Chapter 42: Down To Business

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Chapter 42: Down To Business

"Capricorn. Stand Down. This is between me and my daughter." Layla said as she walked. The blonde woman placed her hand on her butler's shoulder, indicating that she wanted him to stop. She eyed her butler, making sure that he knew that neither him nor Virgo is supposed to interrupt her moment with Lucy.

"But-" Capricorn started to say but was silenced by the movement of his boss's hand, "I understand ma'am. I apologize."

"It's alright. Go prepare a meal for my daughter and I. We have a lot of catching up to do," Layla stated as she slightly smiled. She stared at her daughter with a smile, softly pulling the muscles at the sides of her mouth. Lucy only shot her mother a bitter glare. Who was she to think she is to give Lucy such a smile?

"We both know I'm not here for a meal," Lucy stated, still standing her defensive stance, "I want to know why you did it?"

"Did what my dear? I have done many things that I have lost count," Layla stated as she rose her hand to hide a soft chuckle. The woman turned around and started walking towards her dining hall.

"I'm serious mother. I am not here to play any games. Why are you still doing this?" Lucy asked as she slowly went back to her normal stance. Her mother can be so frustrating at times, she had forgotten how difficult he woman was when she knew only her had the answers. She would manipulate you to get what she wants if she only knew that she held the upper hand.

"I never said I wasn't serious, now come with me. I have no intention of fighting my own offspring," Layla said as she continued to walk, "now come."

"Oh now I'm your offspring huh," Lucy said as she chuckled to herself. The blond let her guard down and decided to follow mother. But she wasn't gonna let her intentions sway, "Afraid to done in my your own offspring?"

"You wish," Layla said in a playful tone.


"So, do you always have to be so up front with people. It's so embarrassing sometimes," Gray said as he placed his hands behind his head and turned away, having a slight blush on his face. Erza was sometimes too straight-forward for her own good.

'No wonder you don't have an official boyfriend yet,' Gray thought to himself.

"Being straight-forwards gets me the best results. If you were smarter you would have known that," Erza calmly stated as she brushed some dust off her shoulders, "and I don't have a boyfriend because women power. You would not, again, understand."

"Are ya calling me stupid!!!!!" Gray exclaimed as he tossed his shirt on the floor, preparing for a one on one fight with his red-headed friend.

"I am prepared to fight whenever you want," Erza stated with a smile and she turned towards him and got into her fighting stance, "be prepared to die."

"Now, now you guys. Boss asked us to be at the base a while ago, do you really want to keep him waiting?" Mirajane stated as she walked in between the two.

"You have been spared today," Erza stated as she stood back up.

"YoU hAvE bEeN sPaReD tOdAy," Gray mocked as he bent down to pick up his shirt and put it pack on.

"Why are we coming here so now sis. Did Boss tell you what was so important?" Elfman asked, coming out of now where but their shadows.

"Not really, he just wanted us to be there asap. It sounded really serious so I was only able to call a couple of you guys on such short notice," Mira explained to her group of friends.

The group finally reached the opening doors of their base, only to be met with the murderous aura of their boss. There was their boss, sitting on a stool and looking mad as hell and it looked as if there was going to be nothing to stop him.

"What in the hell happened her?" Erza and Gray asked as they looked at some of their friends laying on the floor-neither breathing nor moving.

"We found everyone here like this. The ones with minor injuries were sent to our medical unit and those with major injuries were sent to the nearest hospital. I informed some people to take care of things there and to guard them. The rest of the people here-we couldn't save them. It was too far gone," Freed stated with a sad expression as he kept glancing around at the corpses laying on the floor, "I made some arrangements with the funeral home for them to have a proper burial. That's the best we can do."

"How is the boss feeling?" Elfman whispered to his green-headed friend, trying not aggravate his boss further than he already is.

"No need to whisper Elfman, I know that you of all people would be more than upset at our current situation," Natsu stated as he gestured his hands for all of his friends to sit on the remaining chairs.

"Boss, what do you mean me of all people?" Elfman asked.

"Lisanna was one of the injured people. She was one of those that received major injuries. But not to be worried, I've received word that she's in the clear zone right now," Natsu explained, receiving a comfortable sigh from his friend, "you may visit her if you want, she's family after all."

"No boss, we're all family here. I want to help get revenge against those bastards who dare messes with Fairy Tail," Elfman stated with a growing anger in his voice.

"Good, I wouldn't expect anything less," Natsu said with an approving smile, "do you notice anything about these injures?"

The gang got up and stared to look at the wounds of their friends. There was something that was similar yet different from almost all of the markings found on the bodies. Each of them has a small marking on various parts of their bodies. Three consecutive slashes on the skin, with the middle slash being the longer one. It was as if the person was replicating-or trying to replicate-the marking of a tiger.

"I think I've seen a marking like this before, I think it's from Sabertooth," Gray said as he stood up from one of the bodies he was looking at.

"I had the same thought, but I needed to confirm it. Now, have any of you do anything to provoke them? We have never bothered them nor have they bothered us." Natus asked his friends as he leaned back on his chair and crossed his arms, waiting for an answer.

All of the Fairy Tail members shook their heads no.

"Why would they attack us out of no where?" Mirajane questioned.

"Maybe they decided they wanted to be the leading underworld power?" Erza suggested, "I knew that they would come to stab us in the back someday."

"We need to rebuild our forces," Natsu stated.

"Rebuild our forces? Rebuild them for what?" Evergreen asked.

"This means war," Gray answered, "there is no way that they can do this and get away with it. They need to pay for what they did."

"How do you plan we attack them? We are down practically half of our people. How do you expect us to attack them the way we are now?" Gray asked.

"In three months time. In three months time we are going with a head-on attack. We will attack and destroy them. In that time being, most of our forces will be well enough to fight. In that time, I need you guys to improve your skills. What we are going to do may end up with either each of us dying or winning. I will train you guys to be the best you can be. Ae you prepared to join me in revenge?" Natsu asked.

Everyone erupted in cheers of agreement.

"We're with you. No one messes with us and gets away with it. We leave the training to you Boss!" Everyone shouted in agreement.

'Now, where did that woman run off to. I need her skills,' Natsu thought to himself as he stared out through the main doors.

Hey Guys, author here. I just want to say that however how long I take. I wouldn't give up on this story. If I do, I'll run into the wall as many times as you like. I'll try working on multiple chapters so I could upload two or more at a time. This story has been longer than I thought, it may be longer than I thought.

Also, if you use BigHead, it's a really cool app. You could meet other anime fans on there.

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