Bow again in their lifetime...until today. Neither had David or Andy it was revealed as they talked. Savannah called for Prince to come to the kitchen, he did and was asked to let the rest of the household know that breakfast was ready. Security came into the kitchen and they all sat down to eat the tasty breakfast. After they ate Elaine and Bella were doing cleanup when Elaine's phone rang. It was her dad, Andy. Both her parents and Carlos' parents would meet them at church for Mass. Elaine asked if they had seen the Snow Bow her dad said yes. He said he wanted to share something with her about it later. She said okay but thought that she already knew a little bit about what it might be. The household then went to their rooms to dress for Mass.

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