Protective! Raditz x Reader lemon

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3rd p.o.v.

Y/n was a elite warrior who was adopted by the tyrant lord frieza. She may have been a Saiyan but he had a soft spot for her. Frieza never blew up the planet because she wanted to keep it and live on it and they wouldn't betray him. He made arrangements to marry her off to Prince Vegeta in return for not blowing up the entire planet. As she got ready she got a call from her father over the scouter. She picked it up, answering it confused. "What is it father? Is there something wrong?" She asked worriedly to the Lord as he chuckled. She had called him father since she was a baby after he adopted her. He loved it, raising her but he felt bad that he had to walk her down the Isle to a man who didn't seem good enough for her. He wanted her to marry a god, that's what he thought she deserved. "I'm assigning you to a new mission, it will be with raditz. It is on planet-419 or what we call planet kanassa. I know you like the local people there because you have fun. It is a buisness trip and you have to convince them to let me buy the planet." Frieza said as she signed and got back into her armor and washed her face. She ran to where the prince was waiting to take her as his and he was surprised to see her in armor instead of a dress. "I'm sorry Vegeta but I have to go. My father had a mission that is urgent for me so I must leave." Vegeta let a tear slip as he spoke. "But today was supposed to be our big day, the day we live happily ever after together forever.. and you would be my queen and wife." Y/n looked down in quilt, then looked up at him to see his upset gaze. "I'm sorry." Was all she told him before running off to the pod launchings. She got into her designated pod and took off to Kanassa. She had another call from the scouter and she pressed the button and answered. "Hello." Then a manly voice over came loudly. "Hey its raditz, anyway I'm on planet-419 right now so I'm just waiting for your arrival. I'm by where your ship is supposed to land, how far are you?" She responded shortly after "the ship says I'm 5 minutes from Landing so I'm almost there." With that she ended the call.

