Chapter 10: Learning about Heartfilia

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Chapter 10: Learning about Heartfilia

"Weird...? How?" Natsu questioned the blue-headed girl.

"Well she's a sweet friend. Honest, she has a hard time opening up to people. And she's quite the badass if you think about it," Levy said as she giggled a bit.

"Oh don't I know," Natsu sighed as she pinched the bridge of his nose.

'I wonder if I'm doing the right thing when I'm telling him about Lucy,' Levy thought to herself as she studied the pink-headed man.

"What was her family life like? Like her childhood," Natsu asked.

"Well I don't know much about them. I never actually met them and Lucy doesn't like to bring them up. All I got out of her is her father's name, well something like his name. I think it was Food or something close to that," Levy said as she tried to remember the time she and Lucy were at the library and it slipped out.

"Well, do you know where she's from?" Natsu said getting kind of frustrated. He only got a shred of information out of her and it's not the kind he was looking for. He was honestly looking for someone new to join his business, since Erza and Jellal were getting serious. He was a hard-ass, but he respected the concept that people didn't almost need to be at his side, just as long as they defended the family.

"Um, I don't know that either. Sorry," Levy said as a nervous laugh came out of her and she rubbed the back of her head. She was noticing the change in the attitude and she did not forget the type of place she was in. She was making sure that she didn't slip up and then next thing you know, she's got a bullet straight through her forehead. She didn't want to take that risk. Now she has to be extra careful of what comes out of her mouth.

"Aren't you her closet friend?" Natsu asked as his eyebrows pinched together in curiosity.

"Well, I'm her only friend," Levy replied.

"How long have you known her?" He asked as he braced back in his chair. He noticed her answer is shorter than the last ones, her guard is up now and he has to find a way to make her feel safe so she can finally talk and give him some useful information.

"About five months now. We really didn't know each other for that long but I feel like we've known each other for lifetimes. I'm really glad I met someone like her. And to think we would still be friends after the way we met," Levy said as she laughed aloud.

'Bingo! I can retrace her steps from before meeting this girl. I knew she would be useful,' Natsu thought to himself.

"Oh really," Natsu said as he forced a smile on his face, "How did you two meet?"

"Well, it's kinda a funny story," Levy said as she giggled at the memory.


"Can I get a Carmel mocha latte please," Levy said as she stood in front of the cashier and was looking through her back for her wallet. The cashier then nodded her head and rang Levy's order up.

"That will be $2.49. Place step to the right to receive your order. Please come again," The cashier said with a lazy smile on her face. She must be really tired.

Levy moved over and stood there for about three minutes waiting for her latte, until she heard someone yelling at one of the cashier. Being the curious person she is, she decided to look over to see what all the fuss was about. She saw a blonde woman in a black and pink track suit with veins popping out of her forehead.

"What do you mean you can't put cinnamon in my coffee!" The blond woman yelled as she banged her hand on the table once in anger.

"I'm sorry miss, but we're only allowed to put cinnamon in the lattes and teas," The cashier stated as she started to back up and run to find the manager to get rid of this crazy customer.

"You listen here lady. I have had a rough day today and it's not even 10 yet. I suggest you give me what I ask for or else I'm going to jump over this counter, grab you by the head and stick straws up your nose. Just you try me," The blond woman stated as she stared waving her finger all over the place.

"Do we have a problem here?" A very old looking short woman said as she walked up behind the cashier that was getting yelled as.

"Why yes we do," The blond said as she put her hands on her hips and shook her head yes.

'Uh oh. She doesn't know what kind of person Juda is," Levy thought to herself as she started to worry, "Maybe we should help her. Before she spins all the way to the hospital."

"Ahh Jess there you are. I already ordered your drink we have to go," Levy said as she grabbed onto the blond's arm and started to pull her out the door.

"Huh?" The blond said aloud to herself. She was confused to why this person was dragging her out the store.

Levy then used all of her strength and pulled the blond out of the store. She yanked her so hard that the blond fell on her. The two girls then ended up on the on the sidewalk face flat on the floor. Just as they were to get up, Levy raised her head too fast and caused a man who was carrying a box to fall. Out of the box came tons of beautiful different types of fish. They were raw and smelly. And they all landed on the two girls.

The blond got up immediately as soon as she felt the fish fall on her. She looked over and Levy and busted out laughing, as she had seen a large red cod on her head.

Levy got angry and picked up a fish and threw it at Lucy, which ended up in her mouth. She stopped laughing and pulled the fish out of her mouth and started to try and spit out any fish that was still in her mouth. It was Levy's turn to laugh. She grabbed her stomach and pointed at Lucy as she laughed.

"Now look what you did," said a man with brown hair, "Boss is not going to be too happy with this," He went down to grab Levy's arm to force her to pick up the fish, when he all of a sudden fell himself and knocked himself out on impact on the sidewalk. The two girls looked at him, then at each other and started to laugh again.

"Let's get outta here before he wakes up," The blond said as she got up and reached out pick Levy up.

"Yeah," Levy said with a smile. They jumped at the shouting behind them.

"Hey you! You're gonna pay for that!" Someone yelled behind them. The girls started to run in the opposite direction of the voice and started giggling again.

"I'm Lucy," The blond said with a smile as she continued running.

"I'm Levy," Levy said with an almost out of breath smile, "And you my friend owe me a latte"

End Flashback

"Ahhahahah," Natsu laughed as he hit his knee with his hand, "Did the fish really go straight into her mouth?" Natsu asked as quickly tried to wipe a small tear that was coming out of his eye.

"Yeah, guess I was a lucky shot," Levy said as she stared to giggle at Natsu's actions.

'What's wrong with boss? He never acts like this,' Erza thought to herself as she looked straight at his face, 'What are you up too?'


On the outside of the office a huge noise was heard and it caught everyone's attention. Someone had kicked down the main door.

"Where the fuck is she?"

Author's Note

I know it's not as long but I thought it would be fun to add a little inch to the story. Don't know how to explain it.

Thanks for reading


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