To keep you Alive

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Benjamin's pov

I grumble as I lock the front door. Charlie looks at me but seeing my attitude he allows me to storm upstairs without his commentary. I throw my backpack on my bed and grab the ziplock that damned me. I stare at it for a moment before glaring at the picture I still had on my dresser.

It took a while for me to be able to look at it.

Stupid vampire has no right to have any opinions about what I'm doing.

He wasn't planning on coming back anyway...

With that thought I open it up, placing the spoon on my leg. Just before I can do much more, the window audibly opens. I look up to meet Edwards eyes, his expression unreadable as he comes in. He closes the window and I watch him silently, even as he approached me.

"If you must, let me. I will at least make sure your as safe as possible while...getting you where you need." Edward kept his tone slightly detached. I raise an eyebrow, barely holding back a scoff. "You'll stick me?" I ask, amused to all hell.

"My dads a doctor and I've been to school a few dozen times?" Edward attempts to sound joking and I give a light chuckle. "Fine. Dope me up, Doctor Edward." I purr. "Now?" His eyes fall to the tools around me.

"Yup." I pop the 'p'. I want to see if he'll do it. Edward blurs and the ziplock it gone, by the time i blink, he is cooking it on the spoon. "I was joking."

"Im not. Ill do anything for you." Edward fills the needle before motioning for my arm. I place it in his hand and he ties the shoelace around my arm. Edward seems to steel himself before pressing it to my vein. "Ready?" I nod and he presses it into my skin, ignoring my small wince.

I know I should feel guilty but...hes kind of hot like this.

I watch Edward with a heavy hearr but didnt feel too bad after all he put me through lately. Tad vindictive but whatever. The needle is pulled out and the shoelace is removed. Edward is staring at me as the drugs take hold.

Hes still pretty.

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