Goku Black x Innocent! Saiyan! Reader- Part 2

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Black's p.o.v

I laid on my bed looking at the ceiling, Y/n had left to go to Vegeta's so I was here alone. I soon sat up, swung my legs off my bed and walked to the kitchen for some food. "I'm here alone" I spoke to myself "umm I'm here?" Zamasu replied walking into the kitchen. "Like I said, I'm alone" he just frowned and crossed his arms "so what am I then, a roach?!" He was pretty offended until my next comment that made him burst "Well, uh yeah, or I wouldn't be saying I'm alone." He stomped out of the kitchen and went back to his room while I laughed, it was fun messing with him. She was supposed to be home tonight so I'm cooking dinner for her, Vegeta got his way of being able to see her, even though I didn't want to. I walked back to my room after I made a sandwich and just sighed, it was boring without her.

Zamasu hadn't bothered me until she got home, then he was really pushing my buttons. "Black why don't you just marry her and be a daddy for her babies" Zamasu would always say with a horrible grin on his face, I hadn't told him that she was pregnant or that I was going to propose to her. I just shook my head and walked away, my heart broke at the sight of her upset face. I wanted to wait till bedtime to talk to her about it so Zamasu wouldn't be around.

It had reached 10 pm when Zamasu finally went to bed, I went to my room with her following behind. "Do you love me black?" She asked while looking down at her hands as she played with them. "Of course sweetheart, why wouldn't I?" She just looked up at me and started to cry. "Because you seem like you started to not want a family no more or anything.." she trailed off her words, I felt heart broken because I didn't think it affected her this much. "I do, I was just not wanting to put up with Zamasu" I told her with a chuckle and she stopped crying. "Really?" I nodded and she jumped up on me, hugging me tightly. "Oh and, I want you to come out to dinner with me tomorrow, invite everyone, even Vegeta." She nodded and kissed me as we laid in bed. I blushed and knew my plan was in work now.

I was getting ready for the dinner, she had invited a couple people and they were Close friends. When we arrived, Vegeta was there along with Goku, Trunks (future), Zamasu, Frieza, Bulma and Gohan. She was mainly friends with the good guys but at least there's two more evil doers like me. We all walked in and got our table, all of the males wore suits and females wore dresses, my suit fit me just fine too.

After we got our table and ordered our food, we all started chatting about what we've been doing lately. "So, I heard Y/n's pregnant!" Bulma spoke and everyone gasped. She nodded and Vegeta scoffed, looking away. Trunks just frowned and looked away "this one better not be evil!" He spoke and Bulma hit him "that's enough young man!" I chuckled and looked at y/n. I put my hands on top of hers and as our food came out. She smiled and got excited, I took a deep breath and sat back. This is my only chance, I do it right or I blow it. As everyone received their food, I adjusted my tie and reached into my pocket to feel the box. I pulled it out a little bit so I made sure it was there and opened it to see the ring I got for her. I stood up from my seat and everyone watched as I started to shake. "Are you okay Black?" Frieza asked and I smiled with a blush. I got down on one knee and she screamed. I opened my eyes widely and looked at her. "Yes!" She tackled me and she started crying. I smiled and put the ring on her finger and kissed her as our friends cheered. "About time black" Zamasu smirked as leaned over.

It's been 9 months since she's been pregnant and now we have a little baby. I cried when the baby was delivered, but Zamasu hit me and laughed. I had a baby (boy/girl), she's/he's got my nose, shes/he's got her/his mama's eyes, my brand new baby girl/boy, she's/he's a miracle. I smiled and gave the baby a kiss on the forehead as y/n walked in. She leaned against the door way "enjoying yourself?" I smiled at her "it wouldn't be possible without you, I love you." I spoke quietly and walked over to her, kissing her. "I love you too black" then I looked down at the baby "and I love you (baby name)."

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