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Benjamin's pov

Sitting alone in the meadow after Leah left to rejoin her pack, I go to do another line. The mirror on my lap however is yanked from me, and I watch as it sails across the meadow, breaking against the tree. "Leah? You fuck a goddamn mutt but you ignore me?! I fucking love you!" I scowl at Edward and stand up as best as I can. "Maybe I wouldn't have to do drugs and fuck Leah if you didn't throw me away!" i snap back.

Edward rolls his eyes with a huff. "I did it to protect you, asshole!" Edward speads away, punching a tree. It breaks under his fist and a laugh dryly. "Protect me? Who fucking asked you to make such a huge decision without me! All I knew is you left me for nearly a year after telling me you never loved me. At least Leah was there for me, at least drugs didnt break my heart!" I storm over to him, shouting in his stupid perfect face.

When I go to push him, Im suddenly pressed against a tree, Edwards eyes wild. "Is that how you feel?" he hisses, his cool breath fanning over my face. I grip his shirt, purposefully ripping it in half. Edwards eyes darken and we glare each other down. "You know I love you."

"But that makes it worse! You love me and you left, like it was easy." I growl.

"It wasn't easy, thats why I came back!" Edward retorts.

"You can't just come back here and expect things to go back to the way they were! You hurt me, just like everyone else. Bella, Charlie, mom and everyone else left me when things got too difficult, too annoying. I ignored every lesson i learned on love, foolishly assuming, hoping you were different. That you wouldn't leave me too and you left like everyone else. Now i know you arent any different from the rest of them. You can leave me behind at any time, easily. Im not letting you hurt me again. I can't." My voice cracks at the end and Edward steps back.

"Im sorry I didnt think-"

"Thats right, you didnt think." I snap and we stare at each other for a moment. Suddenly, Edwards pressed against me, his cool lips pressing against mine and I kiss him back passionately.

We make out almost violently as he rips off my shirt and I tug off his belt. I break away to breathe, bitting on Edwards neck, his moans egging me on. "I-Im sor-" Edward starts but I shove my hand into his pants.

No undies.

"Shut up." I growl,biting harder and wrapping my hand around his dick. Edward shudders, moaning loadly and I smirk against his neck.

Edward bucks against my hand as I start to nibble lower. "Oh god." he whimpers when I lick his nipples but I dont stay there long. Soon enough, Im yanking off Ed's jeans, peering up at him, on my knees.

I take him in my mouth, sucking hard.  Edwards knees buckle, his fingers running through my hair. "Oh fuck...Ben I- I want you inside me."

God thats hot.

I moan around him, digging in my pants pocket for my travel lube. What? Ive been a hoe lately, why wouldn't I have lube?

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