Chapter 8: The Key To Lucy

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"Speak," Natsu said to Erza as he flipped through papers that were scattered around his desk.

"Name: Lucy Heartfilia, Age: 17, Likes: Unknown, Dislikes: Unknown, Date of birth: July first 1999, Place of birth: Unknown. Names of relatives: Unknown. This woman has some how found out a way to wipe her record clean in both the police database and the underworld. This is as much information I can get," Erza said as she closed the folder that had papers with barely anything written inside of them. They were truly going to have a hard time finding some quality information on the Heartfilia girl.

"Nothing from her relatives?" Natsu asked again as he leaned his elbows on the desk and started to think to himself.

"No Boss, we were only able to find out that she once had a little sister. The sister's information is confidential," Erza said as sweat started to form at the sides of her forehead. Natsu was pissed. She barely did anything he asked her to do.

"This is the shit that's going on here now," Natsu asked as he sat up from his leaning position, "I ask you for information and you come back with practically nothing. We are Fairy Tail. Nothing is confidential. Get your ass back it there and get me what I asked for," Natsu said as she swung around in his chair and faced the large window with a wonderful view of the city.

'Who exactly are you my mystery girl?' Natsu thought as he closed his eyes and started to think.


On the outside of his office, Erza has just stepped out Natsu's office and she let out a huge breath. The tension was so thick that it would have been cut by a dull blade. She had to hurry and get Natsu what he wanted before he really got angry at her.

"What's up Erza? What's gotten your panties in a bunch?" Gray asked as he took a sip of his beer.

"Isn't it a bit to early to be drinking Gray?" Erza said as she went to sit down at her desk which stood right outside of Natsu's office. She then immediately started to type on her computer, trying to get her hands in anything about Lucy Heartfilia. She didn't understand why the Boss was so obsessed with this woman. Why did he make such a fuss about getting the information as soon as possible. She could even remember how he asked her. He literally scared the shit out of her.

"Erza I need you to find as much information on the name Lucy Heartfilia. I need it by this afternoon," Natsu said as he walked by Erza's desk to get to his office.

"But Boss, are you really underestimating my skills," Erza said with a smirk that showed her cocky side.

"Just get the shit done before I put a bullet in your head," Natsu said as stopped, turned around, and sent Erza a glare that could possibly kill her. After what he just told her, Erza's attitude completely changed. She wanted nothing to do with his side of the Boss. His, what most people would  say, Dragon side.

"Yes Boss," Erza said seriously as she stared to immediately type in her computer to look for information on the person he just told her. And to be quite honest, she wanted to find out about this person that has gotten her leader in such a trance. There had to be something special about her. There just has to be.

A shiver went down Erza's spine when she thought back to what Natsu had to her. She never wanted to be on his death glare racer. The man was so imitating that even a glare would cause someone to throw in their white flag and accept what ever he wished they would do. That powerful can be extremely dangerous, luckily danger was apart of his second nature.

"Who's this Lucy chick," Gray asked Erza as he leaned over to get a gd view of her computer. Which she ran to hide the screen from him with her hands. Gray backed away with a shocked expression spread across his face. Erza would never kept something from him, unless it was specifically ordered by the Boss, "Wait don't tell me it's that new girl," Gray said in disbelief. He knew he should have delt with her the first time he met her. He had a gut feeling that she was going to bring something bad around him and his family, and he couldn't let that happen. She had the same aura that Boss had, and that was extremely dangerous. Two of the same will always cancel out each other. He wasn't ready to lose Boss.

"Yes," Erza said quietly as she looked around the base with caution. When she was absolutely sure that she was in the clear, Erza grabbed Gray's ear and twisted it as hard as she can, while saying, "Now you listen here and you listen good. Don't you dare tell another person about this or Boss will be sure to have both of our heads,"

"Ok, ok, I won't. I was just a bit curious. You didn't have to get so physical with me," Gray said as he pulled himself away from Erza and started to rub his ear, "But seriously. Is there anything I could help with because it sounds like you need serious help," Gray said as he pulled a random chair to sit next to Erza.

Erza gave the raven-headed boy a sigh before she finally gave in and started filling him in on what Natsu wanted her to do. He too did not know anything about the girl and found it strange that all of her information was wiped clean from the system.

"I don't really know much about this Lucy Heartfilia girl. But I would advise you ask around the base to gather info. You would be surprise how much information you could get from out members," Gray said as he got up from his chair and walked away from her. Erza stares at him and started to wonder.

'Hm, maybe he's right," Erza thought to herself as she gathered the papers on her desk together and started to ask questions about Lucy around he base.

It took almost an hour before Erza finally got somewhere. She had asked a man named Jet that was sitting on the couch about Lucy. When she asked him, he told her that he didn't know anything about her. Erza was a Master at detecting if someone was lying and Jet is a man that is terrible at lying. She only took about five minutes of beating him up to finally get something out of him.

"Alright Alright Erza. I'll tell you. But you have to promise me something," Jet said as he laid flat on the floor with Erza's foot planted on his back.

"I won't promise anything," Erza said as she dug her heel into his back. She didn't hear him whimper or scream and when she looked down she saw that he was glaring at her. He was deadly serious, "Fine. What is it?" Erza said as she released her foot from his back.

"Okay," Jet said as he got up and brushed off any sort of dirt that he may have had in his clothes, "she's a childhood friend that I've know for about five years. Her name is Levy McGarden. We talk on the phone no more twice a week because of the work I do. But she tells me about her best friend name Lucy. I don't know if it's that Heartfilia girl you're looking for but it's all I got,"

"And does this Levy have an address," Erza asked as she pulled out a pen form her pocket.

"Promise me that you won't hurt her first," said Jet.

"I'll try my best not to hurt her," Erza said with impatience lingering with her tone of voice. She was getting tired of how long this was taking. Jet saw that this was the best that he could get out of her and eventually gave up.

"Her place is 2389 Tallest Lane. It's the pink house with roses and lilies in the front yard. And remember if something bad ever happens to her I'll personally hurt you," Jet said as he finally walked away and left the base. He wanted to be there when Erza comes. It's not that he didn't trust her, he just knew that everywhere Fairy Tail goes there is always destruction.

"Must be nice," Erza said to herself as she turned around and headed straight to Natsu's office.


"This is all the info I got. The girl clearly know how to cover her tracks. Luckily someone in the base knew something about her," Erza said as she put the piece of information that she had obtained on Natsu's desk. He picked up the papers and read it carefully.

"Bring Levy to me. And please try not to hurt the girl. We need her on our side to get closer to Lucy. Erza nodded and went to her desk to get her jacket and gun, to use in an emergency.

On the other side of Natsu's door he sat there again thinking to himself.

'Looks like you didn't hide well," he thought to himself as he laid his head back and closed his eyes. Waiting for Erza to bring him the key to Lucy Heartfilia.

Author's Note

Just wanted to let you know that if Jet or Droy is mentioned imagine them before the time skip.

Thanks for reading, until next time



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