The Crash

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Benjamins pov

I stumble to my rental car and quickly get behind the wheel, slamming the door behind me. I sigh heavily as I start the car, about to get into gear but I pause.

I should sober up a bit.

I roll up my windows and turn off my headlights. Reaching into my glove department, I pull out my blunt and a lighter. This should clear my head.

Just as I spark it, my phone rings to show Slims number and I let out a loud sigh. Taking another drag, I contemplate to ignore him, after all he abandoned me too. But I answer despite my hesitation.


"I told the Cullens where you are."


"I know you're pissed once told me being with Edward was better then any high and you needed more. I figure, if you can risk death with drugs, you can risk heartbreak with Edward. I'm trying to be a good friend even though you've been kinda shitty to me. So, get your shit together." Slim nearly hisses and I almost drop my blunt.

"Uh. Yes sir." I mumble before hanging up. They're probably already here.

I sigh before stepping out my car and looking around to see if anyone was around. Seeing no one, I may have possible threw a temper tantrum because now I knew I had to forgive Edward and his stupidly beautiful face.

I quickly get back in and drive back carefully, the road blurring before my eyes. I blink trying to clear my vision but it doesnt improve. I shake my head, rolling the window down to clear my head.

I open my eyes to bright lights, honking, so I react, steering sharply away from the light but the brightness of it blinded me. I slam into something, my body lurches forward, a long honk and then...


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