Y/n p.o.v

The landing was bumpy but I made it through. I got out and flew up out of the crater to meet raditz who stood and waited. I greeted him and we flew to the main city where we were supposed to have the meeting at. "So how was the ride?" Raditz asked looking ahead, he had a masculine voice that complimented his features. "Well it was quiet, but I was also upset during it." Raditz had confusion wipe across his face as he looked at me. "Why were you upset?" Concern filled his voice as I didn't look at him. "Well I had to leave my wedding with prince Vegeta to do this. Yeah I know, I might not like him that much but it was to keep our planet safe. I won't ever find the one for me because all of the elites are jerks and the low class think I'm just going to use them. Like it's so hard to find the right one when no one likes you, especially when your father is a universe ruling tyrant." Raditz chuckled and crossed his arms. "I know what that feels like, you know except the part about your father being a tyrant. Finding the one is difficult but I'm sure we'll all find it someday, like I like someone who would never like me. She is a elite so I wouldn't be able to get with her." Raditz face flushed red as he stared ahead. "Just give it time." Was all I told him and he just smiled. "I hope because she's a really great person." We soon got to the city and went to the building for the meeting. I was good friends with the people there so they agreed for my father to buy the planet so they could be at peace. The meeting lasted about 3 hours, it was boring. Raditz was help because I would start dosing off and he would slap my arm which would jolt me awake. During the dinner for the meeting was different though. He put his hand on my thigh acting like it was nothing and kept moving up until I tapped his hand so he stopped. As we left the building, we flew for the outside part of the city. As we exited the city we were shot at by one of the terrorist groups. Raditz went wide eyed as it took me by surprise and took me out of the sky. They all ganged up on me and started beating me and blasting ki at me. There was about 30 of them, I could hear raditz trying to fight them off. I crawled out to raditz as he reached out and grabbed me, pulling me into him. They all came together and shot a huge blast at us, raditz held me in his chest, using his back as a shield from the blast. I gripped his chest as he held me tightly. Once it cleared, raditz breathed heavily, groaning from the pain. "Why Raditz?" I asked shaken from the experience. " You know I'd put my life on the line for you, if it ever comes down to that. It came down to your life in danger so I'd rather it take my life to keep my princess safe.." He stopped after he finished hoping I didn't hear. I just waited for a moment then wrapped my arms around his neck bringing him down to eye level. He flushed red as he stared me in the eyes. I closed my eyes tightly and kissed him, he took a moment and started kissing back. The men that attacked us took off because they were the type that would attack once and flee. I pulled back as he leaned toward me and put his forehead on mine. "Thank you raditz." He just let out a small laugh as he picked me up bridal style and flew to our pods. I put the coordinates on my pod to fly back home, closed the lid and it took off. I was flying with raditz because I was hurt badly. He sat down in his pod and I climbed in, sitting in a bridal style fashion, cuddling into his chest. As we took off he decided to make conversation. "So we've known each other for.." He pondered for a moment until I finished to what he was saying "5 years raditz." He had his arms wrapped around me, being my protection barrier. I fell asleep in his chest as he softly played with my hair. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
When I woke up we were at the pod landings. Raditz had woke me up and he lifted me out, and getting out too. We walked to the healing clinic, and raditz set up my healing tank. "Okay so take off your clothes." Raditz said getting all the wires out. "W-what??!" He let out a little annoyed growl as he turned around to not face me. I hurried and took them off but covered up my areas that were easy for him to have. I walked up to him as he connected the wires then he had two left and tried to remove the cloth that covered my breasts. I held it tightly and he looked up at me annoyed. "These two go one the breasts so please remove the cloth. If I wanted to do something to you I would have done it by now." I let it fall down enough for him to put them on. Then he made me drop all of the cloth and get into the machine. He pressed a button which closed the machine and filled it with green liquid. I passed out to the air and liquid that surrounded me.
The next time I woke up raditz was standing in front of my tank without his top armor and holding my clothing for me. He looked a little upset, as it unfilled and I stepped out to grab them. I put them on and raditz finished dressing before he spoke. "The prince stopped by to see you earlier.." I just nodded, I didn't really care what the prince had to say at the moment. "He threatened to kill me because you were injured." Raditz finished, then I looked up at him. "Raditz I wanna go to your house." He looked shocked but then rubbed the back of his neck, his face red in embarrassment. "Well I live with my father and brother at home. My mother died after kakarot was born so I don't know If it would be such a great idea." I grabbed the top part of his armor down for him to meet me at eye level. "I want you NOW." He nodded and grabbed my hand taking me out of the clinic and we flew down to his house. He lead me inside to where a man and another one who looked almost exactly like him were sitting and watching tv. The broadcaster looked like someone I knew that's when it clicked, I taped raditz quickly so I could speak. He looked down waiting for me to say something. "That's my real father!" I whispered to him as he just kept trying to find the resemblence. "G-ginyu of the ginyu force?!" I nodded and he walked up the man that was smoking. "Hey dad I'm going to my room for a bit... please don't bug me for a while because I have some things that are gonna get taken cared of." His father just waved him off and he hurried to his room with me following. "Alright we gotta try and be quiet because my dad will try to join knowing him and how he tries to knock up everything he comes in contact with." I nodded and started Taking off my armor while raditz did the same. "Are you a... you know?" I looked at him in embarrassment and nodded. "Alright at least I won't be the only one. I've never done it before but I've seen videos and had heard it was good ways to try it." I just went along with it, laying on the bed as he got on top. "So how do we do this?" I asked him and he looked just as uncomfortable as I was. He leaned down and kissed me while he rubbed my sides, his member poking my thigh. I could feel him getting harder with every moment. He stuck his tongue in my mouth, taking over, not pulling away. His hands moved from my waist to my womanhood. He stuck one finger in, which made me gasp but he wouldn't stop kissing. He then did two, then three as he pulled away from the kiss. He thrusted slowly as I wrapped myself around him. I moaned then he went into my neck, kissing and biting it. He pulled his fingers out then aligning himself as he looked at me with concern. "Okay if we do this, there's no turning back." I nodded and he pushed himself all the way in slowly, I clawed his back in pain. He put his hand over my mouth, he used the hand that he kept on my waist and not the one he stuck in me. I soon felt comfortable enough for him to move and he acknowledged it and started to thrust slowly. He was soon thrusting fast, slapping himself into me. He then threw my legs over his shoulders and kept his hand over my mouth as we went deeper, still going at a fast pace. He grunted and groaned to the movement as his breath was uneven. He started to shake a little then soon stopped as I felt myself get filled after I came on him. He pulled out and laid beside me, pulling the blanket over us as I cuddled into his chest. "So how was it?" He asked rubbing my head and ran his fingers through my hair. "It was amazing." His chin rested on my head slowly falling asleep until the door opened. "Alright so can I get round 2?" Raditz father asked, he was only wearing a towel around his waist. "What dad no! She's my girlfriend not yours!" He screamed grabbing whatever was near him and throwing it at his father. I laughed as his father left and closed the door. I got up and got dressed then gave raditz his clothes so he could do the same. As we finished getting dressed we walked out and saw the boy who looked like his father watching tv still. "Hey kakarot tell dad I'm leaving, I'll be back in a while." He just nodded and we walked outside. "We can't tell anyone about this, and we won't be able to be together long." Raditz gave a heartbroken look. "Why not?" I sighed. "Because I'm supposed to be getting married and now since I'm back I have to." Raditz got down on his knees looking up at her. "Y/n I can love you like that, I will make you my world through heaven and hell if you will be mine. I will give you all that you need you're everything that's precious to me. Just please give me a chance, I can love you like that." Raditz kept begging, now he was crying. "Raditz I do love you, I do wanna marry you but I don't know what my father would say."

