Chapter 45: The Industrial District Pt. I

Start from the beginning

After all of that they proceeded with Jouzu's goal, to visit the industrial district. It was a place where everything from potions to weapons were manufactured either by hand or by magic. There lies one thing Jouzu wanted to know after discovering monster parts could be used to create weapon. That was to see how Etheria's metals are ranked. For comparison, on earth even if metals like mythril and orihalcum are made out of fiction, mythril is always a rank lower than orihalcum, meaning that orihalcum is more stronger and more valuable than mythril, the same goes with orihalcos which is a sub-grade of orihalcum. Knowing things like this would give him a proper reference of what kind of materials should they take if they were to consider weapon making. Having a quality and durable weapon is one of an Adventurer's necessity and that is an indisputable fact.

Sometime in their walk, a 14-foot stone arch welcomed them, with unfamiliar words inscribed into it which strangely, they can read without problems. The words inscribed read as "Vrojen Industry Section", Jouzu and Nimbus' destination for the day. Like its name suggests, it looked like the place where everything was made. Blacksmith houses, alchemy huts, glass factories, pottery stations and such were visible starting from the district's entrance, chimneys were letting out either smoke or steam that dispersed overtime in the air, noise from forging weapons and armors could be heard everywhere, the clanging of the clashing hammers, metal, and anvil was indication of the ever-busy smiths, the soft humming of lit furnaces was also noticeable as they paced the streets. Aside from the manufacturing houses, there were also stores of different varieties that sold works in their original prices which was generally cheaper than the market price.

"Heh, I was expecting a more polluted area when you said were going to the industrial district but it seems that kind of environment only exists on earth. I've never seen factories that doesn't pollute its surroundings so much that the air wasn't safe to breathe anymore."

Nimbus who was entranced by the cleanliness of the environment couldn't help but to look around and smile as he admired the industrial district. Normally, when someone says industrial area they'd expect it to be polluted, filled with so much smoke and smog that made the air dirty and unsafe which is a big contradiction of what his eyes are witnessing right now.

"I'm surprised too see this too, I also expected the same thing."

"Well, now that were here how about we go straight to business? What do you intend to do here anyways, I'm pretty curious what's going on your mind when you told me that were going here."

Having no idea why Jouzu chose this place to check things out, Nimbus couldn't help but ask.

"Just wanted to confirm one thing and to visit someone Hjern-san told me."

"Hjern-san? Who's that? I think I heard that name before but I can't remember who exactly..." Nimbus asked as he cocked his head sideways.

"Hjern-san is the dwarf that made what I'm currently wearing. He made my weapon too from the materials we got after fighting the Scoropede."

"Is that so? Now I know why that name's familiar. I heard that he's a prolific craftsman too."

While having their little chitchat Jouzu pointed out a certain smith house, "For starters, why don't we ask things from there?" and so, they pressed on.

Arriving at the spot, Nimbus pushed the door lightly that rang a bell as it opened. Noticing someone's arrival, the receptionist turned his attention to them and greeted with befitting manners.

"Welcome to our humble shop sirs, if you're looking to buy something feel free to take a good look on our merchendise. If you have any questions then feel free to ask me."

"O-Oi Jouzu this man's kinda small, is he what I'm thinking of?" Surprised by the receptionists small figure, Nimbus questioned Jouzu.

"Yes, it is what you're thinking. He's a dwarf."

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