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Benjamin's pov

When I wake up, I mustve drifted off before I gotten completely sober, Im alone and the window is cracked. I stare at the ceiling and allow myself to wallow in the empty feeling in my chest.

Edward is back but...how can I trust him to stay?

My eyes sting and I take a deep, slow breath to steady myself. I force myself to sit up and I look at the new puncture mark on my arm. Eddie. My heart squeezes and I try to breathe but its never enough air. I bite my lip hard to distract myself but it only causes me to panic even more.


I force myself to even out my breath and reach inside my desk with unsteady hands. I pull out a blunt and a lighter, taking a while to actually light it much to my frustration. Which only mad me shake more and loose my breath again but Ive gotten used to these moments.

I also learned how to deal with them: looootta drugs. ((a/n: dont do drugs please)) I take a deep inhale and take a few more hits in silence.

My phone rings, yanking me from my wandering thoughts. I pick it up easily, Slim on the other line. "Hey man. Theres this cool party happening down by me, wanna come? I heard theres bitches." Slim already sounds drunk.

I mean...I am just here feeling like crap...wouldnt hurt right?

Wait I need to know one thing.

"How many bitches are we talking?"

"Hella bitches bruh."

"Gimme 5 minutes." I quickly hang up as I go to get dressed.

The base drummed through my body as the blond twerked against me. My drink slightly dripped and I take a sip as we dance, trying not to spill again. As the music stopped, I finished my whiskey and spun the girl pressed against me around aggressively.

My hand tangles in her thick hair and I pull her in for an animistic kiss. When we part, I lick my lips automatically, the cherry taste now filling my mouth along with the drinks.

We stare at each other for a moment before I decide to find Slim again, all this noise and people is getting a tad boring. With the alcohol racing through my veins I had an itch for fun that hasn't been scratched since Edward came back.

I pull the girl along- I had forgotten her name five drinks ago. I only kept her along this far into the party because her light hazel almost gold eyes kinda remind me of Edwards, the more I drink the more I can see his eyes on her face. God, even trying to forget him I still look for him in everybody I meet.

Finally, I find Slim near the keg, joking with Ruth from one of our classes. Nice girl, really sweet. Not the fake sweet but legitimately kind, only reason I havent tried to sleep with her.

Ruth deserves someone who wants her, not someone using her to forget some stupid brooding vampire. "Slim, this is a bangin party!" I have to shout over the music, my speech slurred. "Keg?" He shouts, tapping it questioningly. After a moment of debate, fuckit, I nod.

Mike, and two other guys host me up as I quickly drink from the keg. I almost tap out but I manage to keep up until I was let down. My face feels warm as I stumble onto my feet for a moment but I right myself.

My dance partner pulls my arm over her shoulders to grab my attention, pulling me down inti a fierce kiss. She pulls an inch away and I stare into her gold eyes. "Wheres your van?" she whispers close enough for me to feel her breath on my lips.


I feel my jeans tighten seeing Edwards-fuck I mean Crystals?- eyes darken. I have to gulp before I speak again. "Out back." I whisper and she smirks before tugging me along. I motion to Slim and Mike that Id return as Im dragged to my car.

It isnt long before I have Crystal pressed against my van, kissed her deeply with my hand under her shirt. She lets out small breathy noises and I play eith her nipples before she pushes me against the van. I let her unbutton my pants as we make out fiercely, until I hear a growl infront of me.

I pull away and Crystal attackea my neck, nibbling it gently. My attention is on Edward, furious, predatory as he glared at the other teen against me. I open my mouth to speak but he snarles before speaking.

"Get. Off. Him." From Edwards tone, I could tell he wouldn't repeat himself. Shocked, Crytal leans into me when she sees Edwards rage filled posture. He looked ready to kill. "Uhhh...hi?" I whispered awkwardly and I know he heard it from how quickly his eyes bore into mine.

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