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Once Jon starts practices and his family joins us in Vancouver we get settled into the Olympic life style. It was really cool to be on team canada's side while we were in Canada. And even though I love my American friends and my dad and his family and of course my country, I love Jon just a tiny bit more than all of that. Because when it comes down to it I would go anywhere in the world with Jonny, but there's not a place I would want to be without him.

And since Jon has to stay on sight with his team his parents let me stay with them and let me crash on the couch which I quite enjoyed. I always found them comfy and it felt like I was being cuddled. So after I wake up  Jons parents decide to go out and get his jersey to wear for games so I text Jon and meet him for breakfast.

"What are the plans for today" Jon wonders as we get served. I lick my lips as they set down my omelet in front of me. I was so hungry.

"Well we have dinner with my dad and his family tonight. But other than that I think we're free" I insist.

"Okay, so what do we do until then" he wonders.

"I want to go ice skating" I insist.

He just looks at me weird because we came all this way and I wanted to do something we easily could have done in Chicago. "Where" he wonders.

"I don't know" I shrug. "Anywhere really."

"I think I know of a place" he smirks.

So we finish up our breakfast and he whisks me away. We come across a little pond that was frozen over and I smile. Jon takes me right up to it before making sure it was safe. I know nothing about this but he claims he played many pond hockey games and the ice was well.

"Should we even be here" I ask him.

"Nope. But that means no one will look for us here so we should be fine" he claims.

"How do you know the ice is safe" I question.

"I'm Canadian" he smirks. He had a good point.

So I head back into town to retrieve my skates and he does the same. We change into them before taking the ice. The pond was a little outside the village but I can still hear the hustle and bustle of the Olympics. We take off onto the pond and although I was a little scared it was kinda awesome.

"I got you" Jon says as he places his hands on my hips. He skates behind me as he meets my strides. We go around and around for a while and it was so peaceful. I almost forgot Jon was one of the best players in the world here to play for his country. I forgot I'm the daughter of a man on the other side.
It was just him and I and it was nice.

He turns around and starts to skate backwards in front of me. I hold on to him tight so we don't get separated.

"Why did you want to skate" he wonders.

"I don't know" I shrug. "The ice calls me I guess."

"Sounds like a Roenick" he teases and I smile.

"You should see Brett. I went to one of his games and he's really good" I insist.

"You've taken quite the liking to him" he notices.

"He's pretty cool. He's taken a liking to me too but I think it's just because I hang out with him at all the Hawks games. I never had a sibling before and he seems to like me so I like hanging out with him" I admit.

"Have you ever thought about having kids" he wonders.

I just smile as I shrug. "I mean eventually. Not any time soon, I'm not ready for that. But I love kids, I love the thought of having a family" I admit.

"You have a family here, with me" he insists.

"What do you mean" I question. Because if I think of him as a brother I certainly wouldn't be able to date him.

"I mean that my parents think you're the best thing ever. Having you stay with them made them realize what I've seen all along. They love you so much and they think of your own. You're a part of us now" he explains.

I smile as I pull him closer. I press my lips to his as we come to a stop. My fingers get tangled in his team canada jacket to make sure I don't fall.

"I love you so much Rachel Rae" he whispers.

"I love you too Jonathan Bryan" I tease.

After messing around for a while we decide to head back to the hotel and relax for a little. We get changed and grab jons parents before heading over to dinner with my dad and his family. We all meet up at a nice restaurant and sit around the table. There was a bunch of us but it was pretty fun to see our two worlds collide.

"I can't believe my daughter is team canada" Jeremy sighs as he looks at the maple leaf on my left arm and I smile at him.

"I'm team Jonny" I claim.

"Well he's a lucky man" he insists.

"I think I'm the lucky one" I insist.

"It's definitely me" Jon jumps in and I just roll my eyes. Couldn't miss a shot, could he?

"Okay fine" I sigh as he places his hand on my thigh.

"Although it's weird to be having dinner with the enemy, I'm glad it's you" my dad says to Jon.

"I'm glad it's me too. I couldn't imagine being here or it being this special without Rachel here" he claims as he squeezes my leg.

I smile to myself because for the longest time I wanted to be loved by a man. And I wanted it from my dad but I realize that I didn't need it from him. Or any man at that. But it sure is nice to have from a man who cares about me.

Once we were done with dinner I head back to Jonnys place because his roommate was away and he wanted to spend a little more time with me before the games started. So we cuddle up on his bed and watch a movie on his laptop. My head rested between his head and his shoulder as he holds me close.

"You know, your dad isn't that bad" he tells me.

"He's not. Just not that good either. He is mad that I'm wearing all this team Canada stuff but he never gave me the chance to be team USA" I insist.

"Hey! I thought you were team Jonny" he pouts.

"I'm team Jonny way after this thing is over though" I remind him.

"Good" he smiles.

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