Camping BS

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Benjamin's pov

I must have drifted again after puking because a plate of food is in front of me. Esme smiles sadly at me as I pick up the fork and I sigh. "Dads said everything you can." I slur and shove the food in my mouth. Esme glances behind me and walks out quietly, rubbing my back on her way out.

Edward is suddenly next to me and I push my plate to him. "Full. Do you still have the bed upstairs?  I think I needa lay down." I mumble and Edward nods, moving to stand beside me.
"Can you stand?" I shake my head, lying easily. I think I can indulge a little. Cold hands wrap around my arm and I stand up slowly, using his for support. Before I could move to walk however, Im in his arms bride style.

Despite myself, I blush and hold on to him, a gust of wind rushes around us. When i open my eyes we're in his room, nothing had changed since we last were together.

The bed was still covered in my favorite guardians of the galaxy bedset, a picture frame I gifted him still had a picture of us in the woods when I made hin go camping with me. Edward sits me at the edge of the bed next to the table and I stare at the picture blankly.

I remember taking that picture. God, I forgot all about that weekend. My heart squeezes at the memories. I stare at Edward in the picture, gold eyes shimmering with a huge smile and trained on me,with a pine leaf stuck in his hair. I grab the picture and stare harder, ignoring Edward who was looking at me. "Why do you still have this? Its stupid throw it away." I shove it at him and toe off my shoes.

I drag my body into the middle of the bed and quickly go under the blankets. "Because I love that picture." Edward sounded slightly hurt. Good.

I pull off one of my bracelets and pack it(its a hidden pipe). "Well i think it should be in the garbage." I mumble as i kick off my shoes. I cross my legs and meet eyes with Edward as I pull a baggie of weed from my sock. He frowns as he watches me and I laugh at his grumpy expression.

"Who pee'd in your cereal today? Oh wait....I mean in your elk?" I giggle again and sigh. "I crack myself up. Or maybe that's the drugs." I shrug and pack my bowl under Edwards birdlike graze. "I just can't believe this is you." His tone has a distinctive sound of disapproval.

"Weeell a lot of things happened that I couldn't believe either. " I can't keep the hurt from my tone. I hit the bowl and inhale slowly, meeting Edwards eye daringly. "It was for your own good." He really picked that scab huh?

Time to be an asshole.

I watch the smoke leave my lungs calmly before meeting his eyes confidentially . "Who are you to choose what is good for me or not? I knew being with you had risks, Cullen. So does driving  but I still do it every fucking day! I decided you were worth the risk. Don't try to push rhat it was the best thing for me, it was best for you. So if anything happened you wouldn't feel guilty. Fuck outta my face with that bullshit." I look over at the picture and throw it at the wall. "AND FUCK CAMP BULLSHIT!" I scream and point to the door. "Out. Im going to sleep." I dont look up from my lap. Oddly enough,  he listens silently because I hear the door open and close

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