Better than drugs part 2

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Benjamins pov

Sky is all I can see above me, cold rough concrete digging into my back and a hard thing pressing my chest down. I cant really get enough air, but it hurts breathe. Slowly my hearing returns, Edward speaking to me frantically.

The side of my face burns and my palms are wet with blood. I cant fully make out the words Edward speaks as the pains from the accident hit me all at once. I felt like a raw nerve, even his cold hand pressing down on my chest caused immense pain instead of the pressure I simply felt when I woke.

Edwards black eyes are frantic and he speaks faster and louder but it does nothing to help me. A loud, persistant noise slowly rose, drowning out everything after a while.

I'm laying on the concrete for days, or so it feels, before the pain and bloodloss mustve became too much. Just at my sight fades, a pair of familiar gold eyes come into my line of vision.

The. Dark.

Edwards pov

I rush out the door, hearing it pull off the hinges but the panic in my veins stop me from caring. Alice saw Ben, my Ben, bleeding on the side of the road, dying alone. I leave his room and race down to the street Alice described, I can't lose him.

It doesn't take long but every second feels like an eternity, so I push myself harder until I finally make it. Not in time to prevent the accident, but I can hear Benjamins heartbeat, albeit weakened, as I get closer. Before Im too close, the smell of blood and gasoline hits my senses like a semi truck.

Without a second thought, I stop breathing as I get closer, there's no time to waste. I ignore the flipped over cars as I rush to Benjamins crumpled form, blood and dirt caked on him its nearly impossible to find the origin of the wounds without closer inspection.

I hesitate a moment as I take in Ben, his eyes closes as he wheezes heavily, obviously pained. I shake myself out of it, he won't live if I don't at least attempt to get him to Carlisle. I move him into my arms with as much gentleness that I can manage.

I close my eyes tightly as I feel his warm blood seep into my clothing before i push forward, moving as fast as the added weight will allow. Im not trying to save him to only kill him on the run to help.

When I finally arrive, Carlisle takes Benjamin from me in the driveway and Esme hands me a change of clothes as my father rushed off. "Change, then help him." She tells me gently and I finally take a breath.

"Do you think he'll be alright?"

"Hes stronger then we know, Edward.


I quickly wash and change before joining Carlisle. He already finished disinfecting all his wounds, waiting for me to hold Benjamin down while he removes anything that could be lodged inside his cuts. Carlisle meets my eyes with a reassuring smile.

"He will be fine, the worse of it had been avoided. Benjamin would've lost too much blood had you taken too long. So we just need to focus on giving him stitches and checking on him throughout the night. The worst injury he has is probably to the head but those arent severe. He may have temporary short term memory issues but that would only be until the swelling goes down."

"Short term memory issues?"

"He may forget the accident or even a month but nothing extreme."

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