Chapter 22: Back To School?

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Chapter 22: Back To School?

"Levy, that creep is still out there," Lucy said as she peeked out the blinds and still saw Sting standing under the street light, smoking a cigarette and staring right at her.

"Well aren't you the one that egged him on to follow you?" Levy said as she pushed her glasses a bit closer to her eyes, licked her index finger and turned a page in her book.

"No, I said follow me and I would cut your balls off," Lucy said as she released the blinds and plopped herself onto the floor, "I didn't think he was actually gonna have the guts to follow me."

"Really?" Levy said to herself as she leaned closer into her book.

"Yeah, I know," Lucy said as she had thought that Levy was talking to her.

"Uh..Lu-Chan, I was talking to myself," Levy said as she giggled a bit. Lucy looked at her and pretended to be horrified.

"Ooooo how can you do this to your best friend Levy. He could have killed me and you wouldn't even care. You would have step over my dead boy wouldn't you," Lucy said as she dramatically threw all of her body on the carpet and started to roll around. Levy immediately began to feel guilty at the sight of then blonde's distress. She put her blue butterfly bookmark into her book and closed it.

"Oh I'm sorry Lu-Chan I wasn't really considering your feelings," Levy said as she walked up to the girl on the floor and bent down to embrace her into a friendly warm hug. Before her knees reached the floor, she heard something from Lucy's lips that absolutely horrified her.

"Gotcha," Lucy whispered as she grabbed Levy and pulled her into a harmless s headlock.levy screamed on impact and then tried to break free. She then realized that she only had one option: Pretend To Be Dead.

The blue-headed girl dropped herself onto the ground and did not move an inch from where she was laying down.

"Oh stop being so dramatic," Lucy said as she let go of the girl to crawl over to the window. She peeked her head beyond the blinds, only to see that there was no one there, "oh thank Mavis that creep left."

"It wasn't like he was gonna stay there all night long. People have lives ya know Lucy. Things to do and places to be," Levy said as she held her hand up and inspected her fingernails for any dirt that might be present. 

"Oh yeah, what did you do all day Ms. Things to do and places to be?" Lucy scoffed at her best friend.

"I was just making a general statement. You ass," Levy said while laughing. She picked up a nearby pillow and threw it directly at Lucy's face. "Sorry it couldn't be a fish. I remember how you much you liked storing them in your mouth," Levy said as she held her stomach from laughing at her own joke.

"Don't you have to sleep or something," Lucy said as she pouted and started to play with her fingers. She honestly had no comebacks towards Levy's joke and she was not going to admit that to her out loud.

"Don't you have school? You haven't been skipping have you?" Levy said as she twisted herself to lay on her stomach and kick her feet up into the air as she listened to what Lucy has to say.

"I started on a Friday Lev. You should have remembered that. Thanks God I didn't have any assignments or else I would have seriously caused some damage to that pink headed sexy freak," Lucy said as she took her shirt off and walked over to Levy's closet for a towel. 

"Speaking of him, you know that he kinda sorta kidnapped us right," Levy said as she sat up and crossed her legs.

"Yeah and I saved you didn't I," Lucy said as she pulled out a clean white towel.

"Yeah but what would have happened if you weren't there. What if I was in my own. You know I can't defend myself like you can Lucy," Levy said as she brought her knees up to her chest and placed her head down. Lucy stopping walking to the bathroom and looked at Levy with a disappointing look. How could she said that Lucy wasn't there? Lucy was always there for her because Levy is honestly all she's got right now.

"Listen Lev. You know more about me than my own father must know. And you have to know that I will always be there for you," Lucy said as she stooped down and patted the girl on the head, "I could always teach you for self-defense techniques if you want."

At the mention of the the suggestion, Levy's eyes widen with happiness. She couldn't believe that Lucy was going to teach her how to fight.

"Are you serious?!" Levy screamed with excitement, "are you going to teach me all of those tricks that I see you doing? Like jumping of walls and running on top of buildings?"

"Well not really, that takes harsh training over many years to build up the kind of stamina that I have," Lucy said as her eyes began to cloud, as if she was reflecting on a past experience that she wished that she would forget.

"Lu? Are you okay?" Levy said suddenly growing worried about what might be happening in the blonde's head.

"Yeah yeah, everything's fine," Lucy said snapping out of her daze, "I'll just teach you some moves that could make a guy wish he didn't have balls."

"Ooo, even I can feel the pain of your Lucy Kick to some guy's ball," Levy said as she made a hurt face.

"Yeah well, it's not my fault I have a strong kick. Must be genetic. Anyway, I'm borrowing your shower and then I'm heading back home," Lucy said as she closed the bathroom door, "got to get up bright fucking early to go to that shithole. Gosh, why do I have such a dream."

As soon as Levy was sure that Lucy was not going to be out of her shower for a while, she ran towards the messy clothes that she dropped onto the floor and started to look through them. She needed to find out where Lucy lived, all these months and she still didn't know how to back to Mrs. Heartfilia with valid information.

"Shit. Why do you have to cover up your tracks so much?" Levy said to herself as she tossed the clothes to the side of the room, "and why won't you trust me?"

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