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"I can't believe how busy this place is still" Jon shakes his head as we sit at the front of the restaurant. The waiting room was full and the restaurant was full, the building was full of laughs and people talking. It made my heart happy to see this place so successful.

It's August now and that means that summer is almost over. I wanted to change my menus to a fall theme with soups and warmer foods next month, but it's one of those things that if it's not broke don't fix it. The people love this place, we already have regulars and new costumers every day. It's hard to keep up and have enough ingredients so we don't run out of food.

And it hasn't been perfect, there's some cooks who can't handle the demand this place came with and I already had a issue with one of the managers skipping out on coming in. But it's been a learning experience and a good one at that. I still get to spend every day spreading the love and good food my mom made for me to the whole world even though she's not with me anymore. And that's all I ever wanted.

"I was worried I wouldn't have enough money to pay everyone but I have more than enough now. Maybe I could get a dog pen installed so the puppies can hang out with me and the customers can play with them" I explain.

"Only you would think about putting a dog pen in a restaurant. Isn't that against some type of code or something" he asks.

"As long as they're away from where we prepare food and where people eat it's fine. I can turn part of the patio to a dog cage. I'm sure the people would love that" I shrug.

"Can you control everyone and the dogs" he tease.

"I'm not the one who can handle the puppy" I accuse.

"Dixie knows I like to play, that's why she doesn't listen" he defends.

"Or..." I trail off, "she knows that I'm the head of this household" I smirk.

"You... are not wrong" he laughs.

We continue to walk around the restaurant and make sure everyone is doing good. Jon was very invested in this place too, he did buy it after all. But without any real hockey responsibilities right now he hangs out with me here at the restaurant. And I know he isn't a businessman but he is very organized and determined. If he wants something he will find a way, and while that can be a pain in the ass when he wants to go see a movie and drags me along with him, it's one of my favorite things about him. There's not a thing about him I don't like, even the annoying quirks I've come to love. Because I didn't fall in love with the parts of him I liked, I feel in love with all of him. The good and the bad. His problems are my problems and his dreams are mine too. I'm not saying he's perfect, because he's not. But there isn't a damn thing I would change.

After a while we take a break from the chaos at the restaurant and go to the house to hang out with the dogs. With hockey around the corner we wanted to spend as much time together at home as possible. The restaurant will always be here but Jon won't, so we were going to hang out and watch movies with the fur babies. So I change into something comfortable and hop onto the couch. The house was set up at this point and now we get to start making memories. And the ones where it doesn't seem like were doing much of anything are my favorites.

"How much popcorn should I make" Jon yells form the kitchen. It's one of the few times I let him into the kitchen by himself but even I burn popcorn every once in a while.

"That depends, how many movies did you pick up" I ask him.

"Three" he replies as my eyes get wide.

"I would make two bags then we can order pizza" I say.

He starts to laugh a abnormal amount and I peak over the couch to glare at him. "What's so funny" I pout.

"I have the best cook in all of Chicago sitting in my kitchen and all she wants is popcorn and take out pizza" he laughs. He had a point.

"I love to cook but there's some times where I like to relax. And if you picked out three movies then we're going to be on this couch for a while" I explain.

"That's the plan" he promises.

So he makes the popcorn before jumping onto the couch next to me. Dixie comes up there with us while Bailey and Tommy take their spots in the living room. I press play on the first movie which was Tangled. I know he got this movie just for me so I wouldn't complain about the other two he got which were action and sci-fi movies.

He wraps his arm around me as we cuddle up on the couch. I felt so at home in his arms as we enjoy this movie. I always loved Disney movies but the newer ones I had trouble enjoying. But something about this movie made me fall in love. Maybe it's the music or maybe it's the fact that she lived her whole life locked away in a tower and I felt the same way. I don't know. I just really enjoyed this movie.

"Can we watch it again. Pleaaaase" I beg as I give him my best puppy dog face. With as my dogs as we have I should be a pro at this.

"But we literally just got done watching it" he whines.

"I know I know, I just love this movie so much" I plead.

He lets out a long sigh and I know that once again I was victorious. "Alright, fine. But you can't use those eyes on me for the rest of the night" he threatens.

"Deal" I smile before pressing play.

I rest my head on his chest as he starts to play with my hair. Even though this was my favorite movie at the moment I close my eyes. I try my best to Denver this blissful feeling of him and I just existing together. We don't have to be anywhere and time isn't against us. It's just him and I loving our best lives, even if the moment doesn't seem all that special. It is because I have him.

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