Valentine's day 1

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We take a break from our regular programming for a special Valentine's chapter. Essentially, how and why they fell in love here is part 1.

Benjamin's pov

Chris's lips were soft under mine, his skin warm under my palm. He whines under me when I tweak a nipple, bucking against my bulge. I pull back with a moan, pulling back to look at him. Chris's tanned skin against my silk sheets, we both still had our jeans on.

That has to be fixed.

I smirk down at him, his green eyes glazed with lust. "You're too far." His voice is hushed, and high pitched, his vig calloused hands reaching up to me. "Calm down, pet." I shush him softly before yanking off his belt. "You're so sexy." I mumble.

"Then touch me."

I yank down his pants, pulling his underwear down too. Just as I wrap my lips around the head of his dick, Renee storms in about how the school called her. She doesn't finish her statement when I yank myself off, jumping up as Chris falls off the bed rushing to get dressed.

I could feel her eyes bore into me as I look to the floor, shame, embarrassed. "I-im so sorry Ms. Swan I-i....I'm um Chris, the tight-end from the schools varsity team." Chris speaks up first, breaking the tense and quite frankly, awkward silence.

Poor boy, he may be hotter then the sun but he's dumber than a pile of sticks. "Get out." My mother hisses and Chris scrambles to pull on his pants, leaving his shirt. He runs out the room and we stand in silence as the front door slams shut. "I see you like them dumb." Renee shakes her head, looking at me in distaste. "We'll talk about this when I come up with the proper punishment." I watch as she slams the door shut and I fall to my bed with a groan.

My door creaks open and I sigh into my pillow. "Shes gonna send you to conversion camp, you know that, right? Mom hates gays." Bella speaks softly and I don't bother to look at her. "I'm not gay, I'm bi." Bella scoffs and I know she was shaking her head. "That's like a vampire, Ben. Those don't exist." Bella snaps and leaves, closing the door before I can reply. 

"Bitch." I hiss into my pillow before pulling my duvet over me. It doesn't take long to fall into a dreamless sleep

-----the next morning-----

I sigh at I wash my face, not ready to face Renee and Bella downstairs. Pulling on my t shirt, I slowly join my family downstairs at the breakfast table. Bella turns to me from her spot at the stove, a pitying smile on her face. "Breakfast is pretty much done. Coffee?" Bella speaks softly as our mother watches me from her spot at the table.

"Wheres the fiance?" I ask Renee as I pour myself some coffee, only bothering to add in sugar. This is not gonna be a fun day. "Wheres the fag?" Renee snaps at me and I groan. "Chris is probably at his morning practice. And I'll have you know, he's bi too." I take a deep drink from my coffee, wishing there was whiskey in my cup instead.

Renee sneers at me before looking up. "Listen, I will not allow that sin in my house." She starts and I interrupt before she could finish. "Its funny you bring up sin, when the only time I ever hear you talk about God is when you and your boy toy get too loud in the boudoir, Renee." I raise an eyebrow and she glares up at me.

"You have two choices here, Benjamin Franklin Swan. You get this...illness treated or you can go live with your father. It's obvious you need a male role model, stumbling in at all hours of tdd he night, drunk or high. I could put up with sneaking around, hiding the women you drag into your bed. But I draw the line here, I won't have a faggot under my roof." Renee hisses and I roll my eyes, slamming my coffee down on the table.

"Anywhere better then living with a mother who acts like the child. At least Bella doesn't need to be handled like a fucking baby." I hiss before grabbing my backpack. "Oh and Chris gives me my medicine every night. 7 CCs of cock." I slam the door behind me, jumping in my van. "Fucking bitch." Throwing my bag in the backseat, I drive to the school football field.

Every part of me was burning with anger, how dare she act like I'm trash. Like I can be thrown away. And fucking Bella didn't say shit for me, stupid cunt.

I slam my door when I reach the large feild, sneaking into the locker room to wait for Chris. Sparking the joint in my fingers, I take a deep inhale, hurt. Seeing Renee's open disgust, I've seen shame anger and everything else but seeing her look at me like that...

The sob that rips from me is shocking and I touch my face, feeling the tears there. Sigh, throwing the joint, it did nothing to dull the deep seated pain. The locker room opens, and before I can hastily hide, I hear Chris's soft voice call out. "I thought I heard your car, so I asked coach to let me leave early. " he calls out and my sniffles most alert him to my location.

I listen to his shoes on the floor before he pokes his head into the showers, his blond hair plastered to his forehead from sweat. "Oh sweetie." Chris's voice dips lower as he walks over slowly.

"She hates me, Chris." My voice cracks and he gets to his knees, wrapping his arms around me. "Itll be okay, baby. She...she was just surprised, is all." He lies softly, his undershirt damp under my cheeks. "She wants to send me to conversion camp, baby. Or...or to Forks so she doesn't have to see her fag son." I can barely get the words out as sobs violently wreck through me.

"Dont call yourself that, Benjamin. Never call yourself that, shes just ignorant and that's a breeding ground for hate. You are more then that." Chris tells me gently, carding his fingers through my hair. "She called it a sin."

"So's  divorce but it ain't stop her."

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