Chapter 12: Bonding? Even a little?

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Chapter 12: Bonding? Even a little?

Natsu stared at his possible blond murderer and even now and then would glance at the pen that held, inching closer and closer to the veins on his neck. The two had probably been in this exact position for about two minutes, when all of a sudden one of them decided to break the silence.

"Dragneel, like I said before, I'm not playing games with you. Tell where where the hell did you move Levy McGarden to?" Lucy as she lightly pressed on a big and very noticeable vein that went along the middle of his neck.

"Answer a few questions first," Natsu said as he smirked a bit. Lucy pressed the pen deeper into his neck. Natsu almost let out a small choke but held it back, not wanting to show Lucy that she held any sort of power between the two.

"Fine," Natsu said as he gave up, "you see that bookcase. Go to it and you will see a book named "The Ledgem of Dragons: Real or Not", take it and there's a key in there. Your friend is locked up in the basement,"

"Why don't you go get it?" Lucy asked as her eyes grew suspicious.

"Because I'm clearly a hostage. You don't trust me enough to move on my own or else I would escape. That's exactly what you're thinking," Natsu said as he laid back into his chair with an interesting look on his face as Lucy slowly pulled away from him. Lucy then thought for a moment and then something finally came to her.

"I'm not stupid," Lucy said as let out a short but loud laugh. Natsu sat there confused. Why the hell is she laughing?

"What?" Natsu asked as he really wanted to know why the hell she had the nerve to laugh right in his face.

"You see the book you're talking about? I know for a fact the book you just told me about is the only copy in this entire world," Lucy said as she leaned down and dragged the pen across his neck once more.

"How do you know this?" Natsu asked as his eyes grew suspicious.

"I know the book was written by a famous person named Igneel Dragneel. You might know him hmm?" Lucy said as she started smiling.

'How the fuck does she know him!' Natsu said to himself. If this girl was somehow connected to that man then she had some serious connections, even more than him.

"And it happens that I own that copy," she said.

'She knows it's a trap,' Natsu thought.

"Walk with me," Lucy said as she made him get up. She made Natsu walk in front of her as she held a firm grip of his hands behind his back. Both of them stood in front of the bookcase when Lucy said, "Pull it."

Natsu hesitated at first, but then he found a way to free himself from her grip and spin them around, with Lucy facing him with her back against the bookcase.

"But ya know, there's something about you that I just can't get enough of," Natsu said as he leaned in a bit closer and rest his hands on the shoulders. He looked deep into her eyes and then took his hand and touched her chin and tilted it up to his face. He then took his other hand and then grabbed her hand, causing her to drop the pen to the floor. He went in for a kiss and Lucy closed her eyes and waited for him, forgetting the reason why she came to the base in the first place.

'My gosh this feels amazing,' both of them thought to themselves.

'Gosh' Natsu thought as he pulled away from her, and then started to stare straight into his eyes again. A minute or two passed before Natsu started to develop a smirk along his face. He then quickly pulled the book and revealed the secret path hidden behind the bookcase and lightly pushed Lucy into the hallway. He didn't want to seem too rough with her, although it's kind of too late for the fact that she wan an actual mafia boss, and as soon as she stood there in the hallway with a little shocked, Natsu pulled the book again and the doorway was closed again.

"Shit!" Lucy yelled out in frustration and banged her hand on the closed doorway.

On the other side of the bookcase, Natsu turned around and touched his mouth for a second. He was memorized by the kiss that he shared with her and he knew that she was different from all the other women he had kissed before. He knew that he wanted to do it again, but in time.

He then walked and then bumped into a small table in his office and hit his knee on it.

"Ow duck," Natsu yelled, but then immediately silenced himself, embarrassed at the fact that he yelled out the word "Duck" instead of the word "fuck".

Lucy on the other hand, found it very funny. She let out a loud genuine laugh at the man's childlessness.

"Hey you, be quiet," Natsu said to her as he bent down to rub his knee.

"Oh so you can hear me Mr. Boss Man," Lucy said as she leaned to the door and giggled a bit, "This is gonna be so much fun,"

"Lucy? Is that you? How'd you get her," Levy said as she emerged into dark hallway with a big bag of Fritos in her hands. There were some still in her mouth and the crumbs some how found there way to Lucy's face. Lucy stared at her in shock she didn't know that Natsu was, in a way, actually telling her the truth. The key did lead her to Levy.

"Come here, you disgusting troll," Lucy said with a smile as she went up to Levy as quick as she can and hugged her like she hadn't seen her in years. They hugged for a way until Levy forced her best friend off of her.

"Ok ok Lu, you don't have to kill me," Levy said as she tried to catch back her breath a bit.

"Talk to you later Mr. Boss man, you'll release me soon enough," Lucy said to Natsu as she put her hand around Levy and they both started walking back towards the room that Levy was in before.

"Lu you are crazy," Levy said as he laugh echoed through the dark hallway.

Natsu laughed at the two friends that were trapped in his secret room. How could they be so calm in such a situation like this? They are truly different from the other people he had trapped in there. How much more different could that woman be? Was the only question that was running through his mind.

"Lucy Heartfilia you have really stolen my attention," Natsu said as he left his office.


Little Wendy Dragneel was walking home from school when she decided that she would take a detour to her big brother's base. She knew that he would not take too much mind to it and she felt more at home with the people that were there. It was better than home, she felt like a complete stranger to her parents and she completely understood why Natsu decided to not take over the "cover" family business. Now they were breathing down her neck for her to take over the business. She just needed a break from her parents.

She walked up to the underground door and knocked the secret knock on the door. Not more than a minute passed by when a beautiful white-headed woman appeared from the door.

"Hey there Wendy, come on in. How are you?" Mira asked as she stepped aside to let the small blue-headed inside of the base.

"Thanks Mira and I have something important to tell you," Wendy said as she rest her bag on the stool next to her and got her hands situated on a stool herself.

"Sure, What is it?" Mira asked as she took out a bottle of apple juice and poured it into a cup for Wendy.

"It involves my kidnapping," Wendy said as she took a sip of her apple juice.

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