Chapter 24: Rooftop

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Chapter 24: Rooftop

Gray anxiously sat in his seat, drumming his fingers along the sides of his desk and would once in a while glance at the clock darting against the wall above the front door. It was fifth period, meaning that lunch is close. He wanted to have that meeting with Lucy as soon as she can. Maybe if she has some sort of valuable information, then he would be able to clear someone's name from the list that Erza made.

"Come on, how long is this fucking class," Gray mumbled to himself. The minute he looked back at the clock, a piece of paper hit him in the cheek. He instantly looked back to see who would dare provoke him in the state of mine that he was in at the moment.

His eyes landed on his red-headed comrade. A dark aura surrounded her and he knew she was looking at him. He seemed he may have seemed suspicious, but he was carful to not let anyone notice his odd behavior.

Erza waved her finger around, trying to get Gray's attention. Once she was finally able to get it, she made her hands to look like a note. Slightly telling him to open the crumbled up paper and read it. He rolled his eyes and he carefully opens the note, trying to not rip any part of it.

'Stop looking so stupid. That clock hasn't worked in two years'

Gray was completely shocked and he felt incredibly stupid. He was relying on a broken clock, he should have known that it wasn't working after looking for nearly and hour. As soon as he felt the need to let go of his anxiety and just sleep through the rest of class, the sweet sound of the bell came and he immediately rose up from his seat bolted towards the door. His happiness soon came to an immediate stop, when Mr. Clive grabbed his shoulders.

"What the fuck old man. Get your damn hands off me," Gray yelled as she tried biting his teacher's hand. Mr. Clive smirked at his student's actions and silently questioned himself how and why the Boss chooses people with rather stranger and more than out-going personalities.

"I'll let you go on only one note," Mr. Clive said as he let go of Gray's shoulder and have him a small but strong nudge, causing the raven-headed boy to stumble on his own two feet and fall to the ground.

"Yeah? What is it?" Gray asked as embarrassment slowly crept up on his cheeks. He couldn't believe that a simple man like Mr. Clive would ever make him fall to the ground with just a simple nudge.

"Name one thing that I taught you about The Mongols today. It could be anything about them, just give me one sentence that shows me you know something about them," Mr. Clive said as he smirked and crossed his arms. Gray sighed as he sat in a random seat and started to play with his chin as if he was thinking really hard.

Out from the corner of the classroom door, a girl with very noticeable blond hair was staring at the scene in front of her. Both Lucy and Mr. Clive's eyes caught each other. Lucy put her thumb up with a questionable look on her face, while Mr. Clive gave her a small smirk and a nod quick enough to let her know that the small deed was done and to not let his actions be caught on my Gray.

The blond-headed mouthed a quick Thank You and bolted towards the only stairway that led to the roof. She's going to have to do something to get back even with Gildarts. She hates owing favors to people.

'Mongols and Monkey have the same beginning, so they should be the same right?' Gray thought to himself. He knew that he was not paying that much attention to the class, but he sure as hell don't remember Mr. Clive saying anything about The Mongols.

"I know," Gray said with a confident smile as he walked towards he door and stood on the boarder of the classroom, "The Mongols we're famous Monkeys that bonded with humans. They intermingled with each other and helped each other learn new think. Like a, hm, like a banana, I guess?"

Gildarts busted out laughing, tears were fighting his eyes to come through and flow down his cheeks after hearing the crappy explanation that Gray tried to give him.

"What the hell was that? Monkeys? Bananas? Hahahhahhaha," Mr. Clive said as he walked back up to Gray, grabbed him by the collar, and threw him into the seat. The atmosphere immediately changed as soon as Gray settles himself into his chair. "Now, as I was saying. You are not to leave this classroom if you do not tell me one correct thing about the Mongols."

Gray let out a rather loud groan as he started to run his chin furiously, thinking that the hardest he rubbed it, the quicker an idea would come to him.

Mr. Clive let out a low chuckle at the raven-headed boy's attempt to find an answer. He walked over to his desk, pulled out a magazine from one of his cabinets and started to fill through the pages. He knew that his was going to take a while, considering the fact that he didn't even teach history in the first place.


Lucy said impatiently on the rooftop railway. She was getting frustrated at how long Erza was taking to get up her. She made a whole scene in front of Gildarts on why he should do this favor for her and how someday, he was going to need something from her. Gosh, all that trouble for nothing. Maybe she told the Boss, no Erza wouldn't be that naive and go running to the Boss to tell him that she has information that can be really useful to him.

"Ughh that bitch really is too loyal. I knew I should have asked someone else to do the job," Lucy said as she kicked a small pebble on the ground.

"Who are you calling a bitch?" Erza said as she stopped the pebble from going any further than her toe. Lucy's eyes lit up a bit, she was surprised to see that for once in her life, her gut was wrong.

As soon as Lucy saw the pink-haired man open the door of the stairway, her face immediately deepened and she realized that she got too happy too soon.

"Now what are we here to discuss?" Natsu asked in a rather annoyed tone.

"The mole Boss. This wonderful girl here claims that she has information that may be of use to you," Erza said as she smirked when she saw the annoyance Lucy's face produced.

"Yeah. We'll talk," Natsu said and he slid his phone onto his pocket.

"Boss she says that she has one condition first," Erza replied.

"Conditions? I don't meet anyone's conditions, they meet mine," Natsu said harshly. Lucy only replied to his comment with a dreadful glare.

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