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It is game day in the Windy City as the Blackhawks take on the Blues. We were at the top of the central division and close to the top of the western conference. It was a team effort to be in this position but I myself was having a pretty good season. It's never about the name on the back but the one on the front and that's what we're trying to do here. Make our organization proud. Because at the end of the day a season without the cup, no matter how good we do individually or in the regular season, is a failure.

But these games still matter. Even if it's March and we're pretty well ahead in the playoff race there's no time to take the foot off the pedal. The post season starts next month and we haven't won anything yet. I had a good feeling about this team though.

"Look at you all smiley" Sharpy teases. "I'm going to have to start calling you captain smiley."

"Please, no more nicknames" I beg.

"Oh come on! It's a part of hockey" he argues.

"Captain serious is bad enough. Captain smiley is just downright mean" I pout.

"Alright, fine. I'll leave it. But I still want to know why your face looks like that" he claims.

"Is it illegal for me to be happy" I question.

"Considering the only time I have ever seen you smile is when you convinced our caterers to substitute in healthy food for games... yes" he claims.

I just shake my head as I sit in the stall. "I can't explain why I'm happy. I just am" I shrug.

"I didn't know you could feel a feeling that isn't serious" he claims.

"I didn't either" I admit. "But I'm at a point in my life where everything is coming together. I had a great tournament and the Hawks are doing amazing. I am in the only relationship that's ever made me happy and I'm headed in the right direction. I can't wait to see where I can go" I insist.

"My god you've gotten soft" he accuses.

"And you've always been soft" I counter.

"Alright, good point" he admits.

After bickering like a old married couple he gets changed and ready for the game. We do our normal pre game warm ups and conversations. I had a good feeling about this game tonight and I was excited to get out there.

Come the end of the game I had three goals and a most impressive hat trick. Those don't come around as often as they used to so it was cool to do it in the NHL. The first one of my career.

So they collected all the hats and give me three pucks to signify the accomplishment. I take a picture of my crowning achievement and pray this it doesn't end up anywhere, even though I'm sure it'll end up everywhere. I hate taking pictures at the end of the game because I have helmet marks on my forehead and my hair looks a mess. But it was a great experience and I hope I will never forget it.

After the game I go to the box where Rachel resides. She had a big test tomorrow and didn't know if she could make it between her study group and her own studies. But I told her I play better when she's here and this was just a testament to my hunch. I had a feeling she would come and in warm ups when I looked up here she was there watching me.

I walk over to her and pull her into a long kiss. I'm sure people were watching but I didn't really care at this point. We had just gotten back from a trip after being away for a while and I missed her like crazy. Plus I was in a really good mood and I wanted to make this moment perfect.

"Hey there" she whispers on my lips as we break apart.

"Hey you" I smile as she smiles back at me.

"Nice game. Looks like you were trying to show off a little" she teases.

"Not showing off. Just... making my talents known" I tease.

She rolls her eyes as she pulls me closer. "That's the same thing" she accuses.

"No" I argue. "Showing off would be scoring three goals and doing one of Kaner's celly's at the end. I just hugged my teammates then went back to work" I defend.

"Really? So you don't still have the pucks" she questions.

She had a shit eating grin on her face because she knows how hat tricks works. Her dad had plenty in the time that he was here and it's tradition to keep the pucks. It's a little boastful, I know. But tradition is tradition.

"I do have them" I admit as I pull out my pucks, "but I kept them for you to have" I say.

Her big eyes get even bigger as she looks at me. "Why do you want me to have them" she questions softly.

"Because you're the reason I play in the first place. I wouldn't have them if it wasn't for you inspiring me. Telling me that watching me play makes you so happy. This way I'll always remember my first hat trick I because I'll remember giving you the pucks and you taking them with a smile" I say as I hand them to her.

"I don't know what to say" she whispers. "This is so sweet. Are you sure you don't want them? They're special" she insists.

"You're special to me. Without you those are just pieces of rubber" I insist.

"Well thank you, I don't have anything sentimental like this when it comes to hockey. I'll keep them forever" she promises.

"And I'll keep you forever" I smile.

I watch as she looks at the pucks in her hand. She had the biggest smile on her face as she studied each one. Her long hair falling to her side while she admired her gift. I know it was cheesy to give your girlfriend your pucks, but she's been around hockey her whole life and never got a puck or a medal or anything like that. I want her to know that he's hockey means a lot to me, but she means everything to me and that's what's important.

She wraps her arm around me as she holds the pucks in her other hand. She rests her head on my chest as I hold her back. "You want to come over" I offer.

"I have tests tomorrow, remember" she reminds me.

"Shit, I forgot" I sigh. Time never does seem to be in our favor.

"But after class tomorrow I'll be free. You can come over and play with my dog while I make us some lunch" she offers.

"You had me at dog" I smirk.

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