3rd p.o.v

After y/n left raditz went in his room and cried. "Why did she leave, she said she loved me." Raditz kept telling himself crying. Days turn to weeks and she hadn't been back. Raditz went searching for her, then he went and visited lord frieza to see if she was there. When lord frieza saw him his expression went to anger. "Why did you do that to my daughter you stupid monkey!" Frieza screamed at raditz who looked confused and scared. "What did I do?" Raditz was shaken then frieza spoke up. "You impregnated my daughter and you don't know. My daughter said you wanted Nothing to do with her, she ran away after she told me everything." Raditz felt betrayed. "But I didn't know about it, I swear. I wanted to be with her but she said it wouldn't work." Frieza calmed down seeing raditz was being honest. "Alright, but we need to find her, she can't be gone for too long." Frieza gathered his best team to search for her. A year had passed and there was no sign of her. Raditz had a mission on kanassa so he left and frieza kept a close eye on his mission. He landed on kanassa, then making his way for the city. He looked at the ground remembering his fly with her, making him smile. The meeting was boring but when the meeting was over he asked them one question. "Have you seen this woman?" He showed them a picture of her and they nodded. "Ah yes that's y/n! She's really nice and she has a child she carries around too. That little boy looks so much like you, he always helps us out around town." Raditz smiled and asked them where she was. They gave him the place which was placed in the middle of town. He flew to the house, he was soon greeted by a little boy. He had hair just like raditz but he had the hairline of his mother. He had his mom's eye color but everything else screamed 'I'm raditz child.' He stared at that child and smiled then the child looked up at him and smiled. The little boy was playing in the dirt, laughing and having fun. He walked up to the Door and knocked, waiting for a answer. When the woman answered the door raditz smiled widely. "Raditz?! How did you find me?" He pulled her into a hug and started crying. "I've missed you so much, you don't know how much everyone has been searching for you." She looked down then pushed past him and picked up the little boy who was covered in dirt. "Alright raditz, this is your child. I had named him (son name)  I hope you like that Name." He just pulled them into his chest hugging both happily. "I'm just happy you're alive, and I have a family." He then took her one free hand while she held the baby with the other. He got down on one knee and looked up at her. "I know you might say no but I'm willing to do what ever it takes to keep you. I love you so will you please be my wife." Raditz asked and she replied "I don't care what anyone has to say anymore. I will marry you raditz, I will take you as my husband." He smiled, standing up kissing her and ruffling his child's hair. They flew back after raditz got another pod sent to the planet for transportation. They flew back to planet Vegeta and when they arrived everyone stared as y/n got out with a baby. The baby giggled as his father took him and put him on his shoulder.
He pulled his gonna be wife close as they flew up to frieza ship. Raditz told the Lord he was taking the girl in marriage and he smiled when he saw his daughter again. He hugged her tightly then hugged his grandson. "You can marry her, If it makes you happy y/n." She nodded and he called around and got the wedding set up.
As y/n got ready frieza came in to see her. "Hey dad!" She said happily just finishing make up. "How do I look?" He stood for a moment trying not to cry. "You look great sweetheart." He walked up behind her and put a necklace on her. "I remembered the day I took you in, I'm so happy I did." The music started to play and frieza looked at her. "Well I think it's time." He linked his arm around hers and then proceeded to walk her down the Isle to raditz who stood happily. Frieza let go started to cry. She hugged him and then walked up to raditz who was smiling.
"You may now kiss the bride!" The priest announced ad raditz leaned down and kissed her. Frieza held his grandson who was giggling and playing with his own tail. Vegeta showed up at the wedding but didn't talk to raditz. Instead he was trying to flirt with the bride y/n, frieza and raditz took notice and ganged up on him, and both punched him. A elite had never met a low class warrior before, and after this everyone was free to marry. (Son name) grew up to his father Height but went off with his uncle to earth to destroy stuff. Raditz was able to marry the love of his life while y/n was able to find love in her life.

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