Chapter 3: My name is Wendy

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Chapter 3: My Name is Wendy

"Why aren't we going after her? Boss?" Gray said as he jumped into the window, gun in his hand, ready to run after Lucy to take her out.

"Step down." Natsu said as he wiped the saliva that was in the edge of his lips.

"Are you sure you wanna do this Boss?" Erza said as she got up and brushed off pieces of glass that fell in her. "I could have taken her"

"She knocked down three of our members. I don't think that will go well with our rep. If people find out that a new girl did this then they might think they can beat us. We can't let that happen." Leo said as he desperately tried to reason with Natsu. He didn't want Fairy Tail to be be the main cause of any trouble anymore the police was so close to finding evidence against them.

"She's joining Fairy Tail," Natsu said as he opened the door and walked out. Gildarts looked up from his phone and saw that Natsu had finished his business and he could continue teaching his class to the brats. Gildarts walked into the classroom and his jaw dropped to the floor. His classroom had become a dump. That chair that Lucy threw not  only broke the entire window, it also demolished a couple other desk and chairs that was in the way.

'How the hell am I gonna explain this mess to Master' Gildarts thought to himself. He then looked over to the window and saw that Erza had glass shards in her clothes and a few stuck him her arm. And both Lisanna and Mira had a huge red mark in the middle of their forehead.

"What the hell? Fairy got their ass kicked," A student said as he walked into the classroom and saw the condition the mafia members were in. Gray grabbed the handgun that was strapped underneath his shirt and shot the boy right in the chest.

"Don't you fucking dare talk shit about Fairy Tail," Gray said as he got up and walked towards the boy, bent down and started punching him in the face. The boy was already unconscious when the bullet hit him but Gray kept going. Nobody apart of Fairy Tail tried to stop him. They knew he was just defending their name and reminding people that they were still top dog.

"Alright chill dude. You made your point the dude might be dead already," another dude said as he put stooped down and put his hand between Gray's fist and the unconscious boy's face. Gray stopped punching him and got up and wiped the blood onto his pants.

"Somebody clean this shit up," Gray said as he walked out of the classroom. And to think that all of this happened on just the first day of their senior year.


"Now apologize to Bubbles you bastards," Lucy said as she stepped on one of guys heads that tried to steal her motorcycle. They were currently in a dark alleyway and Lucy had two men cornered to the wall and another one that was laying underneath her heel.

"This bitch is crazy. I ain't saying sorry to a damn motorcycle," said a man with black spikey hair.

"Shut up Marin, the bitch ran three blocks in fricking heels and caught us while we were on the damn motorcycle. Don't forget that she had a box of wings in her hands when she punched me in the face. She's a monster. Do what she says if you wanna live," said a man with spikey green hair and wild crazy party glasses.

"I'm not going to say it again. Apologize or someone here is gonna wish that they weren't born a male," Lucy said as she took out a small dagger from between her breasts and touched the tip of the blade. She looked down at the three terrified men and gave them an evil smirk.

"We're sorry Miss! We'll never try to steal from you again," the three men yelled as they quickly got up and ran with lighting speed out the ally while holding their crotch.

"If they could have left that fast why didn't they do it earlier," Lucy said aloud to herself. She then looked at her watch and her eyes slightly widen, "what the fuck? It's 2:30 you can't be serious. I was gone for fucking five hours" Lucy quickly went back into her normal self and went to pick up the box of wings that was sitting against the wall. She stuck her hand into the box and frowned that the chicken was not warm like it was when she first ordered it, at least it stayed spicy like she liked it.

Lucy walked out of the alleyway and started walking until she saw that a blue-haired little girl was standing in front of her. Her heart got a little soft as she looked at the fragile little girl that stood in front of her.

"Um miss, can you help me please. I'm lost, my name is Wendy by the way," The little girl named Wendy said as she walked closer to Lucy.

"Really, why is there a little girl like you wandering around a place like this. It's dangerous you know," Lucy said as she got down on her knees and squeezed Wendy's nose lightly, "Do you know where you want to go?"

"The driver dropped me off here and he said that he'll be back in an hour. But he didn't come. I'm getting scared. Please help me," Wendy said as she jumped towards Lucy and hugged her. She looked up and gave Lucy her best puppy dog eyes that she could come up with. Lucy couldn't resist those adorable eyes, under that hard rock is just a mushy, soft, warm heart.

"Well My name is Lucy, and don't you worry I'll take care of you," Lucy said as she stood up, grabbed Wendy by the hand, and started walking down the sidewalk.

Then something immediately came to Lucy, why would someone leave a little girl like her all by herself in such a dangerous place. Something was definitely off.

'Wendy did mention that she had a driver. Meaning that she must have some kind of power,' Lucy thought as she looked down at Wendy, who had a bright, gleaming smile spread across her face, "What the hell have I gotten myself into'

"Ms. Lucy watch out!!!" Wendy yelled as she pointed at a swerving car that was speeding towards her. Lucy immediately looked up and saw that a man pop out of a rolled down window with a machine gun in his hand pointing at them. Lucy grabbed Wendy jumped behind a mailbox and tried to cover her body from the bullets that were about to be shot at them.

"Shit, give me a sec Wendy. I'll take these guys out and be right back," Lucy said as she started to untangle herself around Wendy. Wendy got scared that Lucy was going to get hurt, so she decided to hold onto Lucy and made sure that she wasn't going to go anywhere near the bullets. Lucy stood still as she heard the gunshot started to fire. She began jumping from trashcan, to newspaper stand, to anything that she could find to avoid the bullet getting anywhere near Wendy. "This is gonna be tough" Lucy finished as she tried to keep her eyes on the bullets that were firing towards them.


"Still don't believe that bitch had the nerve to leave and not show her face. She probably got scared that the Boss himself would get back at her," Lisanna said to her sister as she watched her some shot glasses. They were currently at the base hanging out, with Leo telling the rest of members of what went down with the new girl and them during second period.

"Juvia is going to kill is woman if it's the last thing she does for hurting dear Gray-sama," Juvia cried as she jumped towards Gray and started to rub her face in Gray's slightly broken finger, "Juvia is so sorry she wasn't there to protect you darling."

"Juvia cut it out, you're being weird again," Gray said as he started to run away to try and get the obsessed girl off his hand.

"By the way, did anyone go pick up Wendy from school?" Mira asked the group as she finally wiped the last shot glass clean.

"No," everyone said at once.

"Really, but Wendy texted me and said that a nice man picked her up and that Boss sent him," Juvia said as she let stood up with her hand still holding Gray.

"I didn't send shit," Natsu said as she walked out of his office. Everyone's face grew serious, someone's trying to take Wendy, "Get the cars," Natsu ordered as he threw off his blazer and stormed out of the office.

Author's Note

Welp enjoyed it?

Any thoughts?

Oh and I want to know if anyone is comfortable with lemons or if they would like a lemon. Because I'm pretty fine either way


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