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I think a reason why trying to have a serious relationship is so difficult for me is because time is never my friend. I feel like I'm fighting myself and time when it comes to trying to be in a relationship. Of course it helps that Rachel's dad is broadcasting many of the Hawks games so her schedule syncs up with mine a lot, but she still has school and I still go on the road a lot. Finding time to hang out is always hard and now even more so with her in school and hockey picking up.

But tonight I convinced Rachel to come over after the game and I can show her around my place and maybe we can play on the Wii system. This way we can find time since we can't make it. I can tell she was a little nervous to come over and given my reputation her feelings were valid, but my intentions were pure. Well, at least until they're not.

After a nice win against the Canucks I do my interviews and take a shower. I head up to the boxes where Rachel was a regular now-a-days. I find her talking to her dad and I smile. They seemed to be getting along which made me happy. I know she was on the fence about connecting with him but she loves him deep down. She's just has to remember that.

"You ready" I ask her as I walk up to her. She had on my jersey which I thought was so cute.

She lights up when she sees me as she turns to me. "Yeah! Let me just say goodbye to Jeremy and I'll be right back" she claims.

"You know you can call him your dad" I insist.

"I can't give him that yet" she claims. Fair enough.

She says goodbye to her dad and joins me under my arm. We head out to my car and jump on in. If it was up to her she would have jogged to my place but with it being December now it's a bit cold. So she gives in and lets me drive her.

We arrive at my apartment and I give her the tour. It wasn't anything too crazy, there was two bedrooms and I turned one into a workout room until my parents stay in town. Then I move all my personal stuff into my room so they can find the bed. There wasn't a lot of decorations hanging around and there was not a single thing in the kitchen. It was a bit of a bachelor pad but I wasn't here a lot. I'd rather be at a friends or in a bar or on the ice. This never really felt like a home to me, but who knows, maybe it will now.

"It's cute" Rachel claims as we end up back in the living room after I showed her around.

"Aww, you're too nice to tell me that this place sucks" I coo as she laughs at me.

"It doesn't suck! It's just, you have all this money and this amazing life, this place is your canvas. Why don't you paint it" she wonders.

I just shrug as I turn to her. "I don't know. I wouldn't know what to put in here. Maybe some jerseys and things from home but I know nothing about decorating and there's nothing I'm real sentimental about. Nothing that I can put up on my wall at least" I explain.

"What about pictures of draft day or your first game or the NHL awards when you were a rookie? What about growing up with your brother or Christmas memories with your parents. You're telling me you got none of that on camera" she asks.

"I mean, I did. But I wouldn't know where to put it and most of the people who come over wouldn't care enough to ask about them" I defend.

"I care" she reminds me. I smile as I wrap my arm around her.

"I know you do. And that's why I'll share with you the best part about this place" I insist.

I pull her to the window and open up the blinds. She lets out a gasp as the city lights lighten up her eyes. We were pretty high up but it didn't seem to bother her. She walks straight up to the glass as she looks down. She's got a bit of bravery in her.

"I never knew this city was so beautiful" she whispers.

"You've lived here for 20 years and you haven't seen the city like this" I wonder.

"Nope. I've lived in the same place my whole life, I've never been this high up before" she says.

I walk over to her and pull her into my side. She wraps her arm around me as she continues to look at the city. She rests her head on my shoulder as I join her in looking at this amazing city we call home. "I don't see how you wouldn't spend every night standing here just watching this city" she claims.

"Because it might be beautiful, but I'd rather spend my nights looking into your eyes" I admit.

She turns to me with those snow globes that sat upon her face. That famous smile of hers lights up as she laughs at me. I pull her into a quick kiss and suddenly this place seemed a little bit more like home.

We decide to retreat to the couch and play some Wii games. We start off with bowling before turning to Mario kart. And much like mini sticks I learned she is very competitive. We mess with each other throwing a few shoves to throw each other off but I think I bested her in the end.

Eventually it's 3 am and we hadn't even realized it was so late. We both ended up laying on the couch watching a movie trying to relax after being so worked up playing video games. She was all curled up under a blanket as I latch on to her. She had my arm wrapped around her stomach as she held onto my hand. Her body fit into mine perfectly as I pull her even closer. She just sits there under the blanket with me as we just enjoy being with each other.

I knew she had class tomorrow and she hated missing, even if it is some silly class she had to take to get her gen Ed's. So I try to be a good boyfriend and offer to take her home. "Hey baby, do you want me to take you home" I ask softly.

I move some hair off her face to see her eyes were shut. I smile to myself because she really was the cutest. I decide to leave her be and set a alarm to take her home in the morning. Tomorrow is Thursday so she had class at 10 meaning she will want to be there early. So if I get up at 8 that means she will still have time for her morning run and can grab a bite to eat before going to class.

I set my phone on its charger and lay back down behind her. She pulls my arm in closer and I smile to myself. Never did I think sleeping with a girl would make me so happy, yet here I am.

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