The Wolf~

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Okay, this is where it gets weird. Bare with me ^^


Pain slithers through my veins like a hungry python, bursting every cell in my body as it moves. My body is stationary, I can tell that much, and I assume I'll be in for a world full of hurt if I even try to move. Sound ruptures around me, exploding in my eardrums. It whistles through the air around my ears like a teakettle. It doesn't stop. It hurts.

Grimly, I try to open my eyes. It's as if they're laced with gorilla glue. Utterly impossible.

It is then, that I become aware of the throbbing ache that resounds at the base of my skull. It beats with my heart, painfully clenching bruised muscles. The horrible pain shudders through me and my eyes begin to sting with tears.

I haven't cried in a long time.

Breathe, Alex, breathe. I focus on breathing. I block the painful throbbing from my mind and try to think back. What the hell happened to me? Where's Sarah? We were walking back to my car to go home...something struck me in the back of my head. I feel the urge to sigh. I can't remember anything after that. I can't remember who hit me or what happened. With each passing moment, my control is slowly slipping out the window. If I can't control it...if I lose control...

Well, there is one thing I do know for sure.

Alice is going to go berserk until she can track me down...

Third Person~

Alice paces the length of the family room, hands clenched into tight fists, narrowed gray eyes glaring daggers at the floor. The members of the Akatsuki sit on the couch, watching her curiously. Daniel sits between Kisame and Tj, having just finished his long, nice little walk home. Alex was supposed to pick him up from school today, but she wasn't there and he couldn't get a hold of her.

"Alice, calm down. I'm sure they're fine." He says softly, despite the uneasiness that prickles inside his stomach.

The small, already tense woman pauses mid-step, lip curling back into a feral snarl. She turns her steely eyes onto  him and a low, dangerous growl resonates from the base of her throat. It vibrates through the room, sounding much more animal then human.

"Alice." Tj stands, eyes hard. "Calm down. Now. Alex is perfectly fine. She probably just got pulled over again for driving like a bat out of hell."

"And you know how much she loves to argue with cops." Danny deadpans.

But Alice doesn't hear her. Her head snaps around towards the kitchen and she takes off, little feet slapping against the wood with each rushed step. The house phone begins to trill loudly, ringing through the house annoyingly, as soon as she bursts through the double flapping doors. Alice rips the cordless phone off the charging dock and presses talk before it can ring a second time.

"Hello?" She breathes.


Her heart stops beating entirely. Blood chilling down to a dangerous level, Alice reaches forward and curls her fingers around the edge of the counter for support, pure horror rushing through her veins instead of blood. The whimpering voice, the pain laced tone. What the hell did they do to her Alex?!

"Baby, where are you? Who am I killing?" Alice snarls, the sound ripping through the house like a chainsaw.

"It's Carlos."

There is a sharp inhale on the other end of the line. The sickening wet sound of skin connecting with skin slaps through the phone, followed by the horrible crack of a bone being snapped beneath the blow. Alice can hear Alex whimper softly and then the phone line cuts dead. It beeps hollowly in her ear. Her grip tightens around the counter, strength and anger pulsing through her veins. The phone snaps in half in her hand.

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