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After months of preparing and tests and remodeling and a lot and lots of cooking trials, Momma Raes was finally opening. And for it being a brand new business there was quite a lot of hype. I might have had something to do with that using the Blackhawks to do some promotion and Jeremy has done his part too. It's 6 am and there's already a line coming out of the restaurant of people waiting to try the hottest thing in town. We don't open until 10 am because the ken thing this place won't serve is breakfast but I'm sure that will change here soon.

I joined Rachel on her morning run and we end up at the restaurant to get ready for the big day. It opens at 10 so we still had a few hours. But being the busy bee she is she wanted to stop by and make sure everything is perfect.

"I can't believe this is actually happening. I used to dream of this day, I would sit in my room in front of my Barbie kitchen and act like I was making food for everyone. It was just me and mom feeding the world. The hungry, the people who only know chicken nuggets and French fries. I could show off one of the few things I felt like I was good at. I wasn't good at making friends or drawing or singing or dancing, the only thing I knew was cooking. And the only time I felt like people payed attention to me was when I was making food.

And for the longest time I thought that this was just a dream. That I could never actually get here. But now I am and..." she trails off.

"You're scared" I notice.

She lets out a long sigh as she turns to me. "I'm so scared. What if it doesn't work out? What if what I want to happen doesn't" she wonders.

"Dreams are scary like that. I can't tell you how many times I never thought I would amount to anything. The people who told me I would never make it in the NHL, I didn't listen to them but I still heard them. Every time something bad happened I thought about them, if they were right.

But there are some things that are just meant to be. Like me and you, I know that all of this" I say as I point around us, "this is here because of you. And it's going to stay because of you. I know dreaming is scary, you think that one day you'll wake up and this will all be gone. But this isn't that kind of dream" I assure her.

"I wish mom was here. She would have loved this place. She would have loved you" she sighs.

"I would have loved her. You know how I know" I ask. She shakes her head as I grab her hands. "Because I love you and you're the best parts of her. And this place... this is everything that she wanted for you. This is your guys' thing and even though she's not alive your dream still is" I explain.

"I just don't know what to think about all of this" she admits.

I wrap my arms around her as I pull her into my chest. I feel her heart still beating fast from the run as we stand chest to chest. "I think this is amazing" I admit. "And I think you are too" I smile.

"I think you're full of it" she accuses.

"Just for you" I promise.

We run back home and get ready for the grand opening this afternoon. The workers were ready and the bills were paid, now all we had to do was open for business. So I pull on the nicest suit I had and make sure I looked good. If this all goes well I will look back on this one day and be able to just smile and see how far I've come.

"Hey babe" Rachel yells out pulling me out of my trance.

"Yeah" I yell back.

"Can you help zip me up" she wonders.

I take that as my cue to come into the bathroom and help Rachel out. So I let myself in and find her standing in front of the mirror.

I have never seen a sight so beautiful

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I have never seen a sight so beautiful. Her long blonde hair looked fake it looked so good. Her makeup was perfect and she had on the earrings her dad got her for a early birthday present. And while her restaurant was a nicer one it wasn't something that requires people to look this good to dine at. There was a little bit of everything out there for people to eat so they could get a Chicago dog or a steak. You could come in a Hawks jersey or a formal dress. But if you ask me the best thing that could ever happen to that restaurant was standing here in a sexy blue dress that would make any man fall to his knees begging for mercy.

I just stand there for a second and admire her. She's worked her ass off for this and she deserved it. Every bit of it. I might have bought the building but she... she made it all herself. It's all her and that's why she wants people to like it so much. Little did she know people are going to love her, I just know it.

"Are you going to stand there with her mouth open, or are you going to help me" she teases.

I shake my head of all the dirty thoughts I had about getting her out of the dress and I zip it up. She turns to me with a worrisome smile on her face. "How do I look" she asks.

"I... I have no words" I admit.

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing" she giggles.

"It's good, really good" I promise.

We head over to the restaurant where there was a red ribbon now tied to the front. We stand out front with her family as we get ready to open the doors.

"I would like to say something" I say as I step forward. The line was down the block as people waited to try some good home cooking.

"What's going on" Rachel wonders.

"I wanted to say a few words" I insist. I wrap my arm around her and hold her to my side. "I know today is the just the beginning, but this journey has already been life changing not just for Rachel but for all of us. She stood by me and watched me achieve my dreams and now I get to do the same for her.

I know this place is going to be special, I know it's going to be a safe place for so many people. Rachel had struggled a lot growing up and this dream, this place is what kept her going. And now this is where I come when I need a good meal or a smile. Today is the start of yet another journey I get to go on with the woman I love and I couldn't be more proud" I say.

She smiles up to me before cupping my chin and pulling me into a kiss. I happily kiss her back excited to see where this goes.

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