Book III-Chapter 93, Rituals...Food Tasting and Red Carpet Walks Part 2

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"Breakfast was great Mama" he said. "What do you have up for the rest of today", he then asked? "Nothing really. I need to do some laundry and then press my dress for the event". " I thought we would have our outfits professionally pressed Bella. There is a lot of material in that dress". "Thank you Prince. That would be great". "Call Elaine and let's get hers and Carlos' and our mother's and grandmothers' and of course the men done too. I will have one of the costumers pick them up and have them back by Wednesday. I will arrange a pick up both at Andy's as well as here". Bella giggled and then hugged Prince for all she was worth. "Thank you baby", she said and then dialed Elaine to tell here what was being arranged. Elaine was thrilled and called her mom and dad to tell them also. They would fill Carlos' parents in. Prince took the time to go tell his grandparents and granny and Bella told her parents. All expressed their thanks. When Bella returned she was surprised to see Prince had gotten back in the bed. He lifted the covers and said "come join me Mama". Bella noticed the huge bulge halfway down his body from his shoulders and smiled. She said "I will be right back and took the laundry she had bundled up and threw it in the washer". Returning she climbed into bed with her wonderful Prince and they made love off and on until dinner. Ross made dinner for the household. He had selected some fresh mustard greens, and rice with the main dish being Meat Loaf with brown gravy made with ground turkey and beef . He added some corn muffins and a tossed salad. He would serve white Grape Juice and or Hot Orange tea with the meal. He called over the intercom to say dinner would be served at 6:00 PM. Hearing the intercom, Prince sleepily looked at the clock and then at his was only 4:00 PM. They had plenty of time. " Mama", he whispered in her ear..."can I get some more of your sweet nookie"? Bella smiled and rolled over and began to kiss him deeply. That is all it took. His dick was swollen and hard in less than a minute...but he took his time and made love to his beautiful woman until 5:00 PM. After a quick shower, they slipped into some soft winter weight leggings and skinny pants and colorful tunic tops and had dinner with their family members. Bella didn't know it, but Kendra had invited Prince and Carlos' parents to come too. They had a wonderful evening with David, Royal and Andy taking cleanup duty. Afterwards, they played some board games and listened to Prince's album. Nita shared the news from Cancun. All hoped that the peace would spread to some of the small towns where drug crime threatened so many in the country. Alejandro then prayed asking the Savior to please save his countrymen, who were so very much in need of a miracle to remove the Drug Cartels from the country. Prince heard the prayer and said silently...'Father God please use me and our band in your service'. Only Bella heard his request of the Creator, but she added her Amen to his own. The gathering broke up at about 10:00 PM. There were hugs all around along with see you tomorrows. Bella put the laundry in the dryer and then went into her room with Prince. He turned on Cloud Stream to listen to the news as the 11:00 hour approached. As Bella returned to their room with the dried laundry to be folded they heard the first story from Mexico.

This is Diego Juarez reporting from Cancun, Mexico. Tonight what many are calling a miracle has continued. There has been no crime reported since midnight Saturday night by tourists or locals alike. Saturday night is always a very busy time for the Police especially around the edges of the resort community. It is at that time that locals and tourists who have wondered off of the beaten path are approached for their wallets and money. The Police maintain a very visible presence in the area to attempt to avoid that type of activity, but there are always some that they miss. On Saturday, however, as the night moved into the wee hours of Sunday morning there simply was none...nor have there been any today. No-one knows why, but, we are grateful for this time of peace. This is Diego Juarez reporting from WJAA Cancun.

"Thank you Lord", Prince and Bella said. They changed into their pajamas and got into their favorite spoon position and in moments were asleep. When Bella woke up the next morning, Prince was up and out of the room. Bella thought at first he was in the bathroom, but when she went in to make her morning water, he was not there. She looked at the clock and saw that it was 8:30 AM. Pulling on a robe she went down the steps to the living room level of the house. She smelled coffee and headed for the kitchen but then she heard the piano in the living room being played. She walked in to hear him playing a song she had never heard during this incarnation, although it sounded very familiar. It was beautiful and she was uplifted simply by hearing it. As he finished the song, he said "Thank you Heavenly Father for all you have done for me and for all of us on this earth". He had not heard her come in but he sensed her and turning toward the door where she had stopped as she entered the room, he said "good morning Bella". " Good morning Prince...please play that again it is so beautiful". "Of course" he said and he began to play.

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