"Wait," Elena interjected before Rory could stand up and head to her room. Rory whirled around, giving Elena an exasperated stare. She then said, "Could you check on Rose and Damon? Rose got bitten by a werewolf last night."

"Why can't you check on them?" asked Rory.

"Stefan and I are going out to look for answers—we found out that Elijah could compel other vampires," Elena responded as she stood up. "Please, Rory?"

"I won't have to stay more than like, five minutes, right?"

"I promise. Ten minutes, tops."

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚

It had been an hour and Rory was still at the Salvatore house. "Ten minutes" had turned into 15, then Damon had told her to babysit Rose because her bite was getting worst and Damon needed to get help. Rory wasn't really an expert at taking care of people—she didn't go to nursing school, she was a film student—but she had known enough from babysitting Jeremy and making him stay in bed whilst he had a fever.

"I hate this. I'm a vampire; I haven't had a cold in five centuries," Rose complained.

Rory sighed, forcing her to stay back against the mattress by her shoulders. "I haven't taken care of a sick, whiny baby in a while. Don't make me pull out the storybook and start reading Sleeping Beauty," Rory responded. "Don't tell my brother I told you, but it's his favourite. He said that it's because Princess Aurora and I share the same name."

Rose's lips upturned into a small smile, "That's cute. What's your brother's name?"

"Jeremy," Rory said, pressing her hand against her forehead. "You're burning up."

"That's because I'm going to die," Rose said.

"You're not going to die," Rory countered, rolling her eyes.

"Such a human thing to say," Rose ignored her attempt at comfort, turning her head. Rory leaned back on her arms, looking around Damon's room. "You've never been in Damon's room, have you?" Rose inquired as Rory stood up, picking up a book from the shelf. Gone With the Wind. "Not what you expected?"

"I was expecting more of some chains and whips," Rory placed the book back on the shelf, "Some Fifty Shades of Grey-esque stuff. Silk sheets," Rory jumped on the edge of the bed, spreading her arms and legs out. "If I was rich, I'd want silk sheets."

"Do you have someone?" Rose suddenly questioned. Rory lifted her head up, giving her a confused look. "I mean, your sister has two someones. She's lucky in that regard. But what about you? No one really talks about you."

"Flattery, Rose," Rory responded with sarcasm. "It gets you everywhere," she tucked a pillow underneath her chin. "But, if you're wondering, I do have a boyfriend. He's back in Chicago, and he's lovely."

"That's nice," Rose smiled. "You and your sister are lucky. No one's ever loved me the way you two are loved."

"I wouldn't call what Nik and I have as love," Rory said. "I'm not really too sure about that, yet. But maybe Stefan is in love with Elena, and maybe Damon is too. All I know is that it's none of my damn business. Either way, I sincerely doubt that you've never had someone love you. What was that guy's name? Trevor?"

"Trevor was my best friend; nothing more. I spent all those years on the run from Elijah. I just never thought it was a good idea to set up roots—the whole idea of family is not exactly compatible with being a vampire. Why are you so eager to give it up?" Rose asked.

"Not giving anything up," Rory took a glass of blood provided from Damon at the bedside table. She forced herself to think of it as a strawberry smoothie or something. She handed it to Rose, "Here, drink up."

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