Goku Black x VR! Reader

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Youngest sons p.o.v

Dad had been agitated, more aggressive and angry ever since mom had died. He didn't bother to go out anymore, he didn't even bother to really even get out of bed. He pretty much looked tired all the time, his skin turning pale as he sat inside for about two years. Me and my older brother made a deal with a virtual reality creator to make my mother live again. The months of waiting were dreadful but they finally finished it and we went to our dads room. "Hey dad, get dressed, we have a surprise for you!" I smiled, my older brother walked over to him and rolled him off of the bed. He slumped then finally got up and got dressed, going with us to our car. "Dad, you'll love it, trust me," My older brother spoke up. My dad just stayed quiet for the entire  trip there, we were really anxious for this.

After arriving, they put the gear on my father, we sat on the seats beside the green screen. They helped him to the floor, then made him wait in the darkness. After they turned on the virtual her, we could see her on a larger screen beside us. He was very unsure of it, his hand reaching out to touch her. "You still love me, right?" Was the first question she asked, he started nodding. "Every day," He started to sniffle. "How are our boys?" He just kept nodding, "they're doing great honey, just fine." His hand kept petting Over her hair, him Putting his hands on her cheeks as tears fall from under the mask. "I miss you so much y/n," Her lips turned to a smile as she put her hand out. "Hold my hand Black, I wanna show you something." His shaky hand grabbed hers as he walked across to the next stage. It was from fight before she died, she sat down on the ground in the grass. The wind blowing her hair, it was her last summer. "Come on, sit down with me," She giggled as she patted the ground. He sat on the ground beside her, him looking at her as she watched the clouds. "I miss the days we spent together," He spoke up, her character was quiet. "How are the boys gonna go on without me?" She asked, he started bawling. "I can't go on without you," He tried to embrace her, as if she was still there. She smiled at him, "look at the sky black, what do you see?" He looked up, seeing a rainbow behind the clouds. "Just remember, I'm always here with you, I'll be waiting for you." He broke out in sobs, "but you have to promise you'll stay here for the boys." He Shook his head, "I don't know if I can do that." She shuffled a little, "tell (youngest son name) if he brings one more bad girlfriend home, I'll whoop his butt." I chuckled while a tear slipped, I missed my mother. "Also, tell (oldest son name) to give me grandchildren." She laughed, my older brother laughed with her. "But make sure to tell them both that I'm proud of them, that I love them both." She picked up a wildflower, "when will you come see me?" She handed it to him, he took it shakily. "Like I promised, when my work here is done with the boys, I'll join you." He sounded as if he didn't want to say those words. "Can we be together when you see me again?" He tried again to embrace her virtual form, "definitely." Her character yawned, "I'm tired Black," He smiled, "lay down then, we can lay together." She laid her head on his lap, him stroking her side. "I love you so much black," He was choked back by tears, "I love you so much too." She slowly closed her eyes, "goodbye, I'll miss you." He shaked violently, " I'll see you soon, I will miss you so much too." We watched as her form slowly disappeared into a bunch of flower petals, he just sat there, sobbing. "I will never forget you."

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