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What does it mean to be great?

Does it mean to be the best above everyone else? Or does it mean to be your best?

Is it based souly on numbers or does the person need to have a personality to back it up?

How many times does someone have to do something great to make them great?

Sports can be funny sometimes because we throw the word "great" out there. We can sit here and argue forever about who the greatest player is and what made them great. And a player that's great to one person could be average to another. It's such a grey area when it comes to athletes and the legacy they leave once they retire. Sometimes even before they're gone.

But there's some moments in history that make or break a players greatness. A gold medal Canada vs America hockey game is a pretty good way to put your name in the conversation, and whoever wins will most certainly have the bragging rights for at least the next four years.

In the end this game is going to be great no matter what you know or you think you know. I was super excited for the best players in the world to put it all on the line for their country.

"Are you excited" I ask Abby as we all walk into the arena after saying goodbye to our boys.

"If by excited you mean nervous, then ya" she laughs.

"I'm right there with you" I assure her.

We all go out into the ice arena and find our seats. It was a good amount of people in here and 90% of them were wearing Canada red. After taking pictures with jons parents and the lovely friends I've made in the few weeks here I get ready for what is sure to be an amazing game. I look around and smile when I see a lot of people wearing Jonny's jersey.

"Does everyone around here love Jonathan" I ask literally anyone willing to answer.

"I mean, he's a good guy to like" Dayna shrugs. "He's a captain and people respect that. People follow him not because they have to but because they want to. And he knows where to go, what to say and what to do.

And he's probably the kindest guy there is. He knows the names of all the equipment managers and minor league guys. He makes sure everyone feels important and part of the team. He's a good guy, people attach to that" she shrugs.

"Well I'm glad I'm the lucky girl that gets to love him" I admit.

"Be careful because some girls like to think they know you and know Jon and will say some awful things because they want to be you" Abby claims.

"I've gotten the funny looks and a few whispers here and there but nothing too bad. I get more shit from being Jeremys daughter than anything. I'm well aware my father isn't a perfect man and he doesn't know when it is time to shut up or speak up. Most of the time if I'm in the news it's because of him. Jon doesn't have social media and neither do I so our relationship is pretty down low. I mean he talks about me in the media from time to time and I get some shit from some girls. But I rather get shit from that then him not act like we're together. I can't be a ghost in another relationship" I defend.

"I guess that's true" Dayna admits. "Just be careful" she warns.

"If I can't handle it I know Jon can" I insist. He's good with stuff like that.

Finally the game gets under way and it was intense as expected. I was on the edge of my seat as I watch the puck go back in fourth. I start to nibble on my nails as the time winds down in the third period. It was a great game, I'll give them that. Anyone who wasn't rooting for one team or another probably loved this. But it's tied and someone has to win in the end. I really hope it's Jonny's team because I don't know what to say to him if they don't win.

The seconds tick away and the third period ends. I let out both a sigh of relief and exasperation as I fall back into my seat. Jons dad pats my back as I shake my head. "This is awful" I mumble.

"Think if it this way" he starts. "This is going to be a great story to tell again one day no matter what happens. Now you just have to pray that this is a victorious story and not a sad one" he insists.

"Ain't that the truth" I mumble.

The guys come back for over time and I could basically feel my stomach flipping right now. Every time someone shot the puck I jumped because I was so scared. I swear if I hear it hit the post I would probably die. Finally I stuff my face in my hands as I shake my head.

This can't end quick enough.

I separate my fingers and look back to the ice. As soon as I do Sidney Crosby gets a nice pass from Jonny and put the puck into the net. I jump up on my seat and start to scream as we all celebrate. Jons parents pull me into a hug and I was just happy it was over to be honest.

Once we all settle down and I collect myself from the freak out I was having and I try to take some pictures to capture this great moment. After they do the handshake line and hand out the medals they let friends and family down to the ice to celebrate with their loved ones. I slip and slide across the cut up ice until I find Jon. He skates over and picks me up so I can wrap my legs around him. I hold him tight as he makes sure that I am stable.

"I'm so proud of you" I whisper into his ear as he grabs me tight.

"I didn't have you worried did I" he teases.

"Oh, pshh. Not at all" I scoff.

"Baby I looked into the stands a bunch of times, I could feel how nervous you were from the ice" he accuses.

"Okay, I was a hot mess. But you made it worth it, like always" I promise.

"I wanted to win gold just so I could do this" he claims as he takes off his gold medal. He places it on my neck as the medal falls to my chest. I smile big as I pick it up, this is defiantly top three coolest things that's ever happened to me. The whole experience in itself was amazing, but to have a chance to hold a Olympic gold medal is so cool.

"Are you giving your dad this one too" I wonder.

He lets out a soft groan as he shakes his head. "Please tell me he didn't tell you the world junior story" he begs.

"I asked him to tell me twice I loved it so much" I smirk.

"Well this ones staying. You said I should put up things in my place that mean something to me so I can put this up with a picture of us all here today so I can always look back on all of this and smile" he claims.

"I think that's a wonderful idea" I smile.

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