How I got my hair feathered.

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Why is my bed so sticky? Oh my gods, ew.  Don’t think like that, ew.  Please don’t let that be the reason, I thought to myself, coming up with a really bad idea in my head.  I have an older brother that has friends, my mind became kinda dirty.

My eyes fully opened to see that Nico was still working on the prank, laughing the whole time.  He snickered as he tied a string to my finger.

“What the Hades do you think you are doing?” I growled.  “Shouldn’t you be sailing across the sea?”

“I knew it!  It was you!” Nico exclaimed.  “Don’t worry, I don’t believe in revenge.”

“Oh really?  Then why are you in my cabin, doing a prank?”

Nico rocked back and forth on his feet as I looked down at my bed.  I was covered in syrup, which I hated with a passion.  I was about to slap Nico’s arm when I pulled the string that was attached to my finger and a pile of feathers came slowly drifting towards me.  Before they could land, I had a gust of wind blow them out of the way.

“You jerk!  You tried to feather me!!!”

“You are the one that tried to drown me.”

“I had dryads make sure you didn’t sink. I’m not that cruel,” I argued.

“Oh really?” he challenged.

 I rolled my eyes and got out of my bed.  “I’m going to the showers now to get this maple syrup off of me. Thank you for pouring it over me, now I am sure to smell great,” I lied, making up the beauty tip.

“Smell great?  That would be a big change for you,” he muttered.

I blew the load of feathers that were on the floor at his face and he started choking and coughing up feathers.  Satisfied with the punishment, I briskly walked to the door.  Right when it opened, a bucket of feathers dropped onto my head and covered my entire body.  The feathers stuck to me because of the maple syrup.

I almost blew up right there, but Nico started laughing.  You would think that I would become mad because he was laughing at me, but Karma has its ways and caused him to start choking on the feathers as he laughed.

I sped off to the showers to wash off.  I probably looked like a huge scrawny chicken because I was flying and the feathers covered nearly every visible inch of my body.

At the showers, I had a shower.  It took around thirty minutes until I got the feathers and syrup out of my hair and an hour to get all of the feathers off of my body.  As you guessed, campers, I took up all the warm water there was in camp.  I’m sorry, but a bird has got to do what it has got to do to look like a teenager.  At least Nico would have to take a cold shower, if he even takes showers…

(Percy just made this “new” rule that laptops aren’t allowed in camp.  He is only enforcing it upon his siblings, so I’m kinda screwed.  It takes a lot of time and energy to get all the way to the library, kill the librarian [again] and remember exactly what happened, while doing it all in one night.  Even Dakota’s Kool Aid doesn’t contain enough sugar to keep me going.  I love you all that have made it this far. (unless you are Will and is trying to find out how to take me down. Go jump into Tartarus Will! (the sidekick of James))

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