Lover! Bardock x Reader

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3rd p.o.v

I don't know if you can love someone too much, but the while thing started because of how much Bardock loved his wife. Ever since the day they wed, they had never left each others side. "I love you y/n" He whispered scrunching his nose, smiling at his wife. "I love you too Bardock." She spoke giving him a kiss that he had returned. "I promise I'm gonna be by your side forever" He spoke holding her tightly, embraced in her warmth from her body. But sometimes these things go, y/n fell ill. He had stayed by her side every night, taking care of her, and warming her blankets so she'd never be cold. He would not go to work because of her sickness. He laid beside her sleeping, ill form, caressing her face and hair. "You'll be okay, I promise.. I'm not leaving." He spoke softly cuddling into her, letting out a few tears. And soon, much to soon, y/n died. Bardock laid beside her body, crying as he hugged her body one last time. "I love you forever, even after death."  He didn't let anyone touch her, he buried her coffin himself. He worked hours, not letting anyone bother him as he wanted to put her to rest, well he didn't want to but he had to. For years bardock was inconsolable, but he eventually remarried. But even though they spent the next decade of their life together, he never slept beside her. Every night he would walk out of the bedroom and didn't come back until the sun rise again.
Then one morning, bardock never came back, nor the morning after. His second wife weeped as the cops turned the house over to look for evidence on where he might have gone. She could only tell them the conversation they had before he disappeared. "Listen Gine, I don't know if I'll see you tomorrow, don't worry though. I'm gonna go to a better place, a place far better where she'll be with me again, I could touch her soft skin again. So please don't look for me because, I want to be with her, I just don't love you as much as I did her" with that he walked away, leaving her speachless and about in tears. A few days had passed and a foul odor started coming from a bookshelve in one of Bardock old reading rooms. He would always sit and talk to y/n, reading her stories and just spent time with her. When they opened they had learned even though y/n died years ago, he just couldn't let go of her. They found him dead, next to her body, he had built a secret room for her after she died. They had also learned that every night, he would slip out and lay next to her, sleeping next to her, not leaving her once. What the most disturbing part was when the policemen tried to remove him from the bed, he was in a tight embrace with her. Her shriveled fingers were locked tightly around him while his cold dead body locked onto hers. Many say you could still see the couple if you go through the house, they always spent their time in the library. Three words echoed the place at night, the sound of Bardock's voice whispering "I love you" as he took His last breath.

(I'm sorry this is short, I had no ideas!! When you guys request a chapter please put how you want the story to go because I take longer to post if I can't think of one)

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