Chapter 44: How Can A Nonexisent Heart Break?

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Chapter 44: How Can A Nonexistent Heart Break?

"What do you think Boss is going to do now?", Gray whispered to Erza. The icy male did have fear when the Boss was in a mood, but he always managed to get a droplet of courage to go up and ask him what's wrong. I mean, they have been colleagues for a long time, some would say family even. However, this is one of the moments that something inside him was warning him not to approach the pinkette. A warning that seemed to physically keep him in his seat and not to even dare to approach the man he's known for practically his whole life.

"I don't know. Do you think that it's possible that he truly had feelings for Lucy?," Erza asked, but it was more of a question to herself as deep inside she knew the answer.

The pinkette sat in complete silence. After seeing the picture, his mind was filled with so many thoughts, excuses, explanations, and questions that he couldn't answer. He couldn't handle the quantity of his own state that he opted to sit and let his mind rest at ease...or at least that was what he had intended. His mind couldn't rest. He couldn't have imagined that someone had the ability to cause him to act and think so foolishly right now. Him. The Natsu Dragneel. Who would've thought that there would be someone to leave him so

The man lifted up a cigarette and gently placed it between his lips. He slowly rummaged through his pocket searching for his lucky red lighter. As he pulled it out, he quickly flicked the knob and waited for it to spark. No spark. He flicked it one more time. No spark. Starting to feel a little irritated, he covered the lighter and the end of his cigarette thinking that there must be some kind of wind stopping the spark from occurring. No spark.

He let out a quiet yet quick sigh as he placed the lighter back into his pocket. happened.

Murmurs of quick gasps were heard around the room. The once relatively quiet room has now become completely silent. Those who had made a sound immediately stopped themselves as they did not want the Boss to notice them. Every pair of eyes that existed in that room were aiming at one person: Boss. The only person to have even a shred of courage decided to step up and ask the one question that rested in the minds of everyone, "Boss? Are you ok?"

The well-known confident red-head didn't know what to do in the Boss's current state. Who would have thought that something like this would've happened to him.

"Am I ok? What kind of stupid question is that?" Natsu whispered to himself as he lifted his head slightly, "when am I ever not ok?"

"Boss?" Gray questioned as he slowly looked behind Erza, removing himself inch by inch, "I..I think you should touch your cheek."

The pinkette furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Touch his cheek? What's the point in that? He raised his hands and his fingers touched is tan-colored cheek.



Why is it wet?

Is it raining?

Maybe a leak?


What's wet?

This can't be right.

Natsu has not realized it. But the moment he was not able to relieve himself with the pull of a cigarette, was the moment that the tears finally fell from his eyes.


He was always taught that tears were a sign of weakness. That tears were only necessary for two things and two things only. (1) when your enemies were graveling below your feet. Begging to be put out of their misery. Pleading for you to give mercy and grant them their request. (2) having your lover cry your name to the heavens as you grant them their request to having a pleasurable release as he built them up to their peak.

Right now. Neither of these instances applied.

Even with the world at his feet there was always something that Natsu would never truly feel. Simply because he thought it was something that was silly. Something that only brought out the weaknesses in someone. Something that wasn't tangible yet it had the ability to cause downfalls of empires, start wars, or even cause those to give up the life they already have because they could not attain it.


Yes. Love.

Something that everyone wants. But not something that everyone can have.

Frustrated and confused, the man quickly got up and quickly walked into his office. A loud yet noticeable lasting ringing was let out as the door slammed.

"Woah," Elfman muttered to himself. For the first time, the bulky and manly man was speechless.

"Who would've thought that that could happen?"

"Boss...? Crying??"

"I never thought that I would love to see the day."

"Is it because of that woman?"

"There's no way Boss would cry? He's obviously got some sort of disease that he got from a fight or something"

Small conversations erupted the moment the door was closed. It was if everyone was holding their breath for the moment Natsu would leave so that they could freely speak their mind. The members were shocked...more like stunned. The man who was said to be truly heartless looked like he did have a heart. I mean?

How can a non-existent heart break?

"An...affair? What do you mean an affair. Mother I'll have you know I mean no business in your personal affairs," the blonde sternly said, "what business do you know about me attending school?"

The older blonde simply smiled.

"My dear sweet Lucy, how long will it take you to realize that I brought you up to be my vision, hmm?" The older blonde kept her smile as she stretched her hand outward, gesturing for Lucy to take it, "now please, while I'm asking nicely, come with mother."

The younger blonde sighed. She had come here with the intention to fight. But she knew better to wait. Even with the anger and betrayal she feels, she knew it would be better to follow her mother and squeeze any information out of her. Why was she so against Natsu? How much does she know?

Layla was not a mysterious woman. However, she was manipulative. She talked her way out of court. She talked her way out of prison. She talked her way out of debt. The woman even had the ability to convince a man to leave his wife and change all his life savings to her name, only to end up spending it all and leaving him out to dry. Her excuse was simply that the man was the one to make the first move. An unfaithful man deserves nothing. She simply just sped up the process.

Now how Lucy came about is a whole other story that would simply be too long and complicated for one to try and understand. To put it in simple terms, Layla and Jude had mer each during a time where neither was even searching for something that would've resulted in Lucy. She was simply a woman who wanted to be free and explore the world. He was simply a man who wanted to climb to the top with his hard work and dedication. In the end, she became someone who bent the world at her will and he become someone who ruled the world at his feet. Both had realized that you can't get freedom and power without getting your hands a little dirty...or in their case...a lot dirty.


Author's Note

A little short but I'm trying to find my notes on this story so everything can go as smoothly as possible.

I believe I've taken more than enough time lol

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2023 ⏰

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