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It was a bittersweet departure from Chicago to go to the Vancouver for the Olympics. The team we have here was so good and the guys on the team were even better. To be on a different team than Patrick and Hossa is going to be so weird, I've been with them this whole season and now we're wearing different colors. For two weeks I had to turn on friends and trust my enemies. It was a weird concept, but a honor to put on Canada's jersey and play for my country.

"Wow, Canada is beautiful" Rachel gasps as she walks beside me. I insisted on showing her around Vancouver on the way to do some media. My parents will have plenty of chances to hog her once we start games, but for now she's all mine.

"It's pretty great" I admit.

"What was it like growing up here? I've heard your educational system is a lot better and everyone is a lot nicer" she claims making me laugh.

"The people are all pretty nice until you put a hockey stick in their hands. Then they want to kill you" I admit.

"Well with great power comes great responsibility" she claims.

"It's a hockey stick... not a light saber" I scoff.

"It's your weapon" she accuses.

"Well..." I trail off. "Alright you got me there" I admit.

We get into Olympic village where I was going to do some media things and get it out of the way. You don't usually bring your girlfriend with you to these kinds of things but this was my first experience here and I wanted her with me.

So we get inside of the ice rink and take a look around. There was a table with my name on it and I smile really big. That was pretty cool to see.

"Look at you all big time" she teases as she nudges my side. I smile to myself as I look at my name and the maple leaf next to it.

"It is pretty awesome" I admit.

So I sit down and Rachel stands to the side as the media comes up to talk to me. I try my best to answer the questions but it's all so surreal.

"Jonathan you've had success at every level you've played at. And when it comes to team canada there has been many many great players. So when people put your name with the likes of Gretzky and Crosby and Lemuix how does that make you feel" someone asks.

I just shake my head, "I cannot be put with those guys, not yet. This is my first olympics and this is my third year in the league. I haven't done enough to be with the like of those people. But it's a honor to have the chance to follow in their footsteps. Not a lot of kids get the opportunity to one day become the guy that kids look up to and I gave a chance to do a bunch of great things. Now all I have to do is make the most of the opportunities" I explain.

"Do you consider it a failure if you leave here without the gold" another asks.

"That's the kind of mindset you should have, you know? You don't want to leave here with anything less and I believe that everyone else in that locker room believes the same thing. The mentality of settling for less is unacceptable and we need to make sure we're doing everything we can to win" I insist.

"So I'm guessing no lunch dates with Patrick Kane" a guy teases and I laugh.

"I won't even eat lunch with him when we're on the same team" I smirk. That was a lie and they knew it but Patrick has no higher ground over me here.

"What's it going to be like playing against him for the first time since world juniors where your team canada team beat his team USA" they wonder.

"I think that intensity and the closeness of the teams in comparison is going to be a lot like 2007. Of course it's different now because we're a lot closer and there's a lot more on the line. But I'm sure once this is all over we will get right back to getting on each other's nerves from being around each other too much and not on different sides" I tease.

"Speaking of different sides, rumor has it you and the recently found first daughter of Jeremy Roenick are a item" another says. I smirk as I eye Rachel standing behind them all. She gives a little wave as I just shake my head.

"There's no national lines in love. She could be from anywhere and I would still care for her, still love her a lot" I defend.

"It would be something to see, a Roenick turned to a Toews" they claim.

"If she wants to keep her name that's fine. If she wants to be a Toews that's awesome too. As long as she's the best version of her she can think up then I am happy" I say.

"Those are some wise words" they tease.

"I would be a idiot not to appreciate her and the relationship we have. She's the best thing I could have ever asked for in a partner and I'm happy to have her in my life. It's been three beautiful months and I'm thankful that she has come out of hiding so she can grace everyone with her presence as I have been. I'm really happy that I've gotten to know her and gotten to love her" I insist.

"Well we hope there's not too much USA vs Canada outside the rink for you guys. Hopefully you'll have a good tournament and you guys can get back to Chicago where things were going pretty well" a reporter says.

After the hard part of talking was over I take some pictures in my Canada jersey and record a few videos before I'm released. I walk over to Rachel and hand her my jersey for team canada.

"Hope you're okay with wearing this" I tease.

"Did you have to buy this" she wonders.

"Sadly, yes" I admit. You would think they could spare a jersey or two...

"Then I will wear it only because you spent money on it for me" she agrees.

"If you think it'll cause a problem you don't have to" I insist.

"I'm just giving you a hard time" she smirks. "I would love to wear the jersey and I don't care what people have to say about it. If they think relationships should be based off geography then that's their loss. I know that you and I are meant to be together and that's all that matters" she says as she takes the jersey from me.

"I'm so lucky to have you" I sigh as I pull her into my chest. She wraps her arms around me before pulling me into a hug.

"This love we have is not based on lucky. Just hope, trust, and everything else that comes with it" she claims.

"And a little bit of luck" I tease.

"Just a little" she smiles.

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