Gogeta x Human! Reader

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I looked over at the fusion, he was summoned by the dragon so he could live permanently. He just always looked so serious though, not really breaking his glare. "Staring at something?" I blinked, "are you stupid or something?" He crossed his arms, starting to tap his foot as he waited for a response. "I was just thinking, sorry." I went to walk away but he grabbed my shoulder. I turned around to look at him, his face went red. "Listen, how about you come over to my place tonight." His statement was confident, but at least he wasn't as cocky as Vegito. I nodded, then taking off to go do what I needed to for the day.

Once sunset hit, I left for his house. Upon arriving, he was sitting on his porch swing. "Gogeta!" I smiled, he looked at me. He moved over so I could sit beside him. When I say down, he stayed silent. "So, what did you need me to come over for?" He let out a sigh, turning his body towards me. The sunset had almost the perfect view from his porch. "I wanted to tell you how I feel." My heart dropped, my eyes widened as he was about to give his confession. "I have had these feelings for a long time now. I don't know if it's because my other counterparts also have these feelings or what." I leaned onto him, giving him a smile. "So, you love me?" He sputtered, so I just took it as a yes. "Awe! Gogeta!" I hugged him tightly, he hugged back. He then got up, putting his hand out. I took it, walking inside with the tall male.

He had made dinner, which I didn't know he knew how to cook. He gave me a plate with food on it and sat across from me at the table. "So, do you feel the same back?" I nodded, then eating my food. "I at least hope you like it." I nodded, "it's great!" He smiled, which was usually usual for him. He was just so tough, hard to believe he had his soft spots.

We finished eating, then we got into an argument over who would do dishes. He then proceeded to laugh, and stand behind me while I did them. Wrapping his arms around my waist and pushing his face into my shoulder blade. "I'm tired," His whines were almost quiet as I finished washing the dishes.

After I finished, we went to his room, he fell into his bed and took me with him. He rolled over on his side and stared at me with a smile. He brought his hand up, rubbing my cheek with his thumb. "I want to spend a long time with you." I giggled, laying my head on his chest. "Hey, Y/n?" I hummed, "would you lie with me everyday, just so we could forget this world?"I nodded, his hand was on top of mine on his chest. His other hand was on my hip, just softly rubbing it. He then whispered, "I don't think I've ever been this in love before."

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