Chapter 20: Lucky for Lucy

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Chapter 20: Lucky for Lucy

"E-E-Elfman, I think if you put the gun down, then she would be able to answer you question," Wendy said as he hands nervously shock on their way to Elfman's arm.

"She could be a hired killed for all we know," Elfman said as he pushed Wendy's arms away from him.

"Look at her, do believe that someone that killed for a living would react like that when they see a gun," Wendy said, trying to convince the bulky man to put his gun down.

Elfman lowered his guard for a bit and started to notice the expressions that the girl was giving off. There was no possible way that she could be a killer. She was just staring at his gun with fear in her eyes. It was like she had never seen a gun before, like she was terrified of it.

"Hey! What are you doing with her?" Someone yelled as they banged on the backseat car window. The trio in the car looked over to see who was causing so much noise, only to see a bright blond-headed girl hands on the window and her breasts pressed up against the window.  Elfman and Wendy looked away in shame, with a bright red blush slowly creeping across their faces. Levy only looked at the clueless girl and laughed so hard, that she had to cover her mouth with her hands to contain herself.

"Just," Elfman said as he lowered his gun and looked over at Wendy, "Get out," Levy quickly nodded her head and rushed to her out of the car. There was no way in hell she would be caught in the same room as a gun again. Never again will someone like this happen. She would have to have a talk with the blond once they get home.

Levy hopped out of the car so fast that she nearly fell on Lucy. Luckily, Lucy caught her just in time. The blond maiden quickly made her blue-headed best friend stand up straight and dusted imaginary dust off her clothes and hair. As soon as she was done, Lucy patted Levy on the head and started running behind the car.

"HEY!! YOU ASSHOLE! GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!" Lucy yelled as she tried to catch up with the vehicle. She finally gave up after the car ran the second red light, leaving dust in her eyes. As soon as Lucy reached the destination where she found Levy, she expected to see the girl sitting on the sidewalk waiting for her. Instead, she saw the girl sitting at the café across the street, sipping on what looked like a mocha latte with whipped cream. The waiter was still standing next to the blue-headed girl when Lucy walked up to them.

"I'll have the same," Lucy said as she plopped herself on the chair opposite of Levy. The waiter nodded as he wrote the order down and sped off towards the kitchen.

"Do you have money for 'the same'?" Levy asked as she took another sip of her beverage. Lucy looked at the girl and then pulled out he pockets. Only to see that all Lucy had in her pocket, was a mint, a condom, and dime, and a piece of white string.

Levy looked at the girl and sighed. She took out her own wallet and checked to see if she had enough to pay for the extra drink. She was hoping that she would have finished the one she had already before Lucy came back.

Levy took out three dollar bills and smacked them on the table. Lucy's eyes lit up and her smile took up half of her face at the sight of the money.

"I knew you would come through," Lucy happily said as dragged her chair next to Levy and leaned over to try and squeeze the life out of her.

"Relax Lu, think of it as payment for rescuing me from that car," Levy said as she used her straw to stir her drink and put the money back in her purse to prevent it from being blown away from the wind.

"Yada Yada Yada. The point is you love me," Lucy said as the waiter came up to her and placed her drink on the table.

"Anything else?" He asked as he lifted up his notepad, ready to take the next order.

"No that'll be all. Thank you," Levy quickly said, trying to prevent the blond from getting anymore ideas from the menu. Lucy pouted as she searched for the straw with her tongue.

"It wasn't like I was gonna order anything," Lucy muttered as she sank lowered into her chair.

Levy looked at her watch and her eyes widen in panic.

"Crap," Levy yelled as she finished her drink in one slurp and banged it down on the table. The blue-headed girl wiped her face to remove the access drink on her face. Lucy looked at her dumb-founded as she continued to take little sips on her drink.

"Um...Lev?" Lucy questions her best friend as she put her beverage down. The girl only quickly shushed the blond, grabbed her wallet, and ran towards the street and flagged down a taxi.

"What in the actual fuck?" Lucy said out loud.

As soon as she as she caught a cab, the waiter walked up behind Lucy and let out an awkward cough as he set the bill down in front of her. The blond looked at the bill for a few seconds, and then looked at him. She tried to show a convincing smile on her face as she pretended to look through her pocket.

"You know, there are other way to pay," The waiter said as he set his hands on the blond's shoulder, his fingers making little tiny steps on the track to her breasts. Lucy smiled at him as he put one of her hands behind her back and broke a piece of the wooden chair.

'I swear this bastard better make one more move with those disgusting fingers and I'll stab this straight through his perverted heart,' Lucy thought to herself as she put on an act.

Just as the waiter was about to publicly fondle her, someone's hand caught his. Both individuals looked behind them to see who had interrupted the scene. It was a blond man with a scar on his face, someone that Lucy swears that she had seen before, but she just couldn't put her finger on it.

"I suggest you take your hands off this young lady sir," said the man as he squeezed the waiter's hand a bit tighter. The waiter widen his eyes in fear, it felt like his whole hand has gone numb with one simple squeeze. But he wasn't about to punk out to some guy that thrown his ass into his situation.

"Why don't you leave. The lady here clearly doesn't need your help," The waiter said as he swiped his hand away from the man's grip.

"Oh I believe I was needed here," The man said as he slowly took his other hand down to the item towards Lucy's back, and forced the potential weapon out of her hand.

"Oh why don't you just fuck off. Both of you!" Lucy yelled as she got up and stormed off. She made sure she was quick enough to avoid paying. She was thankful yet hateful towards the man that tried to "save" her. She could've taken care of that pesky waiter all by herself, she didn't need help from a hero wannabe.

Lucy continued walking in the direction that she believed Levy lived in. She then felt someone's presence behind her, but she chose to ignore it. If it was some creepy stalker, she would be able to handle herself and beat the shit out of him. She then let out a sigh, and stuck her hands in her pocket. The wind was slowly getting cold, and she was starting to regret her decision to blindly follow her instincts towards Levy's house.

"Young girls like you shouldn't be walking the street alone at this time of night," said the blond man that tried to "save" her earlier. Lucy only looked back at him and rolled her eyes.

"Why don't you just leave this young girl to take care of herself then?" Lucy said as she sped up her pace, but the man showed no intention on leaving her.

"Now why would I do that? Especially when this young woman is a rather dashing one?" The man said as he suddenly appeared in front of her. Lucy was caught off guard at the surprisingly fast speed that the mad just demonstrated. He only smirked at her reaction as he grabbed her chin to face to look him straight in the eyes. "Would this lovely young woman care to tell me her name?" The man said as he rubbed his thumb across her cheek. She immediately pulled back and started to look around for something to possibly hit him with.

"Who the fuck are you?" Lucy yelled as she backed up about seven steps.

"My name is Sting," The man said as he slowly walked up towards her, "and would you care to share yours?"

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