Valentine's finale

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A/n sorry it's so late it was too long so I edited some things out instead of breaking it into 3 more chapters.

Benjamin's pov

It was a weird drive to school, and a wet one at that. Unaccustomed to the weather,  I stumbled out the door in a sunset tee shirt and my favorite pair of orange pants, my yellow fabric converse stand no chance against the wet concrete. I swear under my breath as I glare out at the parking lot; Charlie had enough pull to stop me from missing a dat of school.


I rummage through my car until I find a hoodie, its thin but better than nothing. Pulling it on, I rush to the office, ignoring the eyes on me. The receptionist sneers at me when I slap my papers down, sleepy wet and irritated. The exchange was quick and tense, making my skin itch.

At this point, I'd rather be in bed. I dont make the idiotic choice of going back outside to move my car, in the rain, only to walk back into the building.

Walking through the small school, I managed to run into slim amidst the curious eyes on me and I rush to my old friend. We dap each other up quickly, having not seen each other in far too long.


The day almost passes as a blur of questions and jokes about how I wasn't prepared for actual weather. After the third joke, it got old and I got snappy, shooing people away with glares. Making my way to lunch, I debate on skipping out to my car and having a little smoke when I feel an intense stare.

Looking around, my eyes meet with nearly golden eyes and I sneer. He's handsome and all, wind swept hair and a strong jaw but the emotions in his eyes make me roll my eyes. He almost looks angry, but hungry? Like he wants to eat me alive. Debating on confronting him about this odd behavior, Slim bumps my shoulder playfully.

I doubt we share classes anyway, itd probably just be a waste.

"How's the first day?" Slim steers me to the hot lunch line. "As far as first days? Amazing." I joke as I snag a square pizza. "First days notoriously suck."

Slim laughs as he grabs his own lunch, the same thing but his didn't have the Cubs of pepperoni. "I still dont get how the school can pass this as food, it tastes like ass." Slim sighs and I agree readily as he hands the lunch lady his money. I do so quickly as well and we find an empty table, somehow near the guy who gave me that odd stare.

I cant really take my eyes off him and what looks to be his equally stunning family. Pale as fuck tho. I snort at that stray thought and Slim frowns. "What's wrong?" He glancing behind him before rolling his eyes. "Of course you'd notice the Cullens. Everyone notices them." Slim rolls his eyes before looking back to me.

"Honestly, they creep me the fuck out. The twins looks like Hitler's wet dream." Slim shakes his head. "I know they're family owned slaves." I chuckle at Slims assessment. "That's just mean, man." I dont hide my smile though and he winks. "Don't hate me for the truth. Theres a reason my last name is Theodor and not Mukaria or some shit."

"But you said their last names were Cullen?" I remember that name from the stories I heard with Jacob when I'd visit him. "Yeah, Cullen. You know they're dad or something?"

I shrug, eyeing them as we eat. Maybe Slim is right to be afraid of them. "I'm getting some chips, want any?" I ask as I move to get up, not in the mood to eat the cardboard they called pizza. "Sour cream. Thanks, bruh."

I quickly cross the lunch room, debating on party mix or just some simple cheese curls. Just as I go to press in my change, I feel a tap on the shoulder. "Is this just for teachers or..." I cut myself off as I meet eyes with one of the Cullens. She was short, with a pixie hair cut and the same eyes as her brother, maybe a shade lighter. Her pink lips pull into an excited smile as she looks up at me. "I'm Alice! I know we're going to be best friends." She pulls me into a surprisingly strong hug that I cant escape.

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