Chapter 19: An Old Friend

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Chapter 19: An Old Friend

"Ah...," The black-headed man cried as he leaned forward and coughed up a pool of blood.

"Now, I'm not the type to ask questions a second time," Natsu said as he grabbed the man's collar and punched him in the face, his rings scrapping the man's cheeks, "and I'm not the type to let some fucker get near my family," Natsu said as he punched the man straight in the nose.

"B-Boss, if you keep beating him like that, t-then w-we night not get any information fro-om him," Max stuttered at his Boss. He was afraid that Natsu would turn around and break his nose for interrupted him during an interrogation.

"Get out," Natsu said as he turned his head to the side, "all of you."

As soon at their Boss finished his sentence, everyone in the sped out at max speed, each one terrified to disobey their Boss's order.

As soon as everyone, Natsu slapped the man with sheer force, causing him to almost fall out the chair.

"Ay what the fuck man, we made a deal that you wouldn't torture me so bad. Shit, I think you broke my nose," The man said as he untied himself and held his nose.

"We also made a deal to never being family into this," Natsu said as he took out a cigarette from his pocket and started to light it.

"Well that changed, he got someone important to me. Juvia, my sister," The man said as he sat up from his chair.

"Don't sweat it," Natsu said as he threw his cigarette butt to the floor.

"You're gonna kill yourself one day, smoking that much in one day," The man said as he let out a weak laugh.

"You like to know I live on the edge," Natsu said as he started to moonwalk on an imaginary line.

"Asshole, don't make me laugh it's bad enough that you almost killed me," The man said as he wiped the blood that dripping at the ends of his mouth.

"Good to have you back Gajeel," Natsu said as he pulled the man into, what some would call, a bro hug.

"Good to be back, old friend," Gajeel said giving Natsu a full on hug.

"Eh get off me. I'm only attracted to girls man. Although there are a few guys at the base that may be interested in you," Natsu said as he pushed the man off of him and let out a small chuckle.

"You know I've thought that all these years that I was gone, you would have grown up and started acting like an adult. Boy, was I wrong," Gajeel said as he braced back into his chair, with his head getting a bit dizzy.

"Yeah well, it's good to keep some sort of happiness with you. You never know if it could all be taken away from you the next day, the next week, or even the next month. That's why I always remind those people down there that death is enviable, and you can't rely on anyone but yourself or your partner. But it's nice to lay back and chill out," Natsu said as he grabbed a chair from the corner of the room, placed it in front of Gajeel and plopped himself onto it. He noticed that he had gotten kind of dark for a second there, but it wasn't his fault. Seeing someone like Gajeel, someone he had known for years, just walk up right in front of him caused a crack in the dam. He thought that his old friend had abandoned the mafia, the mission, and worst of all him, "Well enough with that pissy shit talking. Why in the hell was your brother here?"

"Well Boss, I have no idea. But I really do thank you for sparing him. If it wasn't for you, then he would have been killed," Gajeel said as he bowed his head slightly. He heard that tone from Natsu, and knew that their meeting after all these years wouldn't last long. He knew for sure that Natsu would have gotten back into his old self and would start to order everyone around.

"Well, what information have you gotten since I let you go?" Natsu said as he started to clean his nails. He didn't want Gajeel's blood to dry up underneath them.

"On my other boss, Boss?" Gajeel asked his Boss as he tried his best not to complicate his question.

"No, fucking Santa Clause," Natsu said as he lifted up his head and glared at Gajeel.

"Well, I know that he has an underground ring going on, but the bastard won't tell me where it is or who's involved. But I do have an idea where it is," Gajeel said as he stopped and waited to see if his Boss had any sort of answer to tell him.

"Well...?" Natsu said as he urged his subordinate to answer him.

"One part of his ring is highly likely to be under a resort. Hakobe Resort. It's just on the outside of town," Gajeel said as he squeezed his wound a bit, his cheek was really starting to sting.

"Good work. I'll contact you when I want you to pull out of your undercover state," Natsu said as he got up and started walking towards he door, "Oh and when you come back, I'll bring Juvia. She's alive and well with me," The pink-headed man said as he reached his hand to the door knob, and just when he was about to turn it, Gajeel spoke words that completely caught him off guard.

"Oh and Boss, I don't if this may be important to you or not, but I head José mentioned a name during one of his private phone call sessions. He said the name Jude Heartfilia, and I have a strong feeling that he is the one that ordered for Fairy Tail's files to be stolen," Gajeel said as he stood up on his elbows and started at Natsu.

"What?!" Natsu exclaimed as he swiftly turned around and stared at Gajeel, his eyes wide with surprise.

"You didn't know about the files?" Gajeel asked confused. He thought that his Boss knew anything about everything that was going on in his Mafia.

"No, and now I know there's a fucking mole in the base. Sitting, drinking and laughing with the others acting as if they belong here. When I find them, heh, they're gonna wish that they never had set foot on Fairy Tail's territory," Natsu said as he pulled the door open and slammed it as he walked out.

"Well, shit is about to go down," Gajeel said as he plopped himself back onto his chair.

"I'm not going to say it more than one time. Get. The. Fuck. Out.," Elfman said as he inches the handgun closer to Levy's head.

"Uh..where's Jet?" Levy said as she began to get nervous and her whole body started to shake.

"How do you know Jet?" Elfman asked her, he was growing impatient each time he had to ask the girl before him a question. He even threatened her by cocking his gun right in front of her face, and her only response was asking him a question.

"He's uh..," Levy trailed off, she didn't even hear the question, she didn't even know the man that sat in front of asked her a question. The only thing that ran through her brain was the gun that was being pointed at her. All she knew in that moment is that if that tiny little trigger was pulled, then she would be dead. Everything she had dreamed as as child, would be lost. Her hope for being a famous publisher, would go down the drain and disappear as if it hadn't existed in the first place.

And the thought of that terrified her.

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