They're back

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Benjamin pov

I groan as the sun burns my eyelids. A soft hand rubs my chest and I crack open an eye, seeing Rochelle. She smiles and I take her hand that was on me and laid her hand on her leg. "Too hungover. Don't touch me." I rolled over.

"Thats so rude." I can hear the pout in her voice. "Don't care." I tell her and pull some more of the blanket over myself. "What are we tho?" she asks, running her finger tips up and down my spine.

I jerk my back from her touch. "Didnt I say dont touch me? And we're friends, I guess." I mumble, trying to go to sleep. "I thought we were more." She snaps and i look over my shoulder at her.  "Barely even that. Can you lock the door on your way out? " I lay my head back on the pillow and she scoffs.

Rochell got up and I cleared my throat. "Leave my shirt." I heard fabric harshly hit thw ground. "Asshole." she snips and leaves slaming my door.

I ground in pain and pull the blankets over my head, ready to go back to sleep. Only for my alarm to go off and I fling the alarm clock into the wall, breaking it.

I stumble downstairs and Charlie is eating cereal with an eyebrow raised. "Oh, youre actually up for once. Who was that girl?" Charlie asks and I shrug, grabbing a Gatorade. He watches me with distaste and I grab a box of cereal on my way out the door, shoving my van keys in my pocket

"I taught you better then this." Charlie says and I raise an eyebrow. "Did you really?" before he replies, I slip out and home in my van, Bellas truck already gone so I pull off easily. I drive to school, rapping along with 21 savage on my way. When I go to pull in my usual spot far from the entrance, my heart stops when i see a familiar silver volvo.

This is the utmost level of fuckery.

I park next to the car and hop out, leaving my van running on park. I peer in the empty car and confirm my suspicions. The weird matching key chain i gave to Edward sitting in the middle. I look at the school trying to determine if class is worth this fuckery today.

I sigh and hop back in my car, lighting my emergency joint. I smoke and snort a line before deciding I was prepped enough for this.

I spray some vanilla perfume (so what if I only bought it because it almost smells like him) and make my way to my second period class.

The teacher glares at me as the door swings open but doesnt bother to say anything when I stare at her expectantly. I look at the class and only see two empty seats. One next to Edward, whom is looking at me in shock and one next to Slim. "Aye whats good?" Slim held out his hand When i walked over and sat down. "Not shit." we stare at each other then laugh.

"I smell that sticky icky on ya, rough morning?" Slim whispers as class starts once again. I can feel Edwards eyes on us as I chuckle. "Remember the chick from last night?" I whisper back,  pretendinf to pay attention to the teacher. "Yea, she was bad." he replies. "She thought i was trying to cuff her." He laughs hard at that, the teacher bluntly ignoring us.

Bad Moon Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon