Forgetting about you

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Benjamins pov

Before Slim could get all his shit together after class, Edward stood in front of me. "Can we talk?" He asks in that stupidly smooth voice. Before I could refuse by using Slim as a shield he pipes up. "You can go ahead, we can talk later." He says as he shoves his notebook in his backpack. "Oh you're so kind." I sneer.

"Lets go, before you make me late for class, Cullen." I sigh, walking past him. Edward easily falls into step beside me, his cool arm brushing mine every other step. "This is what you do now?" He whispers, nearly a hiss, into my ear as we pause at my locker.

I chuckle and shake my head as I look through my books for my emergency emergency stash. So not high enough for this bull.

"You dont ask the questions right now, Mr. It'll-be-like-I- never- existed. When did you and the hive touch down?" I ask when my fingers finally brush the plastic capsule. Edward at least looks remorseful after I speak. "Last night, I tried to come over but Charlie didn't know where you were."

I pocket it and walk towards the bathroom, Edward in toe. "Why are you doing this?" he asks with concern. "Its fun? Leave me alone I got shit to do right now." He flinches at my tone but leaves me to my business.

Probably not for long but whatever.

I make my way to the bathroom and into the stalls. I put the seat down and lay a piece of folded up paper from my pocket on my lap. I whistle as I carefully dump the contents of the pills on the paper.
Wonder why he came back.

------lunch time----

By lunch I was so messed up by the dueling feeling of being high and the painful feeling of seeing Edward. Instead of going to lunch and attempting to stomach the food they have I go relax in the back of my van. A nap would probably cut down the dizzy feeling anyway.

Of course as I leave the building, one of the Cullens fall into step with me. Do I need to say which?

"I'm sorry." Edward tells me as we walk out into the rain. I glance over at him as I dig through my pockets for my car keys. "For leaving? Its whatever, I'm having fun."

"Is that what you call this?" He stops me, grabbing my wrist. "School? Nope. Maybe being in bed with Sasha is fun. Is her name Sasha or Tish? Not sure but what she does with her tongues- its split in the middle- will make you think you've seen heaven." Edward lets out a low growl. "Look, Eddie, I'm busy, why dont you leave me alone and talk to your family or catch up with your school friends or whatever it is broody vampires do." I snap.

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