Chapter 13: Pink=Gay?

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Chapter 13: Pink=Gay?

"I'm sorry Wendy I don't I heard you quite clearly," Mira said as she went around the bar counter and sat in the stool next to Wendy.

"The man that took me cam by the school today. It didn't look like he came to take me, I saw him standing outside of the school through my classroom window, he was just staring at me," Wendy said as she finished drinking her cup of apple juice.

"Ok listen to me carefully Wendy, do you remember anything about his looks," Mira said as she reached over the bar counter and picked up a notepad and a pen.

"Like I said before, he was um tall and he had really long black hair. He had piercings all over his face and some down his arm I think," Wendy said.

"Now do you remember what he was wearing?" Mira asked as she continued to scribble down the information Wendy was giving to her.

"Ah yeah, I think he was wearing all black. I don't know how else to describe it. Sorry," Wendy said as she smiled a little at Mira.

"Oh don't apologize Wendy. I'll give this to Boss and then he'll make sure that man never comes after you again, okay?" Mira asked Wendy as she patted her on the head. Wendy nodded and smiled a bigger smile back at her, "Why don't you start your homework."

"Sure," Wendy said as she grabbed her book bag and opened it to take out her binder. She then immediately started to solve some math problems.

"Ok I'm back, now where is she," Elfman yelled as he came running into the main hall.

"Shut up Elfman," Someone yelled behind him.

"Who said that? Come fight me like a real man!" Elfman yelled as he pounded on his chest.

"Who are you talking about?" Wendy curiously asked Elfman. She wanted to know if that blond woman that saved her earlier on ever showed up again.

"A blond bimbo that trashed one of our tables. Mira took her to Boss's office," Elfman said as he sat down on the stool next to Wendy.

"Ohh, you do you want to fight her?" Wendy asked.

"Because she looks strong, like a real man," Elfman said as he pounded his chest once more and let out a light laugh as he did it.

"Oh, that's...nice?" Wendy said with confusion as a sweat dropped from her forehead. The members of Fairy Tail sure can be weird sometimes, "Well, good lucky and fighting her Elfman," Wendy said as she began walking away.

"Hold it there young lady, Mira told me I'm supposed to be watching over you while she goes and talks to Boss, and to also warn you not to go to his office," Elfman said as he got up and started walking towards Wendy to being her back to her seat, "Now come here and finish your homework."

"I was going to the bathroom," Wendy said, immediately stopping Elfman in his tracks.

"Oh, oh sorry. You can go," Elfman said as a very noticeable blush started to form on his face. He rubbed the back of his head and nervously laughed as he walked back to his stool and waited for Wendy to come back.

'Hehe he doesn't know I'm going to spy on Big Brother,' Wendy thought to herself as she covered her mouth to keep herself from laughing out loud.

Wendy then snuck away from the main hall, and went up to Natsu's office door. She then pressed her ear against the door to listen in, she could barely hear anything but she could make out a few words.

On the other side of the door, Natsu was sitting at his desk filing his nails, while Lucy was in the secret room asking him non-stop questions. What Natsu didn't know was that Lucy was distracting him when Levy was looking for a way out. There was only one vent in the room and Levy was trying to find a way to get the screws out.

"So why is your hair pink?" Lucy asked as she sat down and started to trace her fingers along the sides of the wall, as she was getting quickly bored.

"When are you going to stop asking stupid questions?" He asked her as he blew some of the nail dust that was in his fingers.

"I don't know, since someone decided to lock me in I'm incredibly bored," Lucy said as she let out a loud sigh and banged her lightly against the wall. She heard no response from him and then started banging the door with her fists to get his attention, "Hey you answer my questions or else I won't shut up,"

"Lucy, I'm warning you," Natsu said as he started to get frustrated. He himself didn't know why he really kept her locked up, he wanted to learn more about her, yet he didn't know how it could do it.

"Are you gay? Is that why you won't tell me why your hair is pink? Because I won't judge this is the future, everything's accepted. You could be a fucking unicorn and people would argue it for you," Lucy said as she giggled a bit. She knew he wasn't gay, she just wanted to get some sort of reaction out of him.

"I'm seriously considering whether I should kill you or not," Natsu said as he himself let out a little chuckle at the blond's words.

"You wouldn't kill me you don't have the balls to do you," Lucy challenged him. Natsu was about to say something when all of a sudden Wendy busted into the room yelling and crying.

"Noooooo don't kill her pleaseeeeee," Wendy yelled as she pushed the door with all her strength and ran towards Natsu. But before she could get to an arm's distance from him, she fell flat in her face.


"Hi Elfman," Mira asked as she came back to the bar counter with the pad of Wendy's description of her possible killer.

"Hey Sis, what's that?" Elfman asked as he pointed to the note pad in Mira's hand.

"Oh it's just something I had to give Boss. But I heard him talking to someone in the office so I went to bathroom," Mira said as she went to on the stool. She looked around and she didn't see Wendy anywhere, Mira then grabbed Elfman by the ear and pulled him down to her, "Elfman, I have a question. Where's Wendy?"

"She said she went to the bath- oh," Elfman began to say but then immediately stopped himself, realizing that he had let Wendy slip away from him. She then put his two fingers together and pouted, in hopes of gaining back his big sister's trust. Instead, Mira gave a lovely smile, and then punched him straight in the face.

"Remember what happens to you when you disobey Elfman," Mira sang to her little brother as she started to walk around and look for Wendy herself.

"Man Mira can be scary," Laxus said as he looked at the white-headed women with a smirk and took a sip of a beer he held in his hand.

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